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Awesome World War 3, End Times Prophecy Documentary!


Hey guys! There is this awesome movie that everyone should watch!
Its called World War 3: History and Prophecy (2022)
You can find it on youtube as well as many other places:

It has tons of history which you do not know, a non-biased analysis of the geopolitical situation, and an awesome interpretation of end times prophecy which totally connects all the dots. WATCH IT!

Ill give you some teasers:
Definitively reveals the identity of Gog with historic evidence.
Reveals the identity of the antichrist by using 4 separate prophecies which all align.
Builds a great picture of the end times scenario with tons of stuff you never really thought about.
Speaks about how lightning, earthquakes and the sky "rolling up like a scroll" is exactly what you would see with a near pass of a comet from a physics perspective.
Reveals 666 to be the roman numeral equivalent to the pope's title "Vicarus filii dei".
Reveals tons of false flag operations and coups which the "hidden hand" has purported including the most popular revolutions: American, French, Bolshevik...
Also has a very interesting segment about the transcendental nature of God.
And tons of other stuff which I cant think of off the top of my head.
Hi Adintinwa and welcome to CF. :wave2

Before I discuss this with you after watching the video are you a Muslim?

I do not limit myself to being in any kind of box. I have read all the religious literature of the ancient world. Its all one. But that is obvious only to those who read with faith. Feel free to discuss it with me now. :)
In Christianity, which means followers of Christ and His teachings, we only adhere to what Jesus has already taught as being the inspired words of God, John 1:1-18; John 12:49-50 KJV. If you go read the Statement of Faith this will help you to understand what we believe in.

Many things that were shown in that video I can agree with, but many things I can not when it comes to the Quran that was written by the self-proclaimed prophet Mohammed.
What Jesus taught you is called Transcendentalism. Its older than time. You can find a much more detailed description of it in Hinduism. Jesus did not reveal it to you in its full extent because you would not have understood. Because you are a people of an age of degradation and your minds are shallow.
Watch these and finally understand:

Your hatred of Islam also stems from your inability to examine scripture from an objective logical and historic perspective.
No 2 billion-member religion was ever started without the blessing of God. And no one cannot just "self-proclaim" and do these things.
The temple stands for 1300 years and God has not removed it. Yet when it is desecrated by the antichrist he will be swift in the destruction of "the people of the beast" - you, America. - This is your proof for the validity of the Koran.

The worship of an image or a person will get you in favor with that person and he will help you. But the transcendence is achieved only by the contemplation and focus on the position external to the material existence. - The contemplation of God. And that is how the "Kingdom within" is found. You do not do this, so best case scenario (if you are righteous) he will come and take you and give you a new life in the golden city. But there, once again, you will have to practice Transcendentalism. If you do not, you will enjoy the city for a while and then fall back down.
The worship of an image or a person will get you in favor with that person and he will help you. But the transcendence is achieved only by the contemplation and focus on the position external to the material existence. - The contemplation of God. And that is how the "Kingdom within" is found. You do not do this, so best case scenario (if you are righteous) he will come and take you and give you a new life in the golden city. But there, once again, you will have to practice Transcendentalism. If you do not, you will enjoy the city for a while and then fall back down.

The worship of images, is called idolatry and is forbidden by God.

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8

What does your god have to say about idolatry and sexual morality and such things?

Yet when it is desecrated by the antichrist he will be swift in the destruction of "the people of the beast" - you, America. - This is your proof for the validity of the Koran.

This is what Christians believe —

let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
Acts 4:10-12

Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11

Jesus Christ is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob!

I hope and pray you turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, and confess Him as your Lord, and become saved.

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9

First I do not hate Islam, but reject the teachings of Mohammed as I compare them to what Jesus taught.

Differences Between Muhammad and Jesus



Said Allah hates those who don't accept Islam.
(Qur'an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38)​

Said God loves everyone.
(John 3:16)​

"I have been commanded to fight
against people till they testify that there
is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad
is the messenger of Allah"

(Muslim 1:33)​

"He who lives by the sword
will die by the sword."

