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Rollo Tamasi

Warrior for Christ
Antifa, how big is it, and where is it going?
How dangerous is it to us?
Will Biden be affected by antifa?
This, like everything else, has two versions of reality (if not more):. the QAnon conspiracy theory, and the truth.

The reality of it is in the very plain English:. Anti-Fascist. They shortened it to Antifa. Here is the basic, Webster dictionary definition for it: person or group,call themselves "antifas" …—

It's actually a Christian movement, started by Christians. For that matter, you'd think all Americans were Anti-Fascist ever since Hitler, and Fascism was never what America stood for.
Fast-forward 75 years, and now QAnon dubs Antifa this swear word, that you're supposed to hate. Ooh, socialism, commies, Marxism, ISIS, Taliban, Proud Boys, liberalism bad! They prey on ignorance. You are doing the right thing by at least asking what Antifa even is, before just going out and hating it while knowing nothing about it.

It's Anti-Fascist. Anti-white supremacist. Simple as that. By the way the word is portrayed, you'd think they were all terrorists, but in fact, every WW2 veteran would in fact be Antifa. And if that sounds twisted, it's because it is.
This, like everything else, has two versions of reality (if not more):. the QAnon conspiracy theory, and the truth.

The reality of it is in the very plain English:. Anti-Fascist. They shortened it to Antifa. Here is the basic, Webster dictionary definition for it: : a person or group,call themselves "antifas" …—

It's actually a Christian movement, started by Christians. For that matter, you'd think all Americans were Anti-Fascist ever since Hitler, and Fascism was never what America stood for.
Fast-forward 75 years, and now QAnon dubs Antifa this swear word, that you're supposed to hate. Ooh, socialism, commies, Marxism, ISIS, Taliban, Proud Boys, liberalism bad! They prey on ignorance. You are doing the right thing by at least asking what Antifa even is, before just going out and hating it while knowing nothing about it.

It's Anti-Fascist. Anti-white supremacist. Simple as that. By the way the word is portrayed, you'd think they were all terrorists, but in fact, every WW2 veteran would in fact be Antifa. And if that sounds twisted, it's because it is.
Is there a website or facebook page setup by the Antifa movement that one can visit to read what they have to say and hear from them what they stand for?
No, because there is no such thing. Antifas go all the way back to 1946, when they were going about how to antifa post-Reich Germany.
No, because there is no such thing. Antifas go all the way back to 1946, when they were going about how to antifa post-Reich Germany.
So how does one learn the truth about what Antifa is and what Antifa stands for in today's world? Based on some of the events of this past summer or claims of what Antifa has been involved with, I'm not convinced they are just anti-fascist. I'm anti-fascist for sure but I would not support the things I've seen that they are claimed to be part of.

Everything I find suggests or claims Antifa is composed of extreme left ideology but I'm not convinced that is necessarily true. In fact, I'm not convinced Antifa has much to do with politics at all except to oppose certain political ideologies. My best guess is that they are not favorable toward socialism either because that would require a strong governmental power. Is this accurate?
I try to steer clear of these fringe groups because they seem so vulnerable to extremist take overs. Their positions seem to morph constantly and their actions erratic. If there was a party formed that was clear cut in purpose, say like a Christian Constitutionalist Party with a clear simple purpose and message, I'd jump right in.
I try to steer clear of these fringe groups because they seem so vulnerable to extremist take overs. Their positions seem to morph constantly and their actions erratic. If there was a party formed that was clear cut in purpose, say like a Christian Constitutionalist Party with a clear simple purpose and message, I'd jump right in.
There was a Christian Party in Italy created after WWII when the King fell and a parliamentary system was set in place.
It was called Democrazia Cristiana. I don't know that there was too much about it that was Christian.

Also, I'm not much for a theocracy....
power seems to go to man's head.
For instance, Iran is a we like Iran?
What is antifa anyway?
I know nothing about it....
I'm with WIP --- I'd like more information about it.
That's what I was asking.
Many think it is part of Qanon.

