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Anyone have this kind of marriage?


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I've decided to separate from her starting in January. I parents go to FL every year for 3 months so that is where I'll go. I've done this for the past 2 yrs but not correctly. In 2011 I was only gone 5 days with still contact, in 2012, I was gone 17 but we still saw each other every few days. Both times this accomplished nothing, except hurting me more. I basically just "waited" for an emotional response & never really got one?
In 2013, I have to go the full 3 months with no contact at all. Instead of "waiting", I have to fully let go. Because of financial reasons, our house etc, I would have to return, at least for a little while, but I think the results of being gone will tell the tale.
Apparently you've missed my other posts so I'll give you a quick refresher.
We are both Christians, We've been to counseling, a marriage encounter weekend earlier this year, I've been going to counseling for over a year & have told her (the counselor)everything I've put on here.
We have been told repeatedly what needs to happen like more intimacy, more couple time, more personal conversations etc and my wife doesn't try any of it. She is perfectly happy with how we are. Our grand daughter is her top priority, she babysits nights & weekends & just enjoys my company.
Our sex life wasn't even once a month & when it did happen, it was boring basic & quick with no foreplay. I quit asking a month & a half ago & I'm done until we are "fixed"??
My separating is a last resort for me to reclaim some self respect back for being the least important for the past
several years. Maybe she'll miss me, maybe she won't?? She didn't offer any resistance when I mentioned it to her? I take offense to being called "needy", I just want what every marriage needs. My counselor can't believe I'm still holding on?
I'm not "fishing" for a divorce, if that was the case I would have already done it. As far as bothering people on here, you've been the only hateful negative responder. Why don't you read the entire thread before you respond.Consider this thread dead!!
I have taken that mindset & pray constantly for strength. I've given up on the idea of an "intimate" marriage & I hold no resentment toward my wife. I still treat her like God intended & don't expect anything in return. My only goal is keeping her happy while I suffer in silence.

I don't think the way to love one's wife is to give without expecting anything in return. Did Jesus do that? Did God forgive us and ask nothing in return? He asked for everything in return, our whole selves.

As a married man, your responsibility is to be like Jesus who washes the church with the water of the word, presenting her blameless. You should desire your wife's sanctification. Part of sanctification for a married women is obeying I Corinthians 7 and having sex with her husband. So you should keep up the sex.

Take the duty sex. I know dry passionless sex leaves a lot wanting. But keep up what level of intimacy she'll give.

Don't give up either. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Then, as the head in the marriage, keep pushing for a better marriage-- more long walks on the beach if that's what you think you need, or more couple time. All that sort of stuff to build up the relationship. Pull rank if you have to. You can tell her I'm the head in this relationship and the Bible teaches you to submit to me, and I am responsible before God for how I treat you as a husband. I see that our marriage has a need for X, Y, and Z, so I'm going to schedule some activities. Tell the mother of that baby your wife can't babysit on certain days, and schedule a date for your wife. Tell her what to wear and plan the whole thing. Or spend some alone time talking. Take the lead in fixing the stuff. If she doesn't go along with the Biblical headship role, you may need to be more subtle about it. Some women say they don't like the man being in charge, but something about it is attractive to them on a more primal level, which is something to keep in mind.

Speaking of that, in the bedroom, if you can still pick her up, before you do have sex, do something different-- pick her up and carry her over the threshold. Pull her into the bedroom for a kiss. As long as she's having a good time, you can be physical like this and experiment and see if something like that appeals to her. You can also show a lot of physical affection during the day, hugging, patting, squeezing, groping if no one is around, as long as she responds well. Act like a newly wed, and maybe it will rub off. If you've been separated, you may have a good excuse for acting a little wild when you get her alone. If you push her limits a little with the affection and she acts indignant at sexual attention, "You stop looking so sexy and I'll stop..." doing whatever. Hopefully, she'll smile or laugh at that. If you up her passion for her 10x while you are having sex with her-- act like you just want to devour her, if only 10% of that rubbed off on her, that would be an improvement.

Or if you haven't been all that romantic, you can try the flowers and songs under the window approach. I know at times, I sure have wished my wife would have been more passionate about sex, but I didn't realize I wasn't providing the proper context. Right when we got married, we had a lot of sex. Many years later, we didn't have as much. But I remember, right when we got married, I might grab her as soon as I got home, give her a passionate kiss that said I have to have you now, and pulled her to the bed. And she was into it. Eight years later my approach was, "Do you want to have sex tonight?" And she might say, "no," and then she might say no, and that could turn into a disagreement. I'd just left it open for her to say 'no' by asking her the way I did, especially in my matter-of-fact, unpassionate, unromantic way with no warm up. Why would she want sex? If I'd been kissing and hugging her for four hours, and I picked her up in my arms and took her to the bed, making her heart skip a beat, I'd increase my chances of her having some desire. It's kind of like selling a used car. If the salesman acts like he doesn't think you'd want to buy it, you probably won't. But if he acts like he knows you will want it, you might be more inclined to buy it. She may feel more attracted to you because of the combination of passion and confidence.