(Matthew 26:52)​

Stoned women for adultery.
(Muslim 4206)​

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
(John 8:7)​

Permitted stealing from unbelievers.
(Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)​

"Thou shalt not steal."
(Matthew 19:18)​

Permitted lying.
(Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)​

"Thou shalt not bear false witness."
(Matthew 19:18)​

Owned and traded slaves.
(Sahih Muslim 3901)​

Neither owned nor traded slaves.​

Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys.
(Sahih Muslim 4390)​

Beheaded no one.​

Murdered those who insulted him.
(Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)​

Preached forgiveness.
(Matthew 18:21-22, 5:38)​

"If then anyone transgresses
the prohibition against you,
Transgress ye likewise against him"
(Qur'an 2:194)​

"If someone strikes you on the right
cheek, turn to him the other also."
(Matthew 5:39)​

Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundred fold.
(Muslim 4645)​

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they will be called Sons of God"
(Matthew 5:9)​

Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.
(Bukhari 5:268, Qur'an 33:50)​

Was celibate.​

Slept with a 9-year-old child.
(Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)​

Did not have sex with children.​

Ordered the murder of women.
(Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)​

Never harmed a woman.​

"O you who believe! Fight those of the
unbelievers who are near to you
and let them find in you hardness."

(Qur'an 9:123)​

"Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth."

(Matthew 5:5)​

Ordered 65 military campaigns
and raids in his last 10 years.
(Ibn Ishaq )​

Ordered no military campaigns, nor
offered any approval of war or violence.

Killed captives taken in battle.
(Ibn Ishaq 451)​

Never took captives.
Never killed anyone.​

Encouraged his men to rape enslaved women.
(Abu Dawood 2150, Qur'an 4:24)​

Never encouraged rape.
Never enslaved women.​

Demanded captured slaves and
a fifth of all other loot taken in war.
(Qur'an 8:41)​

"The Son of Man came not
to be served, but to serve."

(Matthew 20:28)​

Was never tortured, but tortured others.
(Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)​

Suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.​

"And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah"
(Qur'an 8:39)​

"Love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you"

(Matthew 5:44)​

Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man
(al-Tabari 1440)​

Healed a blind man
(Mark 8:28)​

Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit
from which he preached Islam.
(Bukhari 47:743)​

Washed his disciple’s feet.
(John 13:5)​

What are the Greatest Commandments?
"Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause"
(Muslim 1:149)​

What are the Greatest Commandments?
"Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself."
(Matthew 22:34-40)​

Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship
(Qur'an 4:102)​

Chastised anyone attempting
to defend him with force.
(John 18:10-12)​

Died fat and wealthy from what was
taken from others in war or
demanded from others in tribute.​

Demanded nothing for himself
Died without possessions.​

Advocated crucifying others.
(Qur'an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)​

Was crucified himself.​

According to his followers:
Had others give their lives for him.
(Sahih Muslim 4413)​

According to his followers:
Gave his life for others.
(John 18:11 and elsewhere)​
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When the son of perdition takes his literal seat in the holy place of Jerusalem, 2Thessalonians 2:1-5, Jesus warned us to flee as He has a place prepared for us wherever we go to, Matthew 24:15-21; Rev 12:14. At this time many Christians will be taken captive that did not heed the warning to flee and if they will not denounce Christ and bow down and take the mark of this beast, who falsely claims peace and safety to all who takes its mark, they will die a martyr's death.

God's protection is absolute to those who are His own and escape into the wilderness as they trust in Christ to help meet their needs. Just as God told Moses to strike the rock for fresh water, Exodus 17:1-7, and sending manna down from heaven and providing Quail for meat, Exodus 16, so will be the same in the end of days, Philippians 4:19.

Nut shell scenario of what will happen during the first six trumpets of Rev Chapter 8-11 that leads up to the seventh trumpet and the 3 1/2 years events of Chapter 13 with the beast out of the sea and out of the earth.