We are presently under alert as militias, etc. are supposedly on their way to D.C. for the inaugural coming up of Biden as president.
Will there be blood shed over him becoming president?
Many believe it is Qanon coming.
That's what I was asking.
Many think it is part of Qanon.

We are presently under alert as militias, etc. are supposedly on their way to D.C. for the inaugural coming up of Biden as president.
Will there be blood shed over him becoming president?
Many believe it is Qanon coming.
Wow,,,I've been gone from the states a LONG time!
What is Qanon?
Wow,,,I've been gone from the states a LONG time!
What is Qanon?
Qanon is a fringe conspiracy theory.
Some say it doesn't exist.
Government, wants us to believe we have nothing to fear.
But Qanon has been on line, on you tube, twitter, facebook etc...
But the government isn't taking it so lightly.
Qanon is being banned from being online, but that doesn't mean theye don't exist.
What is antifa anyway?
I know nothing about it....
I'm with WIP --- I'd like more information about it.
Antifa was a student protest group that stood against perceived and real fascist sympathizer speakers on campus. It has since disbanded.

Now its a catch all buzzword for people that protest against "fascism" perceived or real. The issues mostly arise due to many separate groups that range from your common liberal Democrat to your Anarchist socialist all claim to be anti fascist. The media and the President like using the term as a cliche and scape goat for whenever a protest goes south.
Wow,,,I've been gone from the states a LONG time!
What is Qanon?
Qanon was started on 4chan on their political boards by an anonymous user who claimed to have Q level securiry clearence. The person(s) made various predictions and claims that the Democrats are an evil Satan worshipping cabal (with pedophilia and child sacrifice involved) and that Trump is the only person who can stop the evil from winning and save the children/country.

It developed a cult following and basicly absorbed every conspiracy under the sun. So its basicly Fear and Loathing meets Pizzagate meets David Ike's lizard people meets New World Order.
Antifa was a student protest group that stood against perceived and real fascist sympathizer speakers on campus. It has since disbanded.

Now its a catch all buzzword for people that protest against "fascism" perceived or real. The issues mostly arise due to many separate groups that range from your common liberal Democrat to your Anarchist socialist all claim to be anti fascist. The media and the President like using the term as a cliche and scape goat for whenever a protest goes south.
Got it.

I'm glad you said "perceived or real" because it sure seems to me like there is censoring going on in universities...
I refer to conservative or right leaning speakers being banned from speaking due to fear of rioting from the other side.
This makes me wonder if I, personally, would be likely to allow a true fascist to speak.
The reply could simply be that no one would show up for the talk!

It seems to me that free speech is disappearing from our society.
Qanon was started on 4chan on their political boards by an anonymous user who claimed to have Q level securiry clearence. The person(s) made various predictions and claims that the Democrats are an evil Satan worshipping cabal (with pedophilia and child sacrifice involved) and that Trump is the only person who can stop the evil from winning and save the children/country.

It developed a cult following and basicly absorbed every conspiracy under the sun. So its basicly Fear and Loathing meets Pizzagate meets David Ike's lizard people meets New World Order.
I don't know about pizzagate or David Ike, but I understand the other two you mention.

Oddly enough, however, even over here (Italy) persons that are of the right believe that the world as we knew it is finished and, yes, that Trump was the only person
standing between the OWO and us.

What do you think?
When I was a young lass I was of the left and believed that authoritarianism would come from the right.
Instead now, it seems to be coming from the left.
Of course, if YOU are left-leaning you won't believe this and will believe the end of freedom will come from the right.
Antifa is suppose to be Christian,
KKK used to call itself Christian.
Don't believe it.
There are a lot of people that associate with Christianity that fall short. We all fall short. Some of us can get pretty misguided ideas about what it means to be Christian. The true definition is follower of Christ. That would mean that as Christians we live like Christ. How many of us actually do? I can certainly say that I fall short.

Here's what I find on the internet when I search for "what is Antifa?"

Antifa is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It is highly decentralized and comprises an array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform.

