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Barack Obama - the Anti-Christ?

Is President Obama the Anti-Christ?

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I'm not sure where to put this thread, but I thought this section was the right one; if it's the wrong section, moderators please move it to the right one.

Ever since Obama appeared in the news, I've had this feeling that Obama is the Anti-Christ. When I heard of Obama, I began studying scriptures on the description of the Anti-Christ and what events would mark the start of the Tribulation, while also studying the background of Obama. To me, he is the Anti-Christ.

If you're interested in this "conspiracy," take a look at, and tell me what you think.
The Bible says the AntiChrist will be of Roman descent. Does anyone know if Barack Obama fits under this criteria?
ephesus32 said:
The Bible says the AntiChrist will be of Roman descent. Does anyone know if Barack Obama fits under this criteria?

I thought the AntiChrist could come from any descent.
Please understand that scripture never taught there to be one antichrist....for many years society and people who were not properly familiar with scripture has been misleading many that there will be ONE man to rise on the earth entitled "the antichrist"....Antichrist meaning any individual with opposite values of Jesus christ... The book of john states this clearly

"Who is the liar if it is not the one that denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one that denies the Father and the Son. These things I write you about THOSE who are trying to mislead you." -1 John 2:22, 26

"Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be MANY ANTICHRISTS; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour. THEY went out from us, but THEY were not of our sort; for if THEY had been of our sort, THEY would have remained with us. But THEY went out that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort." -1 John 2:18, 19

"For MANY deceivers have gone forth into the world, PERSONS not confessing Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. -2 John 7

The more people teach that there will be ONE man of sin entitled "the antichrist" the more people will be decieved...everyone will be looking for this one individual.....while the end times are already taking place....

NOW....if you read the boook of revelation, you will see there are two beasts mentioned, the first one in Revelation 13:1-10 and the second one Revelation 13:11-18... I would admit that the second beast sounds more like the individual in this posts what it says..

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth: and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.....................
...............Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Now if this individual is this beast...then he will enforce rules and regulations with strict consequences (fire from heaven) he will create a mark (money) to stabalize the worlds economy...any country who doesnt recieve his mark... will not be able to buy / sell / trade
So, what you're saying is that there will be many people who are considered AntiChrists, yet there will be one of them who is the leader? And there will be a one-world government that stabilizes this one governments' rules and regulations?
I have an interest in this because I have heard my mother allude to this as well. My question is, what criteria does Obama fit?

In what way is this criteria any different than Bush I or II, Clinton, or Regan? Was the anti-christ question asked in regards to them?

Not debating, just curious.
M.Sims90 said:
So, what you're saying is that there will be many people who are considered AntiChrists, yet there will be one of them who is the leader? And there will be a one-world government that stabilizes this one governments' rules and regulations?

Well its what the word of God (scripture says) really... Jesus was saying that they will be many individuals who will be have qualities opposite to his own in the last days. He termed these people antichrists.. Actually antichrists were around from the times of Jesus Christ..just not as much as todays
Its just that now the world is looking for this ONE individual to call 'the antichrist'..

I mentioned earlier about Revelation 13:11-18

Now this beast is what the world has to watch out for , he himself is antichrist (amongst the many others worldwide) , he will possess 'antichrist' qualities. Now John saw the revelation in a way that he would understand...below with modern day interpretation:

'spoke like a dragon' <-- in our terms with power and authority,
'fire come down from heaven' <-- some people see this as weaponry / form of judgement
'life unto the image of the beast' <-- this is my opinion, this beast will make money valuable again,....he will 'give life to it'
'And he causeth all, both small and great' <-- Every nation will turn to 'the image' / money
'to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads' <-- It will be integrated into peoples lives
'And that no man might buy or sell' <-- No nation will be able to trade or buy/sell without the mark of the image / money

If this individual is this beast...then he will implement those factors above.

So there will be no no sect / cult / organization with a leader over them, just plain everyday people who make 'antichrist' like decisions marraiges, abortion, idolatry, ...pornography, adultery, fornacation... they, (antichrists), will become dominant on the earth (already are)..

AN'TI, n. [Gr. See Ante.] place of.
Webster's 1828 Dictionary


In place of Christ...
"[W]e hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty."


p. 304, Benziger Brothers (1903)

VIC'AR, n. [L. vicarius, from vicis]
...a substitute in office.
Webster's 1828 Dictionary

Vicar of Christ.

A substitute Christ...

"For the Roman pontiff (pope), by reason of his office as VICAR OF CHRIST, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and universal POWER over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise UNHINDERED."


"We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely NECESSARY FOR the SALVATION of every human creature to be SUBJECT TO THE ROMAN PONTIFF (POPE)."


Still think Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Man was created on the 6th day, now take three sixes 666 that makes a trinity, you figure out the rest.


