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Barack Obama - the Anti-Christ?

Is President Obama the Anti-Christ?

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If you want to know the antichrist then study the book of Daniel. In Daniel 7 the attributes of the anitchrist are given as follows:
A. The "little horn" or kingdom "came up among them"--the 10 horns which were the kingdoms of Western Europe (Daniel 7:8). So it would be a little kingdom somewhere in Western Europe.
B. It would have a man at its head who could speak for it (Daniel 7:8).
C. It would pluck up or uproot three kingdoms (Daniel 7:8).
D. It would be "diverse" or different from the other 10 kingdoms (Daniel 7:24).
E. It would make war with and "wear out" or persecute the saints (Daniel 7:21, 25).
F. It would emerge from the pagan Roman empire--the fourth world kingdom (Daniel 7:7, 8).
G. God's people (the saints) would "be given into his hand" for "a time and times and the dividing of time" (Daniel 7:25).
H. It would "speak great words against" or blaspheme God (Daniel 7:25).
I. It would "think to change times and laws." Daniel 7:25.

Barack Obama doesn't fit these points, so he can't be the antichrist. I'll talk about the last two points, then you can research about the other points.

H. It would "speak great words against" or blaspheme God (Daniel 7:25)
Blasphemy has two definitions in Scripture:
1. Claiming to forgive sins (Luke 5:21).
2. Claiming to be God (John 10:33).
Isn't there a church [that has political power] which claims to forgive sins. And its leader is referred to as "His Holiness", and people like to say "he is like God"?

I. It would "think to change times and laws." Daniel 7:25.
The "times"
During the Biblical era, a day began and ended at sunset. Someone changed it so that a day begins and ends at midnight. And now we use the Gregorian calender. Pope Gregory XIII was the one responsible for changing the calendar.
The laws
Did this power that changed the "times" also change the laws?
Well, in its catechisms, the papacy has omitted the second commandment against veneration of images and has shortened the fourth commandment from 94 words to eight and divided the tenth commandment into two commandments. (Check this for yourself. Compare the Ten Commandments in any Catholic catechism with God's list of the commandments in Exodus 20:3-17.)

You can visit these sites for more info:
He is definitely not. No one person is.

The Antichrist is a system, not a person. The Bible and God are absolutes. You either are or
you aren't. You are a Christian or you are not. You either prophesy in truth or not in truth.
It is a simple, binary system, a system of two absolutes, nothing lukewarm.

The only time the A/C is mentioned is in 1 John and 2 John. 1 John.2.22 He is A/C who
denies the Father and the Son. End of statement. Please don't complicate a simple concept.
Capt. Kirk said:
He is definitely not. No one person is.

The Antichrist is a system, not a person. The Bible and God are absolutes. You either are or
you aren't. You are a Christian or you are not. You either prophesy in truth or not in truth.
It is a simple, binary system, a system of two absolutes, nothing lukewarm.

The only time the A/C is mentioned is in 1 John and 2 John. 1 John.2.22 He is A/C who
denies the Father and the Son. End of statement. Please don't complicate a simple concept.


I beg to differ Anti-Christ is a spirit > Babylon is a system, now would you mind
beaming me up? :chin




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