  • Antifa is not a highly organized movement, nor is it merely an idea. Antifa is a loose affiliation of local activists scattered across the United States and a few other countries.
  • The term "antifa" is short for anti-fascist; it's used both by its adherents and its foes.
  • In general, people who identify as antifa are known not for what they support, but what they oppose: Fascism, nationalism, far-right ideologies, white supremacy, authoritarianism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia. Some antifa activists also denounce capitalism and the government overall.
  • Mostly, people aligned with antifa are on the left of the political spectrum. Antifa is not, however, affiliated with Joe Biden, the Democratic Party or its leaders. Biden has condemned antifa and called violence "unacceptable.
OCTOBER 16, 2020 / 1:59 PM / CBS NEWS

Today in the United States, antifa, which is short for anti-fascists, is known as a very loose collection of individuals and groups who aggressively oppose far-right movements, mainly focusing on white supremacists, neo-Nazis or other organizations with violent agendas like the Proud Boys, said Oren Segal, vice president for the center on extremism with the Anti-Defamation League.

The movement is not organized. Rather, it is comprised of small squads of people in different cities, with no national leaders or unifying structure, Segal said.
By Erica Evans@Erica_Lee_Evans Updated Sep 2, 2020, 10:05pm MDT
Got it.

I'm glad you said "perceived or real" because it sure seems to me like there is censoring going on in universities...
I refer to conservative or right leaning speakers being banned from speaking due to fear of rioting from the other side.
This makes me wonder if I, personally, would be likely to allow a true fascist to speak.
The reply could simply be that no one would show up for the talk!

It seems to me that free speech is disappearing from our society.
Its one of those complex issues that gets polarized by talking points. The is a problem with over reacting when people p le have bad takes,but there are people that hide their intentions and do try to recruit vulnerable people with hidden messages. Its a mess.
I don't know about pizzagate or David Ike, but I understand the other two you mention.

Oddly enough, however, even over here (Italy) persons that are of the right believe that the world as we knew it is finished and, yes, that Trump was the only person
standing between the OWO and us.

What do you think?
When I was a young lass I was of the left and believed that authoritarianism would come from the right.
Instead now, it seems to be coming from the left.
Of course, if YOU are left-leaning you won't believe this and will believe the end of freedom will come from the right.
I hate the hard terms left and right. I personally think that people from either persuasion can equally fall into the allure of Authoritarianism. Either through the idea of "The Greater Good" or " Great Man/ People theory"

Politics and greater Ethics is way more complex than a talking point allows, so its easier for programs and talking heads to just toss isseus into right/left boxes.

I have called myself left wing and right wing over the years, but its all just vauge labling and can mean whatever wants to mean at the given moment.

I just go by a basis that anyone promising amazing political changes based on joining a specific movement to be a potentially scary individual.
I hate the hard terms left and right. I personally think that people from either persuasion can equally fall into the allure of Authoritarianism. Either through the idea of "The Greater Good" or " Great Man/ People theory"

Politics and greater Ethics is way more complex than a talking point allows, so its easier for programs and talking heads to just toss isseus into right/left boxes.

I have called myself left wing and right wing over the years, but its all just vauge labling and can mean whatever wants to mean at the given moment.

I just go by a basis that anyone promising amazing political changes based on joining a specific movement to be a potentially scary individual.
I hate to say this in this political climate...
but, actually, Trump is the first President I can think of that actually attempted to do what he promised.
Generally, however, I'd have to agree with you that some politicos are just looking for power and thus make up their own group.
This happens here all the time...heard today that soon there will be a new political party - like there aren't enough.

I agree with Jordon Peterson: We need the left because they tend to be very innovative and push for new ideas.
We need the right because they're very organized and know how to produce - be it a product or an idea.

I don't agree with you, however, that the labels left and right could mean whatever one wants at any given moment.
I believe the left has a set of ideologies and ditto for the right.

Maybe we need to recognize ourselves in one of these two groups and then join them.
Looks like the U.S. and Italy are split right down the middle.
It'll be interesting to see what happens.