God’s wrath is poured out into the world as chastisements for disobedience, but also a warning that man needs to repent and turn back to God before the door of salvation is closed forever when Christ returns.

Hail and fire can be likened unto meteors that fall from the sky. A third of the trees and all the green grass are burned up which makes a third part of the world with a shortage of oxygen in the air that is created from the carbon dioxide from the trees and living plants. Seeing that this is Global the intense fire and smoke from all the trees and grass burning can travel for miles causing much more damage throughout the nations. The trees that produce various healthy foods for our wellbeing will become scarce. The green grasses that would probably include crops of wheat, barley, corn and so forth will be destroyed causing a shortage in food. The animals we depend on as a food source will also die as they are left without vegetation they need to live on.

This great mountain burning with fire could be a large asteroid as the third part of the sea is destroyed along with sea life and the third part of the ships that sit in it. The third part of the sea turned to blood by reason of all the animal life that is killed and those men, women and children who are on these ships that are destroyed. Take into consideration the disease that would spread from all the rotted sea life that is rotting away washing up on the shore and the flesh of those who were burned along with the ships.

These ships will more than likely be types of fuel tankers, merchant, fishing and luxury cruises ships traveling the waters. With the third of these ships being destroyed means a third part of the world’s fuel and food supply would be destroyed. There is only one ocean, but divided by four regions as being the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. This would be like the four corners of the earth as being North, South, East and West. The only difference between the ocean and the sea is that the ocean is much larger and feeds into the 108 seas around the world that also flow into our lakes and streams that provide us with fresh drinking water and other sources of food.

With the third part of the sun, moon and stars being darkened this will affect mans source of electricity and heat that is vital to keep a certain degree of the earth warm, and generated power in homes, hospitals and manufacturing plants including nuclear reactors.

Agriculture and navigation would be hard pressed as it takes the solar power from the sun to run the solar cells that produces the energy needed to run farming machinery and trucks to take the produce to manufacturing plants where the produce is then distributed to market.

Vehicles such as cars, ambulances, planes, trains and the list goes on need an energy source from the sun in order to run their engines. The darkness of the third part of the day would be roughly around eight hours of daylight being lost and total darkness of night as the moon and stars are illuminated by the sun at night. A flashlight would be useless to see in the dark as it needs energy from the sun to run the battery that turns the light on.

This much darkness would cause people to panic in the streets creating chaos as the love of many will wax cold, Matthew 24:12. Riots would break out causing looting and lose of life as those who have not will do anything in desperation to take from those who have much. IMO Marshal law will be enforced as we see history repeat itself with many Christians taken captive that did not flee and killed as they refuse to denounce Christ and take the mark. They will also die a martyr's death, Rev 6:9-11, especially vs. 11. Also we are not to fear what man can do to us, Matthew 10:28.

This is where the mark of the beast comes in during the seventh trumpet as this NWO is a Luciferian system of economics, political, military, educational enviromental and false religious power that gives power to the beast out of the earth being the son of perdition. By lying signs and wonders the beast will deceive the nations (people) into taking its mark. IMO I think the mark is the thoughts of our mind and the actions of our hands reaching out to this beast that promises peace, safety and provision as many will bow down and worship this beast who claims to be God.

After the 3 1/2 years of this Luciferian reign on earth that will wear out the saints, Daniel 7:25, then every eye will see Christ coming in the clouds with His army of angels that are then sent out to gather those saints who are alive at His coming and those who sleep in their graves, Matthew 24:29-31; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Rev 19:11-21. We are gathered up to the clouds as we receive our new glorified bodies in order to meet Jesus in the air. From the air He destroys the beast and false prophet by the brightness of His coming only speaking their destruction casting them into the lake of fire. Satan is bound for a time as Jesus sets out to destroy all the nations that followed after the beast. Satan is then released in a final attempt to destroy the saints as he sends his angels out to surround the camp of the saints, but the angels are consumed by fire and Satan cast into the lake of fire. Then comes God's great white throne judgment and the books are opened and all are judged. Then this present heaven and earth are burned up and made new again and the New Jerusalem is ushered down from heaven where we will be with the Lord forever.
Hey guys! There is this awesome movie that everyone should watch!
Its called World War 3: History and Prophecy (2022)
You can find it on youtube as well as many other places:

It has tons of history which you do not know, a non-biased analysis of the geopolitical situation, and an awesome interpretation of end times prophecy which totally connects all the dots. WATCH IT!