Be careful with the picking her up thing if she's gotten heavier and you aren't as strong as you used to be, though. :)

If you act like the passionate strong man that must have her, or the sappy romantic guy who loves her so much...or whatever else pushes her buttons, you might get a little more willingness on her end. We don't watch much TV around here, but we did watch one show a while back. I asked my wife what she thought of the leading male characters and how attractive they were. It was insightful for me regarding what kind of personality traits she found appealing in a man. If she likes the decisive tough guy, do that in the bedroom. If she likes the soft, romantic guy, use that approach. A lot of American men err on the side of being to sensitive and romantic because that is what women say they want, but women say that, but in high school, a lot of the girls were attracted to the tough guy jocks who teased them mercilessly and didn't open the door for them.

I think the separation thing is a bad idea. She's not cheating on you, beating anyone, or anything like that? The issue is a lack of passion, right? If her heart has grown cold to you, I wouldn't risk absence making the heart grow fonder. My guess is you'd have more success 'tightening the leash' rather than loosening it. (I know, it's an awful metaphor.) I suspect you'd have better results trying to really manage the relationship.

And don't forget about the spiritual side. I've heard that less than 1% of couples who pray together regularly get divorced. You can pray about feelings and passion in the marriage, too.
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Wounded warrior,

Just 2 more things: You know that just becasue another doesn't follow Scripture is no excuse for us not to do so, right?

And then in reading Ephs 5:25-27 we are told that we husbands should be giving of ourselves EVEN as Christ gave of Himself for us. We should be trying to "cleanse" her and make her "holy" and make her "blameless" and make her presentable without any flaws ("stain, wrinkle, or any other blemish.") How would your wife feel about you literally sharing with the whole world what goes on in your bed between you and your wife? How do you think all of what you have said about your wife here fits into making her persentable without flaws? We are told to forgive someone an amount which equates to eternity. God WiLL help us do all things.

I doubt his name is really woundedwarrior. It seems to be an anonymous handle so he can share these things without anyone knowing who his wife is and without shaming his wife.

I guess the bigger questions here are what constitutes gossip and whether it is ethical to ask for advice and comfort anonymously online.

If people can't share their marriage problems here, then what can be posted and discussed here is very limited.

I think some people who log on to forums like this can experience, comfort, good advice, maybe even a needed reproof.
You BOTH need the sort of counseling that will get you EACH back to being close to God. Psychology can be a help, but because its basis is not biblical, it will not get you close to God. Therefore, you need to find a counselor or pastor who is a CERTIFIED member of the IABC (International Association of Biblical Counselors) HERE or a similar group NANC (National Association of Nothetic Counselors) HERE

This is the best thing to do because they are trained to help you both place God first in your marriage.
Pres, You say, "I think some people who log on to forums like this can experience, comfort, good advice, maybe even a needed reproof." That is a wonderful ideal; really nice.

First of all, none of us are perfect on this forum; NO Christians are. So you have all of the threats here or in ANY church of the same hostilities of the world, UNFORTUNATELY; which poeple are now struggling with to free themselves but there just the same. For many years of my first as a Christian I held onto that idea myself openly sharing in church and small group studies. I don't want to share what I experienced but please for your sake believe me, you could very well be cutting your own throat. This site has excellent moderators but they aren't perfect and thery can't be every where at the ame time. And they let this thread go on with out cautioning him and suggesting he go to a more private forum which I think should have been done.

Granted, you may have some annonominiy online but 99.9% of the people online have no idea (don't want to) of how UN-annonomous or safe and secure they REALLY are. No matter what username or email address or web page you use with an annonomous name you still have the same identifier number which also is attached to your sites you go which have your real name and personal data. Embeded in many of those user terms that are thousands of words long and which most people click OK to to get the app there is an agreeement to allow and download cookies along with the app. The cookies keep track of all of the sites you visit and reports it back to them. From that data their job is facilitated for finding out the real you. You can go "in-private" browse but that only possibly keeps your pc from keeping a history NOT your server or the other sites which you visit who sell that info with your IP address. What one does online is no secret and neither is who they are. The whole server idea for most online networking is about gaining data on the users to use or sell for advertising or goevrnmental aquisition for building their data base of personel profiles in order to effect tighter control.
Just wishing to point out that the kind of collecting and selling of personal data is not done here at CFnet at all. We do use cookies to enhance your experience here. Not to collect information. We only use IP addresses to investigate suspicious behaviour.

