Does being Christian have any significant disadvantage? Are we limited to certain situations that cast negative shadows on us? Just curious again - aye
Does being Christian have any significant disadvantage? Are we limited to certain situations that cast negative shadows on us? Just curious again - aye
Does being Christian have any significant disadvantage? Are we limited to certain situations that cast negative shadows on us? Just curious again - aye
You would not want to ask me that because I have sacrificed alot for the God that I love.Look at what He did for me on the cross.The secular world might roll their eyes at me but that does not affect me at all.Unbelievers and Christians would raise their eyebrows at my lifestyle since it is so plain and simple.But I don't care what the world thinks.
some people call it such a big disadvantage, they refuse to follow Jesus.>>>
when you are a student of Yeshua, other people will treat you the same way they treated Yeshua. (they crucified Him, mocked Him, beat Him , called Him a drunk, called Him a demoniac, told Him to His face He was working under the devil's power, etc etc etc )
How could there be any disadvantage being a child of God who supplies all our needs. If we are truly trusting God and walking in faith then we will lack nothing in this life here on earth for our greater gain is that of our heavenly rewards. What man deems wrong for us to do as being a Christian may not be what God says is wrong for us.
People are 'comfortable' with the worlds goods and ways. To give them up, to renounce them, is to give up what one was brought up with and the whole support 'system' there-of. And to give them up results in being mocked by the former worldly friends and in being scorned and rejected by the worldly church members and (often) family members too. Jesus said all of this many times and in many ways.
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