[__ Prayer __] Basal Cell Carcinoma

In case anyone's still following, just saw my dermatologist. All we know is that it's a "benign growth" of some kind, and even that's not definite. Instructions were to keep it moisturized for a week, and see if it recedes significantly (also got a few shots of Kenalog around the wound site). If it doesn't respond, need to do another biopsy.

Looks like I still be needing those prayers.
Kenalog is like 8x stronger than Prednisone. I think it's already shrinking. Tomorrow should be interesting.
Apparently there's a chance that the first biopsy "missed" and that it actually is cancer. We're going to see if it shrinks and heals in a week under heavy moisturizing and several shots of Kenalog. If it doesn't, we're going to do another, more complete biopsy.

The prayers could be deciding this one.
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any updates?
Thank you for asking! The patch definitely looks better today. This is 24 hours after several local shots of Kenalog around the perimeter of the "wound" site, and heavy moisturizing (with plain ointment). The deep part of the ulcer (down to the basal epidermis layer) is about half the diameter of the original size.

What we're worried about is the ulcer's behavior after the Kenalog wears off. If it continues to shrink, carcinoma is ruled out and the site will eventually heal. If it springs back and starts regrowing, cancer becomes a possibility again and a second, more thorough biopsy is indicated.

Like I said, fun times. Not.
The exposed basal layer is only about 3/8" across now. I think it should close completely by tomorrow. Watching hour-to-hour for the edges to meet.
I think the exposed basal layer is grown out again. Not sure, though...I'll have to let the doctor examine it for real.
My little ulcer friend looks much better today, in fact the best it's ever looked. Still not sure, though. I see my dermo in an hour, we'll see what she thinks.
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