1) what is your faith/belief?
I really don't know, at this point in my life. I started out my life, and the good majority of it, as Christian, full and firmly! Unfortunately, I came across questions, which caused me to question, leading to discovery, creating the situation I'm in, as a "spiritual life" goes. I still believe that there is a supernatural quality that exists, but something that may not be "test-able" at our current technology.
2) what are your beliefs regarding the origins of the natural world and of the Human race?
I do believe that what is called "evolution", or rather,
adaption is very true and quite necessary. I once firmly believed in a young earth and a 6 day creation. I've come to realize that there is no way our earth and universe is young and that Gensis is metaphorical/poetic language not meant as an actual telling of a literal event. It is a concept of possible divinely created life. However, I am not a "Big Bang" believer, nor many of the "evolutionary steps" as suggested by some of the evolutionary biologist. I personally believe that too much reading is done into what they find.
3) are you willing to switch to the opposite sides viewpoint if it could be proven or do you see no point in even cosidering that as it could (in your view) never be proven? (honesty needed here
Absolutely. If something was proven to me that, without a doubt, proved that this world WAS created just 6,000 years ago, and within a six day period, then I would have to rethink my current understanding. However, if that occured, then it would create questions in itself. If "the Big Bang" was completely proven (I don't see how it could be, really), then I may curve my thoughts on it as well.
4) what are your views of the people who have opposite views to you? (extreme honesty needed here)
As for the YEC, 6 days of creation people, I understand [fully] their side, and their need for it to be true. I was there myself, not that long ago.......sitting in a college level class room, offended by what the instructor was saying about "the ice age 70,000 years ago", thinking that it was blasphemy, since the world wasn't even that old. I even dropped that class when the instructor said that those who believe in a young earth should talk to him after class so he can show us why we were wrong about it. It was an "Art of the Ice Age" class, which I was just going to take to get another 300 level class for graduation.
I understand their side, firmly believed it myslelf for years, . . . even the crazy Hovind stuff, I'm embarrassed to admit. It was only when I started digging into the actual science of it all that I began to understand more. It was a painful time, but I now firmly believe that even "FAITH" can be a "little god" in our lives.