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As it Was In The Days Of Noah...

Yes but then it goes by leaps and bounds Edward I've been acquainted with this approach and believe me it is very dangerous.. next step is the book of secrets..

According to Lewis Spence in An Encyclopaedia of Occultism, the Oupnekhat or Oupnekhata (Book of the Secret) is a work written in Persian providing the following instructions for the production of visions: "To produce the wise Maschqgui (vision), we must sit on a four-cornered base, namely the heels, and then close the gates of the body. The ears by the thumbs the eyes by the forefingers the nose by the middle the lips by the four other fingers. The lamp within the body will then be preserved from wind and movement, and the whole body will be full of light. Like the tortoise, man must withdraw every sense within himself the heart must be guarded, and then Brahma will enter into him, like fire and lightning. In the great fire in the cavity of the heart a small flame will be lit up, and in its center is Atma (the soul) and he who destroys all worldly desires and wisdom will be like a hawk which has broken through the meshes of the net, and will have become one with the great being." Thus will he become Brahma-Atma (divine spirit), and will perceive by a light that far exceeds that of the sun. "Who, therefore, enters this path by Brahma must deny the world and its pleasures must only cover his nakedness, and staff in hand collect enough, but no more, alms to maintain life. The lesser ones only do this the greater throw aside pitcher and staff, and do not even read the Oupnekhata. "

This book is possibly a revision of one of the Hindu Upanishads. Oupnekhata is probably from a nineteenth-century German translation titled Das Oupnekhat die aus den Veden zusammengefasste Lebre von dem Brahm (Dresden, 1882), derived from an earlier Latin edition of 1801.

This is an area you definitely want to steer clear of, absolutely no good can come from it.. in 72 i cast an evil spirit from a man that knocked down a bystander as it ran from the building..

That's how it was in the days of Noah and worse once the bottomless pit is opened all hell is going to break loose..

What's dangerous about it? I do not read it as scripture, but it does have it's uses. It's interesting, fills in holes in biblical stories (whether true or not is undetermined, yet to read it and have the possibilities in mind may give potential insight into matters while pondering biblical matters.) The language of the time is enlightening. But not something to base a doctrine on and we should not do that. Everything we need for salvation and developing a relationship with the Lord is in the bible and pondering whether or not the Nephimim were real for instance, would have no bearing on critical spiritual issues.The developing condition of the world in these last days is ever changing and reading Enoch and Jasher would not turn someones doctrine or relationship with the Lord, yet may (if true) give a clue to what is going on as it happens. A possibility is better than nothing, and who knows? It all may be true. One should always cling to the Lord Jesus Christ and seek the Kingdom of God first and formost.

Sorta like the Rapture. It may or may not happen, but if it does and the gubmint come out with some wild story about where all the people are that disappeared, we would have a clue to what really happened. Having the idea in mind would not (should not at least) cause one to go out and worship some weird being just because he says something or raises someone from the dead or something like that. If someone tells me, oh, Christ is outside, I'm not going anywhere, and begin praying that no one snatch me from His hand. Scripture says that He is coming for ME (us) so I don't need to go anywhere, lol.

All that Hindu stuff about making visions is garbage. The scriptures tell us all we need to know about drawing closer to God. People who do those types of things are inviting demonic influence I believe and be very careful.

When the bottomless pit is opened, all hell will break loose but we must keep in mind that we (the Lord Jesus) has already won. "It is finished" Jesus said. All we have to do is to stand, and stand firm in our faith upon the Lord and He will not forsake us. The most they could do is to kill our flesh bodies and send us to heaven sooner, lol.

Keep the faith brothers and sisters.
I have been into the occult, nothing is new.