With all that said, let's get back to topic. :yes

It pains me to say this, but you are not by any means alone. Indeed, it is my perception that you describe a very common situation. It seems to me that at some point many women find that they really have no use for a man in their life. They have no interest in sex, and for them it becomes an obligation for which they resent the man. Making dinner is a tiresome job which they would rather not do and feel it is unfair that they should have to do it, (while not appreciating the fact that the man goes to work every single day to provide a nice life for them). This adds to the resentment. I realize I am making assumptions about your particular relationship, but this is my personal experience and that of people I know.

I don’t think being a Christian makes much difference in this area. Yes, God asks us to honor and love our spouses, but if in reality that spouse is just a nuisance to you, you will be limited in how much affection you can drum up.

Personally I think it is disgraceful that people who claim to be Christians can say very hurtful things to their spouse in intimate situations. If being a Christian means you can do that, does being a Christian really mean anything?

The question is, if this is so common, what are the odds of you finding someone who is different? Would it really be worth going thru a divorce only to find yourself in the same situation in a few years with someone else? I read the results of a survey somewhere where they studied couples who were considering divorce. The majority of those who stayed together were happier 5 years later, while those who divorced were not.

As was mentioned by a previous poster, you should NOT move out of the house if you decide to separate or divorce. In many states the person who moves out is declared the “abandoner†and loses many rights. When my cousin divorced he stayed in the house until the divorce was final, IIRC, for this reason. It would be interesting to see what your wife has to say if you tell her you think you have a sham marriage and you will be filing for formal separation. During that time you can do some dating and see if the grass really is greener-- it might not be.
It pains me to say this, but you are not by any means alone. Indeed, it is my perception that you describe a very common situation. It seems to me that at some point many women find that they really have no use for a man in their life. They have no interest in sex, and for them it becomes an obligation for which they resent the man.
No woman comes to this conclusion if she has a loving, caring and careful man who makes sure he is communicating and doing as much to meet her needs as she is doing to meet his. If this is a common kind of marriage, it is because men are not being the men and husbands they should be.

Making dinner is a tiresome job which they would rather not do and feel it is unfair that they should have to do it, (while not appreciating the fact that the man goes to work every single day to provide a nice life for them).
Whoa, hold the phone here. Really?? This is your idea of a marriage? Then I think I've found the reason you think this is a "common problem."

I don’t think being a Christian makes much difference in this area. Yes, God asks us to honor and love our spouses, but if in reality that spouse is just a nuisance to you, you will be limited in how much affection you can drum up.
And that goes both ways.

Personally I think it is disgraceful that people who claim to be Christians can say very hurtful things to their spouse in intimate situations. If being a Christian means you can do that, does being a Christian really mean anything?
Why do you suppose one spouse or the other would resort to saying hurtful things? Or is it that they're speaking the truth, and the truth hurts? People in a bad relationship should express themselves honestly, and seek to get what they want from the relationship, encourage the other person to do the same, and come to an understanding of what each will do for the other.

The question is, if this is so common, what are the odds of you finding someone who is different? Would it really be worth going thru a divorce only to find yourself in the same situation in a few years with someone else? I read the results of a survey somewhere where they studied couples who were considering divorce. The majority of those who stayed together were happier 5 years later, while those who divorced were not.
Relationships change. Comfort results in acceptance. Men, too often, expect the sexual dynamo to continue until they are little old dried up prunes of men, then they die. Sexual intimacy changes. The "end result" doesn't always have to be the same thing. Men tend to be selfish, and don't pay attention to the changing needs of their wives. More often than not, that is why frustration becomes a hallmark of the marriage.

As was mentioned by a previous poster, you should NOT move out of the house if you decide to separate or divorce. In many states the person who moves out is declared the “abandoner†and loses many rights. When my cousin divorced he stayed in the house until the divorce was final, IIRC, for this reason. It would be interesting to see what your wife has to say if you tell her you think you have a sham marriage and you will be filing for formal separation. During that time you can do some dating and see if the grass really is greener-- it might not be.
And here again, the object, obviously, is to get what you want, not what she wants. "Protect yourself; make sure you don't lose anything." Geez, man, you're losing a wife!! Doesn't that mean anything to you? The house, the car, the lake home ... those are more important to keep than your wife??

No woman comes to this conclusion if she has a loving, caring and careful man who makes sure he is communicating and doing as much to meet her needs as she is doing to meet his. If this is a common kind of marriage, it is because men are not being the men and husbands they should be.

So in the history of the human race there has never been a selfish, uncaring woman who has come to that conclusion regardless of her man's behavior? I wish I lived in the parallel universe you do.

I could say a lot more, but your post is basically one long personal attack and I won't lower myself to your level.
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I am reopening this thread. Your posts should stay on topic. Also, with this being a request for feedback discussion on a Christian site, please take care to provide advice consistent with God's intention for marriage.

Thank you.


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