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The constitution protects the rights of all these factions to even exist, but the corrupt power mongering extremists from all sides are trying to tear it up so they "win".
the decay of the moral fabric of our society has caused the abuse of our freedoms.

we are free in Christ, but we also have responsibilities. When we abandon our responsibilities as a nation, the freedom we had becomes abused.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20​

New International Version​

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
What does it mean to be an american?

The Declaration, moreover, instructs us in its celebrated language that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and “that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The scriptures instruct us as well. But what was it that God said of his children and paying lip service?
Of course a Christian Nation.

I am a child of the kingdom of God first and foremost, which will remain no matter what happens to America.

Nevertheless, I am an American, which is one nation under God. I love my country, and honor those who fight for our Nation.

Again, here is what I believe it means to be an American.

The Declaration, moreover, instructs us in its celebrated language that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and “that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

God loves America.

Unfortunatly it has been hijacked through corruption.

No, I disagree.
God is more powerful than satan and all his corruption.
It is the falling away from God that allowed everything to go wrong.
As far as National identity, were we not known first and foremost as a Christian Nation? Was not the words you posted derived from a biblical theology?
No offence JLB, but Satan has tricked you. This is how our Love for the Lord is split.

Was it not the Lord who said think not that I come to bring peace, but rather division. As the sheep are divided from the goats, as the tare matures before the wheat; how do you suppose those divisions would occur?
Are you an American?

Mexicans are technically Americans too. I mean, they live in what we call North America.

Are you American?

Can a Texan truly be an American if they are always threatening to secede from the Union? :chin
Was it not the Lord who said think not that I come to bring peace, but rather division.

On this we agree.

However, we must keep the context about what He as the Messiah was called to do in Israel.

Believing the Gospel can indeed cause even members of a household to hate you, especially in the Jewish household.

Can a Texan truly be an American if they are always threatening to secede from the Union?

For one, I never threatened to secede from the Union.

Secondly, if I did, it wouldn’t make much difference.


Since I dont know much about libertarian left, I looked it up on Wikipedia. Not that Wikipedia describes your position.

Do you believe in the ownership of personal property?

View attachment 10358
Yes, I believe in the ownership of personal property. My politics wouId closely resemble social Democrat. I believe in markets, a strong social safety net, governance being localized centralized governance being more about standards of commerce, and more democratic involvement in workplaces/ collective ownership between the workers (not the government).
Could you elaborate on this?
I would like more collective (worker, not state) ownership of work places, and would prefer a more democraticly elected system of company management instead of CFO/CEO structures. This is beyond the scope sole proprietary.

My stance is that people should have more control of large organizations to reduce alienation. Im not saying that companies should be forced by the fed to adopt this model however. This should be a decision made by the people who work in the said conditons.
I would like more collective (worker, not state) ownership of work places, and would prefer a more democraticly elected system of company management instead of CFO/CEO structures. This is beyond the scope sole proprietary.

My stance is that people should have more control of large organizations to reduce alienation. Im not saying that companies should be forced by the fed to adopt this model however. This should be a decision made by the people who work in the said conditons.
Some do. In 1986 the company I last worked for was sold to a European company in London. The owners negotiated a clause that would give them first dibs on an option to buy the company back sometime in the future. In 1993 two of the original three owners formed an S-Corp. to raise capital in order to make a down-payment and succeeded in purchasing the company back from the European company. Part of their desire was that at some time in the future the employees would buy the company from them. In 2000, that dream became a reality and we employees formed a trust and raised the capital to pay the down-payment necessary to purchase the company. We were now 100% employee owned.

If your company is publicly traded, you can become part owner by purchasing stocks.