That is what they say. I saw a video on youboob that had footage of crashed old ships, buildings and a bunch of stuff, and the story was that they found broken computer parts, chips and gathered a bunch that they brought back and reverse engineered which is where computers came from (supposedly). Aw who knows if it's really true, could be I guess, but kind of a cool thought and relevant so I shared. It is kind of entertaining, the vid is called "Aliens come from Hell" on youboob if anyone wants some Saturday morning entertainment. They even have footage of a dead pilot, woman with technology embedded into her face which supposedly helped her fly the ship. Before she crashed that is. Women drivers, lol.
Huh? Who said Satan did it. The idea presumably is that they had technology back in the old days. Human technology, then lost to the ages and "rediscovered later on.

It would support the idea that there is nothing new under the sun. I'm not saying I believe it or anything, just that it was entertaining, lol. :)
I do not think that Satan can create life.
The thread started out about something Jesus said in the NT and not the Nephilim or Enoch
it drifted that way and that is ok inasmuch as people do not start being contentious about it. :)
But those were not the OT
if satan cant create life as he is most powerful off all the demons, therefore you cant say that the nephilum aren't angel-human mix. the fact that satan cant take human form isn't said or not said in the bible. the soul in the bible includes the free will of the man that has one. thus any human hybrid would be a new creation, as he would have a soul.
if satan cant create life as he is most powerful off all the demons, therefore you cant say that the nephilum aren't angel-human mix. the fact that satan cant take human form isn't said or not said in the bible. the soul in the bible includes the free will of the man that has one. thus any human hybrid would be a new creation, as he would have a soul.

Nephilim are an angel-human mix.

They are not a demon-human mix.

if satan cant create life as he is most powerful off all the demons, therefore you cant say that the nephilum aren't angel-human mix. the fact that satan cant take human form isn't said or not said in the bible. the soul in the bible includes the free will of the man that has one. thus any human hybrid would be a new creation, as he would have a soul.

I have no idea what you are trying to say jason. sorry.
Nephilim are an angel-human mix.

They are not a demon-human mix.

an angel cant create life. I know this doctrine. in jude it says those were cast into hell. the only difference is that a demon but the angels left their first estate right?ok so where does the bible say that an angel can create life? a demon is merely an angel in rebellion. they are still spirits.
neither an angel nor a demon have the power to mate and create human-angel hybrid. if so then show me that satan can mate today.

Check this out jason:

I have a question. It arose out of another thread, but I didn't want to take it off topic there so will ask it here. First the scripture, then the question:
Matthew 24:37-39
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be./(KJV)

The question is: In verse 38...who is the "they" that is being spoken of by Jesus?

That a portion of the first post. This thread is not about whether or not Angels or demons can mate, or Nephilim. Those threads always seem to grow contentious, ok? Let's not go there, ok brother?

The book of Enoch was spoken of some here in this thread, but in the context of it's potential validity, and the brothers and sisters are being respectful in speaking of it, so that's ok with me. But this thread is not going to begin talking about the issue which you brought up. If you would like to discuss that specific matter, please open your own thread about that specifically, ok brother? Thank you for your cooperation, and God bless you.

Feel free to answer the question posed in the first post.
simple , don't read more into the end times then what jesus said. the jews know what he meant if they believed.

" AND IT GRIEVED the heart of god that he created man and he said my spirit shall not strive with the heart of man forever.. but noah found grace in the eyes of god.. the imagination of man was to do evil continually"

where is in the bible that man really changed his nature after the flood? we haven't. noah did what after the flood? he got drunk and was shamed by his own son. lots daughters had sex with him.yet these were those under grace. yet god because his mercy spared them.the sinners would be far more evil if they didn't know the torah/Christ.

look around is it any better then then? no the church has saved the lost and influenced the world but man is still evil. we have remnant to be rescued and the lost will be doing there thing when Christ comes and judges.
an angel cant create life. I know this doctrine. in jude it says those were cast into hell. the only difference is that a demon but the angels left their first estate right?ok so where does the bible say that an angel can create life? a demon is merely an angel in rebellion. they are still spirits.

Angels took human women as wives.

Their offspring were nephilim.
