There is nothing in Scripture for today that says we should use anointing oil and there is nothing in Scripture that says we should not use the oil.It is used as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.I don't need that symbol and I do not use it.
Agreed. Along the same lines, we are told to lay hands on the sick to be healed. but is it necessary? Can one cast out a demon with a simple begone, and no hands? Of course you can. So why the laying on of hands instruction? I've thought about this and I *think* that when one does this, there is a coming together of the spirits of the two wherein the spiritual energy of the two combined may just speak louder in heaven or some such. Along the lines of where two come together in agreement in My name, it shall be done. it may be merely symbolic, or it may be, something that we don't understand that really takes place within the spiritual realm when it is done. Oil also, same thing. Not absolutely necessary, but perhaps better than without. It sure can't hurt.
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