Re: evidence
reznwerks said:
You have provided no evidence of the historicity of Jesus.
Hi there!
Please correct your statement to read that I have not provided any evidence that you will accept because what I have provided thus far is accepted by people who understand the meaning of archaeological evidences and historical evidences.
have used the analogy of Hercules who was worshiped for thousands of years. Using your basis for determining authenticity one would have to conclude Hercules was real as well.
Fine... show me an ossuary box that has the sign of Hercules on it ... and while you are at it... show me any churches that have disciples of Hercules buried under their altar.
I have shown in my post above using those who study the bible and archeology (not skeptics and atheists) those that know and have a vested interest in proving the bible true admit that no evidence exists to confirm a real Jesus.
Actually, all the references you posted are skeptics, and I am certain some are athiests. I'm at the library right now, but I intend to address some of those people you identify as "not skeptics and athiests" later.
I also pointed out that when they thought the ossuary that was found was that of Jesus brother (2 years ago?]
That ossuary was found probably 25 years ago... it just surfaced on the market (again) a couple of years ago. I have never referenced the James ossuary, but you have tried to use it again and again as an evidence against Christianity... as though, if one ossuary inscription were falsifed, then every other ossuary inscription must be falsified. You have refused EVERY inscription offered thus far, and then you "scream" that there's no evidence. There IS evidence... you just reject it.
the article said up front that it would be the FIRST evidence of the historicity of Jesus.
And the email response from the site said differently, didn't it?
You have used the "sign of the cross" as "proof" of Jesus and I have pointed out that the cross was used by pagans first and not used by Christians for several hundred years and have cited the sources.
You know, that "crossed lines" were used by pagans really doesn't have a bearing on the "cross" evidences concerning Jesus. You see, many of the first-century Christians were as the disciples, practicing Jews and converts to Christianity. Here's what I told a pagan one time...
God created this world and everything in it... He created it and He owns it and everything here is just on loan for our use....
and in history, the pagans grabbed the symbolism of the cross from the public domain, but when Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead, victorious over sin, death, satan, and the grave... he reclaimed the copyrights to using the symbol of the cross.
And, as already posted in this thread, as more and more evidences are found, the idea concering the "late-arriving" symbolism of the cross have been, and continue to be proven wrong, that the cross is a very early symbolism.
Unless you can provide evidence for the historicity of Jesus that most scholars accept then I see no point in continuing this debate.
What, the discussion is over? You said epigraphy was a science. Epigraphy involves the historical evidences of Jesus. You have rejected every evidence thus far...
Exactly what "proof" would you find acceptable? a birth certificate? Births were registered, and assuredly Jesus's birth was registered as it was required, but the records in Rome concerning that type of registration were destroyed many centuries ago.
a death certificate? But, Jesus isn't dead.
a tomb? sorry, it's empty.
baptismal record? They didn't keep any
census? yeah, they did that, but the manuscript records deteriorated to dust millennia go.
Tell me, since, "I am not doubting the spread of Christianity. I am doubting the reason."....
What do you think caused the spread of Christianity to become the #1 religion in Israel? How do you convert hundreds of thousands of people to a mythological messiah when the Old Testament Scriptures are so specific in identifying the true Messiah? Don't you think that people who were raised as Jews and in the Jewish teachings would question the validity and credibility of the Messiah known as Jesus Christ, Don't you think they would reject Jesus as the Christ if there were even an inkling of doubt? Being a Christian wasn't exactly a popularity contest, you know.
Again, I stress the validity and credibility of Peter and Paul, both proven to have lived during the time of Christ and Peter as an eyewitness, Paul as a conversion to Christianity. What they say has bearing on the Christ of Calvary as they gave up their lives to remain Christians to the death.
You cannot discredit "the Christian Scriptures" which certainly were in circulation in the first century. You cannot discredit the Gospels... I've read you accusations against the authorship of the Gospels, but I haven't seen you post that the Gospels simply aren't true.
I have to go... as I said, I am at the library...