Ill give you some teasers:
Definitively reveals the identity of Gog with historic evidence.
Reveals the identity of the antichrist by using 4 separate prophecies which all align.
Builds a great picture of the end times scenario with tons of stuff you never really thought about.
Speaks about how lightning, earthquakes and the sky "rolling up like a scroll" is exactly what you would see with a near pass of a comet from a physics perspective.
Reveals 666 to be the roman numeral equivalent to the pope's title "Vicarus filii dei".
Reveals tons of false flag operations and coups which the "hidden hand" has purported including the most popular revolutions: American, French, Bolshevik...
Also has a very interesting segment about the transcendental nature of God.
And tons of other stuff which I cant think of off the top of my head.

"Vicarus filii dei" is not and never has been a title of the Pope.
Vicarivs Filii Dei is found written on the Papal Tiara

View attachment 14222

Faked by a 7th day Adventist.

I think I asked you before to produce an official Church document that uses that title.
You never did.

A faked photo is no proof at all.

In November 1948, Le Roy Froom, a Seventh-day Adventist ministerial leader, editor of the church's Ministry, and a church historian, wrote an article to correct the mistaken use of some of the denomination's evangelists who continued to claim that the Latin words "Vicarius Filii Dei" were written on a papal tiara.

Each pope, like any other sovereign, has his own tiara, which is the papal crown. There is, therefore, no one tiara that is worn by the full succession of papal pontiffs. Moreover, personal examination of these various tiaras, by different men back through the years, and a scrutiny of the pictures of many more, have failed to disclose one engraved with the inscription Vicarius Filii Dei ... As heralds of truth, we are to proclaim the truth truthfully. No fabrication should ever becloud our presentation of truth. The present truth of the threefold message [the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14] is so overwhelming in its logical appeal, and so inescapable in its claims, that it needs no dubious evidence or illustration to support it.[12]

Froom also stated in the 1948 article that at one point a prominent Adventist went to Rome to take some pictures of the papal tiaras, but "the photographs were without any wording of any sort on any one of the three crown, front or back." Later, an Adventist artist who wanted to illustrate a standard Adventist text on prophecies added the words "Vicarius", "Filii", and "Dei", one word on each of the three tiaras in the photograph taken. He submitted his image for publishing in a standard church text on Bible prophecy; the image was to serve as an illustration in the book, not as a visual proof. However, when an Adventist publishing house and the Adventist General Conference received it, they "emphatically rejected it as misleading and deceptive, and refused to allow its use. (All honor to them!)." Froom concluded his 1948 article with the following words: "Truth does not need fabrication to aid or support it. Its very nature precludes any manipulation or duplicity. We cannot afford to be party to any fraud. The reflex action upon our own souls should be a sufficient deterrent. We must never use a quotation or a picture merely because it sounds or looks impressive. We must honor the truth, and meticulously observe the principle of honesty in the handling of evidence under all circumstances."

What Jesus taught you is called Transcendentalism.
Jesus never taught Transcendentalism.

Your hatred of Islam also stems from your inability to examine scripture from an objective logical and historic perspective.
Disagreement with Islam stems from its contradictions with the Bible and from its founder and how he spread his ideology through violence.

No 2 billion-member religion was ever started without the blessing of God.
You're begging the question. That you think Islam is merely a religion shows that you don't really understand it. It is a total socio-economic-political system; that is why it was spread through violence and is how it continues to spread through cultural and political means.

And no one cannot just "self-proclaim" and do these things.
Do what things?

