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Back to Jesus


Hello my new brothers and sisters,

I'm new here on this forum, as well as I'm new, or renewed in Christianity. I would like to get in touch via a forum so I can see more perspective on different topics. As well as being able to throw questions or dilemma's into the wild. I'm Dutch of origin, my English is at a quite proficient level for a non-native speaker. But some spelling mistakes, or grammar rules, aren't always applied perfect. I hope this can be excused.

Below I've told a little about myself and how I got back to Christ, but for those who don't feel like reading that much, I would just like to say ''hello!'' :).

A little about my past
I'm not exactly new to Christianity, I've been a strong believer and follower of Christ till about 12 years of age. Although, I'm not sure if at that time it was personal belief, or maybe habit. My parents are both atheist, they divorced and the new-wed partners are also non-believers. Unexpectedly, they did raise me Christian, they read the children's bible to me, send me to a christian schools. My grandparents are believers, they tought me how to pray, when to pray and took that ''religious'' parenting role which my parents weren't knowledgeable about. However, my parents always put emphasis on my free choice.

Turning into a young adult
As a young adult I started to question a lot of things, as I guess everyone will do. The pre-teen years are known for questioning a lot, however, since I wasn't member of any religious community, the public space in my country, the information frames of scientist like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens, quickly let me to believe God didn't exist. It all seemed very logical.

What changed?
About 5 years ago I realised that I didn't want to be seen as an atheist, atheism a very strong organised movement, that unites their belief (in my eyes) in the attack on other believes. I know society isn't as simple as that, there are many different atheist with respect to others religion. I realised that most of these atheist didn't just deny the existanse of a God, but they found humans with belief actually stupid. (I have been one of those people at one point in my life). The western atheists has succeseeded in giving value to everything, but have unsucceeded in giving purpose to anything.

About 2,5 year ago
I realised the immense value and purpose that Christianity brought to people, not only in the satisfaction of life, but statistically, religious people felt more purpous in life, they felt happier, they had a better community. I started to respect Christians more, I started to see the value of Christians and their movements. Their way of living, their characters, how they treat others.

So I talk about this with a man from the Gym, a catholic, he invited me to go to Eastern mass. I said yes. I walked out and though ''Why did I say Yes to this, I aspire to be man of my word, so I went''. During the mass, the pastor said ''Jesus didn't come back from the dead because he is the son of God, Jesus rose from the dead because he said he would''. This is something that triggered me on the inside.

As I was thinking about this for a few days, ding dong, door bell rang. Jehova's witnesses wanted to talk with me. I opened my door for them, we had a drink for an hour or so and talked about faith, non-faith, modern day society and some more things. So I went to do some more research for a while.

About 1 year ago
About 1 year ago, I felt like I knew it. Everything fell into place. It's extremely difficult to explain, but my experiences from those 2,5 year all connected. It suddenly all made sense, like I found the missing piece of a puzzle. As revealing as this experience was for me, it was equally hurtfull. I felt like I had dissapointed God, I still do. The closer I get to Christ, the more I see that I've been a piece of trash in my actions, in my thoughts and in my heart. It's kinda like coming back home with only F's on my score list, and on top of that, I never really attended classes, and beat up that kid in the hallway.

But as much as I am hurt for my own stupidities, like I said, I'm equally inspired and motivated to get closer to Christ.
Daily I'm trying to do better, learn more, I've started to pray, I'm trying to get rid of other sins.
I know that it is a road, it's an experience, I can't change my thoughs and behaviours over night. To expect that of myself is idiocy, we can't change to another character so quickly.

If you did sit through all this. And if you might recognise some thoughts or feelings. Please share them.
To others, feel free to to engage :)
Hello my new brothers and sisters,

I'm new here on this forum, as well as I'm new, or renewed in Christianity.


I'm not exactly new to Christianity, I've been a strong believer and follower of Christ till about 12 years of age.

Hmmm.... I hear this a lot from folks who then wander off from the faith. Their wandering rather confounds their claim to being a "strong believer," don't you think? It certainly does to me, anyway.

Although, I'm not sure if at that time it was personal belief, or maybe habit.

Probably habit, as your wandering from the faith revealed.

As a young adult I started to question a lot of things, as I guess everyone will do. The pre-teen years are known for questioning a lot, however, since I wasn't member of any religious community, the public space in my country, the information frames of scientist like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens, quickly let me to believe God didn't exist. It all seemed very logical.

Logical? I guess that depends a great deal upon your starting presuppositions and prejudices and the reasons you have for them.

Dawkins is, essentially, a biologist who wants to play at being a philosopher, using his credentials in the former as ground to hold forth as the latter. But Dawkins is a pretty awful philosopher, as his books - eloquent though they may be - demonstrated.

Chris Hitchens was neither a serious philosopher, nor a scientist, but a rhetorician whose pride couldn't stand the thought of being answerable to anyone - not even his Maker.

Neither of these guys have been particularly helpful in dealing with the Big Questions of life, of understanding the true nature of our existence. Rather, they have served only to muddy things and foster a nasty antagonism toward theism that has always led in the past to atrocity.

Anyway, questioning things is good. Often, though, the questioning happens in a vacuum of knowledge about how to think well. I know of no teenagers, personally, who have ever heard of the Law of Non-Contradiction, or modus ponens or tollens, or the Law of Excluded Middle, or what a non sequitur is. And yet, they form in their adolescence such firm conclusions about Reality and Truth! Public education these days is awful!

About 5 years ago I realised that I didn't want to be seen as an atheist, atheism a very strong organised movement, that unites their belief (in my eyes) in the attack on other believes.

