I was reading the comments in an article on a Christian news website and of course as with any "open" forum there are the atheists posting their usual diatribes..."Christians are bad, hateful, intolerant...blah blah blah" but it got me to thinking... this atheist went out of their way to go to a clearly Christian news site and make verbally abusive posts. How is their behavior considered in any way tolerant? How can they accuse Christians of being narrow minded when they themselves are proclaiming that atheism is the only right way to believe? Well of course when I pointed out the hypocrisy, the atheist promptly freaked out and accused me of being a racist bigot. Excuse me but aren't the majority of believers people of color? Because most atheists I've ever seen were white. And while I'm at it, if someone hates ALL believers (regardless of religion) doesn't that make them antisemitic because they hate Jews as well? Plus why the special attention to Christians? What is it about Christianity that atheists just can't stand? Are they guilty of the same things they accuse Christians of being?