The temple stands for 1300 years and God has not removed it. Yet when it is desecrated by the antichrist he will be swift in the destruction of "the people of the beast" - you, America. - This is your proof for the validity of the Koran.
It proves nothing of the Quran.

The worship of an image or a person will get you in favor with that person and he will help you.
This shows you don't understand the Bible either.

I do not limit myself to being in any kind of box. I have read all the religious literature of the ancient world. Its all one. But that is obvious only to those who read with faith. Feel free to discuss it with me now. :)
If you think it's all one, then you haven't actually understood any of it. They are all irreconcilably different, teaching contradicting ideas on origins, meaning, morality (including the problem with the world and the solution), and destiny.
Is it great if it's a falsehood?

I will follow up and reaserch myself to determine if its false.

It's great information and provides a basis why the earth church considered that the antichrist would be a pope.

We know from scripture that the "prince who is to come" is from Rome.

I will follow up and reaserch myself to determine if its false.

It's great information and provides a basis why the earth church considered that the antichrist would be a pope.
Of course anything that puts the Pope in a bad light is good to you - true or not.

Do you not think that if it were untrue the SDA would be on to WIkipedia like a ton of bricks?

We know from scripture that the "prince who is to come" is from Rome.


Really? Do you have scripture that shows that?
I will address only 2 issues as I dont have time to argue with people who consider themselves learned even though they read only one book...:

1. The issue of Jesus turning the other cheek vs Islam's war:
They are 2 different philosophies aimed at 2 different goals. The Muslims are taught to protect and preserve the teachings in the face of an empire which has not stopped shedding blood to this very day. The practice of Islam is not meant to achieve the kingdom within. It is meant to create moral good people who are devoted to God who will escape this world of degradation and ascend to a higher realm. There they will practice Transcendentalism seeking the kingdom within a part of which is Christ's non-violence method.
Christ's teachings go further than Islam and are aimed at the end goal - the kingdom within. A teaching which none of you were able to absorb and understand. So God gave mankind an easier step in the form of Islam which is to eventually lead to the deeper practice.

