Here is another ten cent question, about lauguage. English is a whopper like Spanish or Chinese.
English ofcourse is one of the great connectors in North American and the old British Empire. Do you think that there is a definitive way that one should anounciate and add diction to our common lauguage. It would be grand to some, but son, forbid me not to sound like I am from the Bahamas Mon. So, does the wizard have a plan, do we all learn Aramaic/Hebrew, or do we talk like the brits sing???? another quirk, Ah. I heard they talk like us in like, Plymoth England or maybe Bath, if it is such a pleasant place, they should sound normal. Yall ought to hear what these kindly deep mountain folk of the Appalachin can do to mother toung. Yah, Aint we got fun. dar goooos anoderun. What you say? It's hillbilly Heaven, no swet, what kind of Baptist are ya anyway? It is a tuffy, "Babaloney", yet some way you understand when God says, I LOVE YOU.
Hey, maybe a new pigion Engleshia, "Babyloney".... Come Lord Jesus.