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I hate to say this in this political climate...
but, actually, Trump is the first President I can think of that actually attempted to do what he promised.
Generally, however, I'd have to agree with you that some politicos are just looking for power and thus make up their own group.
This happens here all the time...heard today that soon there will be a new political party - like there aren't enough.

I agree with Jordon Peterson: We need the left because they tend to be very innovative and push for new ideas.
We need the right because they're very organized and know how to produce - be it a product or an idea.

I don't agree with you, however, that the labels left and right could mean whatever one wants at any given moment.
I believe the left has a set of ideologies and ditto for the right.

Maybe we need to recognize ourselves in one of these two groups and then join them.
Looks like the U.S. and Italy are split right down the middle.
It'll be interesting to see what happens.
I'm not on far left or right. Pretty much a middle of the road person but I do lean more right than left. I wish more of our political hopefuls were more in the middle instead of the extremes they fit today.
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I hate the hard terms left and right. I personally think that people from either persuasion can equally fall into the allure of Authoritarianism. Either through the idea of "The Greater Good" or " Great Man/ People theory"

Politics and greater Ethics is way more complex than a talking point allows, so its easier for programs and talking heads to just toss isseus into right/left boxes.

I have called myself left wing and right wing over the years, but its all just vauge labling and can mean whatever wants to mean at the given moment.

I just go by a basis that anyone promising amazing political changes based on joining a specific movement to be a potentially scary individual.
I like Drew Carrey's political affiliation...Libertarian.
When you think of Antifa, think of (Ps. 2:1-4) "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing. The Kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in he heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision."

It will be from these Antifa type waters of people that the beast in (Rev. 17:1), and (17:15) arise. A Godless beast.

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Type in to your browser and see the website you are looking for.

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Type in to your browser and see the website you are looking for.

That's interesting. It redirect to which is a "Biden-Harris Transition" website.
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I'm not on far left or right. Pretty much a middle of the road person but I do lean more right than left. I wish more of our political hopefuls were more in the middle instead of the extremes they fit today.
Seems like there's no more middle.
Same in Italy.
Seems like we're split right down the middle....
It feels like an ideological civil war.
Both sides feel like it's the end of the world if they don't win.
It's a bad situation.
That's interesting. It redirect to which is a "Biden-Harris Transition" website.
Yes, the guy who made the website originally made it as a joke. People didn't get the joke so after the election the guy made it a redirect to the Biden Harris website.
Yes, the guy who made the website originally made it as a joke. People didn't get the joke so after the election the guy made it a redirect to the Biden Harris website.

I agree, Biden is a joke.

I actually feel sorry for him. He is clearly not mentally fit for the job.


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I’m a child of God.

Of course you are.

If we were discussing denominations I would have said I'm a son of God.

Since the discussion context was about national identifier I said American, as opposed to Democrat or Republican or Libertarian...

What does it mean to be an american?

The Declaration, moreover, instructs us in its celebrated language that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and “that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

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I'm libertarian left if I was forced to pick a place on the quadrant.


Since I dont know much about libertarian left, I looked it up on Wikipedia. Not that Wikipedia describes your position.

Do you believe in the ownership of personal property?

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I agree, Biden is a joke.

I actually feel sorry for him. He is clearly not mentally fit for the job.


Biden is just a puppet figure head. Harris is the real "President in Waiting". This is why the Right is so concerned. A national emergency under Harris could very well be the end of the constitution......permanently.
Of course you are.

If we were discussing denominations I would have said I'm a son of God.

Since the discussion context was about national identifier I said American, as opposed to Democrat or Republican or Libertarian...

What does it mean to be an american?

The Declaration, moreover, instructs us in its celebrated language that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and “that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

As far as National identity, were we not known first and foremost as a Christian Nation? Was not the words you posted derived from a biblical theology?
No offence JLB, but Satan has tricked you. This is how our Love for the Lord is split.
As far as National identity, were we not known first and foremost as a Christian Nation? Was not the words you posted derived from a biblical theology?
No offence JLB, but Satan has tricked you. This is how our Love for the Lord is split.

Of course a Christian Nation.

I am a child of the kingdom of God first and foremost, which will remain no matter what happens to America.

Nevertheless, I am an American, which is one nation under God. I love my country, and honor those who fight for our Nation.

Again, here is what I believe it means to be an American.

The Declaration, moreover, instructs us in its celebrated language that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and “that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

God loves America.

Unfortunatly it has been hijacked through corruption.

Of course a Christian Nation.

I am a child of the kingdom of God first and foremost, which will remain no matter what happens to America.

Nevertheless, I am an American, which is one nation under God.

Again, here is what I believe it means to be an American.

The Declaration, moreover, instructs us in its celebrated language that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and “that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

God loves America.

Unfortunatly it has been hijacked through corruption.

The constitution protects the rights of all these factions to even exist, but the corrupt power mongering extremists from all sides are trying to tear it up so they "win".
Of course a Christian Nation.
We can no longer assume this is true.
Many call themselves American, yet reject God.

We cannot label ourselves as American without first announcing we are Christians, aka followers of Christ first and foremost.

I have seen so many Christians put Trump before God recently it makes me sad. Honestly, every Empire in the history of the world has fell. America will one day fall too and a new Empire will succeed America. But Christianity will be alive and well as it has been through the centuries.

We are children of the Most High, who happen to be blessed as natural citizens of America which is a Nation founded upon Biblical theology.