2. Did Jesus teach Transcendentalism and what is it anyway?
There is no one here who can teach you this, neither in the East nor the West. But I will teach it to you. Here it is, if there are any among you that have the purity to grasp it:
You call a body dead or alive. But it has never been alive. There is no such thing as a living body. A body can only be functioning and non-functioning. Because it is a machine which works on mechanical processes at the molecular level. Its a machine like everything else is in this universe. Matter is building blocks and building blocks make machines, not Life. The brain is made of dead matter. The mind is its effect. The ego is just a concept which you are observing from an external position. In this the body and the mind are not part of you, but a part of the material world. You are not these things, you are only the one observing them. You are the Living One. And life is the observation. What you need to do is differentiate between observer and observation. The soul is not engaged in the life. It only reads through it. You are not controlling the experience you are having. You are only observing the experience of control. The Living One always stands behind the senses and can never be experienced. You are locked in this material existence of life, death, and rebirth because of 2 factors: You falsely associate yourself with the body and you falsely think you are controlling it. Thus you are the ego and not the True Self which is its external observer. The way out is by the contemplation of the external position and the realization that nothing here that is experienced is real. It is all just a dream. The only thing that truly exists is the Living One. He is the Real Universe. The rest is just a hallucination formed by pareidolia imposed upon a random quantum noise which in itself is flux caused by the scales of quantification which are space and time. Thus the value expressed - matter - is caused by the scales on which it is expressed - space-time - and the scales are observed as a result of the existing value. - This is called a causality loop.
The Transcendentalist practice is the following:
Believe in God. Disbelieve the authenticity of the world. Accept it as a dream, a game, a hallucination. Never be of disagreement with it because everything is from God. Never hate, never fear. Because all these things are indicative of one who believes the world is real, and such a one is attracted to the world and cannot find the liberation in the Spirit. Realize that the experience you are having is directly caused by God. Nothing is ever wrong. All the bad is for a greater good. The imperfection is part of a perfection at a higher level. Love everyone and everything because it is all from God. You ask, how do I love my enemies? How do I love Hitler? - Easy! When one is engaged in the life and believes it to be real he is stuck in the emotions and the hatred. But when one sees this as just a game of material illusion which the Living One is making then you see Hitler and you love him just like you love Darth Vader. - You see him and you say, That is an awesome bad guy perfect in an awesome movie. And you love him that way. With detachment from the experience. With acceptance of Gods will in whatever he creates. See it as a dream and be free from it, careless like children because there is nothing to worry about. Its neither real, nor can it ever be wrong. And it is all in you and there can never be anything separate from you. Ask yourself, how does the observer divide? - He divides by a division in the observation. The experience of my body is separate from the experience of yours. But the experiencer is the same. There cannot be a second because division is a quality of the world and God is the singularity beyond it. He who frees himself from all desire and attachment and focuses his mind on the external position through meditation and devotional service transcends the association with the body and becomes its external observer free in the Spirit and one with God. Your mantra should be the following: "I am not this. This is just the experience that the Living One makes. Everything is always perfect. Everything is always from him. Nothing here matters. Nothing here is real. Its all just a game. I am only observing this experience. I am not controlling it. I dont need anything. Everything that changes is the dream, not the dreamer." Love God and be blissful in the knowledge that this experience is his will and say, This is the way it has to be, and accept all. Control the mind. Choose righteousness. Be a hero. A hero is selfless. A demon is selfish. It is the interpretation of the Self that makes the difference. Do the things that are hard. And take the pain with a smile. Forgive everyone and never attach and never worry. Shake off desire, ownership and sexual interests because all these things are chains and they make you the opposite of an angel - they make you an animal.
Do these things and you will find him and you will feel the Spirit in your heart as a feeling of light and a liteness.
Read all the holy books with discernment - religion is not supposed to make you blind and limit you, its supposed to make you see and set you free. Watch the movies which I made for you and learn from me. I am one who knows. My tribulation is 14 years long and I am at its end and I have overcome and have found him. And when I am fully in him he will send Jesus to take me. So Jesus told me himself. There are just a few short months left. When my trial ends yours begins for 7 years. You will suffer, you will curse him, you will hate him, and in the end you will thank him because the suffering is what will make you grow and shake you out of your attachment to the material experience.
Good luck to you all. And be blessed!
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I will follow up and reaserch myself to determine if its false.


I've done some research for you.
The Wikipedia article quotes from the SDA publication The Ministry and gives a link to it.
Here it is The Ministry (a pdf). It's on page 35.
Years ago one of our prominent evangelists,
when in Rome, secured some impressive pictures of one of the papal tiaras. But the photographs were without any wording of any sort
on any one of the three crowns, front or back.
Later, an artist, in attempting to reillustrate
one of our standard books on the prophecies,
took this genuine photograph of a plain tiara
and lettered upon it the three words Vicarius,
Filii, and Dei—one on each of the three crowns
—on the premise that such was the name the
pope bore, and if it were not actually on the
tiara, it might well be by the way of illustration.
One of our leading publishing houses, and
the General Conference, to whom the altered
photograph was submitted, emphatically rejected it as misleading and deceptive, and refused to allow its user (All honor to them!)
Regrettably, some of our evangelists who do
not have all the facts, and .to whom the appeal
of the moment has sometimes outweighed the
ethics of the case, and who perhaps have not
thought through the fraudulent character of
such plausible but specious evidence, have occasionally continued to use this or a similar fabrication.
In the name of truth and honesty this journal
protests any such use by any member of the
Ministerial Association of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination (our worker body), of
which THE MINISTRY is the official organ.
Truth does not need fabrication to aid or support it. Its very nature precludes any manipulation or duplicity. We cannot afford to be party
to any fraud. The reflex action upon our own
souls should be a sufficient deterrent. We must
never use a quotation or a picture merely because it sounds or looks impressive. We must
honor the truth, and meticulously observe the
principle of honesty in the handling of evidence
under all circumstances.

(my emboldening)