These explanations are the rule but with every rule there are exceptions.
It is a fact that the human eye and ear have a range of sensitivity.
What is the exception to 1+1=2?
The "rules" we are talking about are observations of the universe
And yes all things do NOT have a scientific explanation (nor ever will), and that does not mean they are not.
I didn't say they
were not.
We can't measure or observe dark matter or dark energy. We only know of it's existence through the observation of it's effects on observable, material objects and from proofs from advanced mathematics.
Some things are not withing the realm of scientific evaluation so it is a tautology to say we will never have a scientific explanation of something that is not subject to scientific examination.
Finally some creature see what we cannot see and hear what we cannot hear (therefore sights and sounds exist outside our ability to perceive them thus I am sure others exist that no earthly creature can even imagine).
We weren't talking about what "some creatures" can hear and see. We were talking about what human beings can hear and see.
That "finally" is totally illogical.
Thus if quantum physics can be considered science and the possibility (which is mainstream by the way) of alternate simultaneous dimensions or realities exist it supports my premise even further.
How does quantum theory support your premise that the human eye can see beyond what it can see and the human ear can hear beyond what it can hear?
Quantum theory does not posit that there are "alternate" dimensions. It proposes that there are 10
actual dimensions and, if gravity is included, as in string theory, then 11 dimensions.
Quantum physics deals with the ultra-small. It does not deal with anything having to do with what the human eye can see and the human ear can hear.
There are perceptions beyond hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and tasting. That they exist is demonstrated by people's experiences, my own included. But they cannot be measured, tested, or quantified by any methodology known to scientists so far.
You have added nothing of substance to your premise.
iakov the fool
(beaucoup dien cai dau)
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