Hey Vic~ Where did you study Newton's beliefs in escatology? How do I find his writtings on Daniel and revelation? I admire his faith and walk with Christ and his fine mind, could you point me specifically to a website that includes His views on this topic? Thanks! :-D
That Newton link:
http://members.aol.com/mariostz/christi ... ology.html
Reformed Christian Eschatology
Eschaton, Nâ'ba, and other often Neglected Topics
From Reformed Christian Perspectives
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Reformed Church Eschatology!
The Historic Reformed Church view of Eschatology by many imminent Reformed Theologians covering topics such as the millennial reign of Revelation 20, and the 70 weeks of Daniel 9, from a 'distinctly Reformed' Perspective!
Biblical Eschatology!
This site has a Collection of Articles and papers on Millennialism, the reign of Christ, and Biblically based eschatological teachings of the Reformed Church.
The Historicism Research Foundation
The Historicism Research Foundation is a non-profit organiation that exists to promote the historical interpretation of biblical prophecy that the Westminster Confession (1646) espouses.The Rev. Prof. Dr. Francis Nigel Lee serves as our advisor.
The End Times
A collection of Studies and articles by different authors on the end time events.
The Final Tribulation
Days of Vengeance! (c)Bruno Kolberg [Second Edition, 1998], This book is a biblical analysis of end-time prophecy, particularly as it relates to the period we call The Tribulation. The first edition was published in May 1993 with a print run of 3000 (now exhausted).
Reformed Eschatology!
Collection of Articles on Reformed Eschatology from various Reformed authors. From Reformed Sovereign Grace Literature Home Page
His Tomorrow
Dedicated to equipping the saints with solid, Biblical exegesis of end-times prophecy in the Bible. Position taken is the same as that of Sir Isaac Newton, Matthew Henry, and Charles Spurgeon: Pre-millennial Historicism.
Your Reformed Eschatology Page
Awe, I'm probably way off base here :smt064