again: never thought I'd like an AIG auto-post. and I am.
What I find disturbing is how many of the 'progressive' nations -have- extensive social programs in place, already. I mention that because its not as if a disabled child would be without services or have to fight just to survive. They have programs, those programs are usually well-funded, although I think the UK has cut back a lot, during a wave of so-called 'austerity measures.' moving on...
I don't think anyone can justify protecting the vulnerable, the disabled, the poor, the weak, etc. without running into the obvious question: why? Even in progressive nations where programs take the edge off poverty, the disabled have more of a safety net available, and health care is provided by the government, there is a -definite- limit to how far even the most progressive nation will go to protect and preserve life. After a while, an individual is too (old, weak, far gone, sick, drain on the coffers) to justify more expense, and...buh bye. hence, widespread euthanasia in The Netherlands and Belgium, and the pre-birth destruction of the disabled and otherwise 'undesirable.'
As a Christian, one can look to Jesus and say "He's why!," when pushed to justify respect for on earth. I will say that, by extension, that means a lot of us Christians need to learn to see and respect and cultivate the image of God in classes of 'society's rejects' (prisoners, those in jail, mental hospitals, homeless, etc.) many of us currently condemn with the same Bible we use to condemn abortion and euthanasia.
-- off soap box--