Is it not the Anti-Christ in terms of scipture that will declare himself God? To say any one person is the Anti-Christ is just as perhaps discouraged as to try assume when the world will end. For was it not also written that God desires not for us to determine the day when the world will end for it will be revealed to us in God's time?
Sorry, I do not mean to be rude. But not even five minutes into it, it stereotypes ALL Jews as people who do not believe in Christ. The Jewish religion...from what I have come to understand and see, like Christianity has denominations. Also I have met and known some Jewish people who DO in fact BELIEVE in Jesus.

This again does not change my views on Obama being the anti-christ and I am still in disagreement with the idea of pointing fingers at people and saying "He/She is the antichrist!"

It disgusts me....truth be told. It somewhat feels like what I feel the old Salem witch trials must have felt like.

Anti Christ is not one person. It's more of a dynasty or something that falls under that category. If anything, Nero Ceasar or Pope would be Anti-Christ. I'm going with Nero Caesar. It makes aloot more sense when you put him and the rest of the emperors in the place of Anti-Christ. Then again, it can most likely be both. Both of them are extremely good candidates.
If you want a role model, Adolph Hitler came within one inch; of being the Anti-Christ. The first beast is the son of perdition, probably a world political leader.

The second beast the true Anti-Messiah, and the one who enforces the mark and worship of the first beast. Will have to be Jewish, even the Jews agree to this.

It will be difficult to identify the first man, as he will appear to do much good, until the rise of the real Anti-Christ. This is when he will do an about face, and be recognized for who he really is.
Joshua said:
If the anti-Christ is one man, wouldn't he need to be Jewish in order to claim to be the Messiah?
Exactly....And he will come upon the scene when Most of the (Christian) world will think the real Messiah is supposed to return. Most will accept the climax of the Ezekiel 38 war as the final battle. The events that occur prior to His reign will be the Foundation He uses to try to establish who he wants everyone to think He is.
  • As For Obama, Me thinks Satan is pretty slick, and will try to get many to accept someone that may appear to be antichrist, Before the reign of the real antichrist, so He is accepted as the Messiah!! Think about it!!
Actually, no.

Anti - Christ doesn't need to be Jewish to claim he is Messiah. All he needs is a multitude of believers on his fingertips, eating every thing he says. It would be too obvious and too stupid for Anti-Christ to make war against "his own land" if you actually think about it. No one would even consider to take him seriously if he were to tell people to destroy "his own land". It have to be of course someone that has done this already in order for the wound to be healed... and the last time I checked, Jerusalem didn't make war against itself, but Rome did.(Made war and conquered Jerusalem). So hmm, what leader have Christians + Catholics eating out of the palm of his hands? What leader is actually capable of continuing the Roman empire? What leader have soo much power over the churches? He's definitely a powerful man in this world today, and have been for a pretty good while now. His words are pretty effective over the church, and could be effective over the laws. Hmm, I'll let you decide.
Zero Link said:
Actually, no.

Anti - Christ doesn't need to be Jewish to claim he is Messiah. All he needs is a multitude of believers on his fingertips, eating every thing he says. It would be too obvious and too stupid for Anti-Christ to make war against "his own land" if you actually think about it. No one would even consider to take him seriously if he were to tell people to destroy "his own land". It have to be of course someone that has done this already in order for the wound to be healed... and the last time I checked, Jerusalem didn't make war against itself, but Rome did.(Made war and conquered Jerusalem). So hmm, what leader have Christians + Catholics eating out of the palm of his hands? What leader is actually capable of continuing the Roman empire? What leader have soo much power over the churches? He's definitely a powerful man in this world today, and have been for a pretty good while now. His words are pretty effective over the church, and could be effective over the laws. Hmm, I'll let you decide.
Antichrist will Not make war against His own Land. As a matter of fact, the following is the real reason WHY most will accept Him as the messiah.
  • The Lord divinely intervines at the climax of the Ezekiel 38 war. We read, "all the men on the earth shall shake at my presence". What is Jewish nation still looking for in thier Messiah? Is it a suffering servant? No! It is a great leader who will save them from their enemies. Although it is the Lord who intervines at the climax of this battle, who do you think the nation of Israel will give the credit to, thinking it was Him that did it?? They will see the "face of HIm that sitteth on the throne" (rev.6) They will procliam, and conclude "the great day of His wrath is come" It is at this point in time Antichrist enters the picture (fifth trumpet), and because of what Just occured, is given credit for the Deliverence of the nation of Israel from Her enemies. Antichrist will "fill the portiat" of what the Jewish nation is looking for in a Messiah. Most Christinas will also accept Him, and be decieved, because they Just experienced events, they will embrace as full prophetic fulfillment, but it actually occurs Prior to the reign of the false messiah.
  • "For in such an Hour that you THINK NOT the son of Man cometh." Nobody would be looking for, or expecting the return of the Messiah, If they thought He has already returned!!!! "They will be eating and drinking, Marrying, and given in Marriage, untill the flood (judgement) came. There will be a false Marriage supper, to the false Bridegroom. He will divide the Land for gain, and give it to those who accept Him as God, for they are destined to be co-rulers with Christ!! Can you see what is Happening??? Its a Duplication!!!!


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