Which is sourly ironic, given how faith-based atheism turns out to be (in spite of their slippery rhetoric and redefining of "atheism").

I realised the immense value and purpose that Christianity brought to people, not only in the satisfaction of life, but statistically, religious people felt more purpous in life, they felt happier, they had a better community. I started to respect Christians more, I started to see the value of Christians and their movements. Their way of living, their characters, how they treat others.

This is fairly unusual. The way Christians today are portrayed in the popular media, they are intolerant, right-wing fascists frothing at the mouth to resurrect The Inquisition. This is total baloney, but the way humans have always reacted to anyone who says (in the realms of philosophy and morality) "This is true and that is not," or "That's evil and this is good."

About 1 year ago, I felt like I knew it. Everything fell into place. It's extremely difficult to explain, but my experiences from those 2,5 year all connected. It suddenly all made sense, like I found the missing piece of a puzzle. As revealing as this experience was for me, it was equally hurtfull. I felt like I had dissapointed God, I still do.

Well, this would only be possible if God had an expectation of you that you failed to meet. But God has always known everything about you; He has always known what you would choose to do and not do. He's not, then, disappointed or surprised by the content of your life; you've been exactly as He's always known you would be, ugly bits and all. And yet, He still loves you and wants you to know and walk with Him in peace, joy and love.

The closer I get to Christ, the more I see that I've been a piece of trash in my actions, in my thoughts and in my heart.

Yes, this is what happens when the Light who is Christ exposes the dark corners of our lives, revealing the evil that's hidden in them. But the Light that exposes the truth of our rebellion and sin, is also the Light that purifies and restores us! In God's word, the Bible, we are given this advice about our sinful past:

Philippians 3:12-14
12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.
13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,
14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

No one ever becomes more like Jesus (Romans 8:29) or enjoys God well while they are focused on and bemoaning their sin. To one degree or another, we are all conformed to whatever we focus on. It's just how God has made us to be. So, fix your eyes on Christ, not on you and your failures.

Hebrews 12:1-2
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

But as much as I am hurt for my own stupidities, like I said, I'm equally inspired and motivated to get closer to Christ.
Daily I'm trying to do better, learn more, I've started to pray, I'm trying to get rid of other sins.

You probably won't understand this at the point you're at right now, but you can't make yourself better, only God can.

Philippians 1:6
Philippians 2:13
Philippians 4:13
1 Corinthians 1:8-9
Romans 8:13
Ephesians 3:16
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
1 Peter 5:10
Jude 1:24-25

The key to Christian living, to knowing and walking with God in daily, joyful, holy fellowship is constant, conscious submission to His control, to His will and way. This what the apostle Paul called "walking in the Spirit." There's no other way but this one to live as God intends that you should (Galatians 5:16, 25).

Anyway, hopefully, your sojourn here on this site will be of spiritual benefit and not the cause of utter spiritual confusion and catastrophe.

One final word: Get discipled by a man who is walking well with God.
Hi Clueless and welcome to CF :wave2

First off when we repent of our sins and become Spiritually born again we also are given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which means old things in our life are passed away and remembered no longer by God as we are given a new Spiritual beginning, John 3:5-7.

In scripture it says that our own self righteousness is a filthy rag before God, Isaiah 64:6, and that all have fallen short of His glory, Romans 3:21-31

Our life now to all who have submitted all of themself to God now live our life in the Spirit allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us, Romans 8.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are no longer trash before Him, but a royal priesthood.

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
1Pe 2:10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
One final word: Get discipled by a man who is walking well with God.
Thanks for the warm welcome, thanks for your thoughts and comments Tenchi, I really appreciate it.
1Pe 2:10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
Thanks for_his_glory for the warm welcoming and thoughts.
The closer I get to Christ, the more I see that I've been a piece of trash in my actions, in my thoughts and in my heart.
But as much as I am hurt for my own stupidities, like I said, I'm equally inspired and motivated to get closer to Christ.
You mentioned believing in Jesus from a young age, going wayward and then thinking about different denominations. I did that too.

I never heard the gospel correctly in any "denominiation" I was associated with.
I would suggest going to church on line, because you will never be allowed to question (and expect an answer) in any formal churchs' doctrine without being shown the door.
Websites like this one have moderators who allow different pounts of view as long as certain rules of conduct are followed.
I almost forgot, if you really want to get close to Jesus, maybe He'll send a bully your way. Then you'll know how our Savior felt. Btw, was that kid you beat up in the hallway a Christian?
I almost forgot, if you really want to get close to Jesus, maybe He'll send a bully your way. Then you'll know how our Savior felt. Btw, was that kid you beat up in the hallway a Christian?
The sentence ''It's kinda like coming back home with only F's on my score list, and on top of that, I never really attended classes, and beat up that kid in the hallway.'' is not something that actually happened. But more the way I felt.

Like I had to come back to God and tell him that I haven't been living up to any standard for a long time. In the same way you'd have to tell your parents that everything you did the past year in school was a total screw up.

It does give me the same feeling of nervousness, shame and guilt.
The sentence ''It's kinda like coming back home with only F's on my score list, and on top of that, I never really attended classes, and beat up that kid in the hallway.'' is not something that actually happened. But more the way I felt.

Like I had to come back to God and tell him that I haven't been living up to any standard for a long time. In the same way you'd have to tell your parents that everything you did the past year in school was a total screw up.

It does give me the same feeling of nervousness, shame and guilt.
That's great Clueless, because wanting evil to happen is no different than doing it according to Jesus and the only one teaching that we must commit sin is the devil.