willow the wip
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You hypocrites coversing with Islam you people make me sick if you only knew truly what moslims thought about christianity
this is why islam teaches that any other religion is evil
http://www.barnabasfund.org/Apostasy/Co ... _Death.htm
“I would rather have the whole world against me but know that the Almighty God is with me, be called an apostate but know that I have the approval of the God of gloryâ€Â
Mehdi Dibaj, Iran, from his defence at his trial for apostasy,
Dec 1993
“Every Muslim guilty of the crime of apostasy, whether by word or action, will be invited to repent over a period of three days. If he does not repent within this time limit, he is to be condemned to death as an apostate and his property will be confiscated by the Treasury.â€Â
Article 306, Criminal Code of Mauritania
The Shari’ah has formed the basis of Iranian law since the country’s 1979 revolution. Article 167 of the Constitution states that any part of Shari’ah (including death for apostasy) can be legally applied. In December 1990 Hossein Soodmand, a Christian convert from Islam, was hanged for apostasy. In Sudan the Shari’ah was similarly adopted in 1983 and apostasy is also prohibited by law. Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, an Islamic scholar, was executed in Sudan in January 1985 as an apostate after calling for the reform of Islamic law. In Saudi Arabia there is no written penal code and the Shari’ah itself is considered to be the sole law of the land. In September 1992 Sadiq ‘Abdul-Karim Malallah, a Shia Muslim, was publicly beheaded after being convicted of apostasy and blasphemy.
On 9 July 1998 the statues of ten 20th century Christian martyrs were unveiled at London’s Westminster Abbey in a ceremony attended by the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Standing shoulder to shoulder with famous Christian figures such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King Junior was a statue of Esther John, a humble Pakistani woman.
Esther was born Qamar Zia, a Muslim. Later in life Esther reached a personal decision to leave Islam and convert to Christianity. Her decision greatly angered her family. After several years Esther fled her home and went into hiding to avoid being forced to marry a Muslim man by her parents. In February 1960 she was battered to death whilst she slept in a missionaries’ home near Chichawatni, her skull crushed. Esther was almost certainly murdered by one of her own brothers seeking to expunge the shame she had brought upon her family by converting to Christianity.
Most people reading these web pages would probably accept that individuals should be free to choose and to change their faith in accordance with their personal beliefs. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that everyone has the right “to change his religion or beliefâ€Â. However, traditional Islamic teaching says that converts from Islam should be put to death.
Today, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Muslims like Esther John who choose to convert to another faith are being persecuted in the Islamic world. In some countries they face imprisonment, beatings, torture and death. Even where their life is not under threat from the state their marriages may be annulled, their children taken away from them and they could lose their property and their inheritance, all in accordance with Islamic law.
These web pages have been written to draw attention to the great dangers facing converts from Islam. They are not intended as an attack on Islam or a criticism of Muslims, but a defence of religious liberty, human rights and the freedom to change religion. It is our hope that these pages will inform, move and inspire you to stand together with thousands of people around the world who are facing the threat of death for no other reason than what they believe.
“But such as open their breastto unbelief on them is Wrathfrom Allah and theirs will bea dreadful penalty.â€Â
Surah 16: 106, Qur’an
“Whoever renounces hisreligion, kill him.â€Â
Muhammad in the hadith, Sahih al Bukhari’scollection
this woman died becouse of her faith in Jesus.
http://www.barnabasfund.org/Apostasy/Is ... aching.htm
...death for apostasy and other punishments are a very well attested part of orthodox Islamic Shari'ah...
There are four principal schools of Shari’ah within Sunni Islam and a fifth tradition in Shia Islam. There is some disagreement as to detailed application of apostasy law between Islamic scholars from the different traditions: Should female apostates be executed as well, or only imprisoned for life? Are the children of converts also to be considered apostates? What exactly should a man say or do to indicate that he is an apostate? However, all schools of the Shari’ah agree that adult male apostates who refuse to return to Islam should be executed and that their Muslim wife and children and all their property should be taken away from them.
Islamic religious law (Shari’ah) states that Muslim men who convert to another faith (apostates) and refuse to return to Islam should be put to death. It also specifies various other penalties including the annulment of their marriage, the loss of their children and all their property, and the suspension of all financial and legal contracts and inheritance rights, all to be returned if they revert to Islam.
The Shari’ah is derived from four main sources: firstly the Qur’an (the holy book of Islam), secondly the hadith (a vast collection of sayings attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad). If both of these are silent on a particular subject orthodox teaching is reached by a consensus of the views of Islamic religious leaders (ijma) or by analogous reasoning (qiyas).
There are several references to conversion from Islam in the Qur’an. They indicate that converts will be punished by Allah in the afterlife but are not clear as to whether they should also be punished in this life.
There are moslims that will KILL christians for there faith God help you if that happens to you one day.
who rape there wifes of the paster and the pastor is brutelised.
the name of Christ is offensive to moslims.
Denigh your faith in Jesus and we will reliese you.
The fact that some seem to defend islam.
thetruereligion.org - The Bible Led Me to Islam
there were many verses in the Bible that made me question the religion I was following (Christianity). There was one particular verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which ...
Moslims persicuting christians the name of Christ is blasphomas to a moslim.
Update On The Suffering Church
Hundreds of students in Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, held a rally on 26th November 2002 to protest against what they called "Christianisation" (i.e. Christian evangelism amongst the majority Muslim population). West Sumatra is a stronghold of Indonesian Islam and some Islamic groups in Padang have been calling for the introduction of Islamic law (Shari'ah).
For many decades of the twentieth century, Indonesia was a shining example of religious freedom in a Muslim-majority context. Both Christian mission work and Islamic mission work could take place freely.
The student protestors last November raised again the accusations made against Christian leaders in West Sumatra back in 1998.
Christians believe this case was concocted by Islamic extremists to intimidate them. It centred on a Muslim girl who visited a Christian pastor, saying she had become a Christian and asking for protection from her family who would have given her the traditional local punishment of chaining her legs, arms and neck to a post. The Christians took her in and looked after her, only to be arrested and imprisoned on charges of abduction and rape.
Pray for Christians in West Sumatra at this dangerous and volatile time. Pray that they will be protected from attack and intimidation. Pray for wisdom and guidance for church leaders.
An explosion severely damaged the Macedonian Consulate in Karachi on 5th December 2002. Inside the building the bodies of two men and a woman were found, not killed by the explosion but with their hands and feet bound and their throats slit. A warning message to "infidels" (i.e. non-Muslims) was scrawled on the wall, along with a reference to Al-Qaeda. One of the dead men was Hamid, a Pakistani Christian who worked as the security guard.
The attack may have been in retaliation for the killing of seven Pakistanis in Macedonia on 2nd March 2002. The seven were in a van that refused to stop at a police roadblock, causing Macedonian police to open fire. The van was found to be carrying seven assault rifles, grenades and ammunition.
Given that Macedonia is regarded as a Christian country, this is the eighth attack on buildings in Pakistan where Christians gather, since 11th September 2001. Previous attacks have included churches, a Christian hospital, a Christian school and a Christian charity.
Christians across Pakistan have been forced to dramatically increase their security (if they are able to afford to do so). Secure walls have been built, metal bars placed on windows and church members drilled in emergency procedures in case of an attack. One church has installed a metal detector. Many Christians are meeting for worship each Sunday with police guards standing watch outside their churches.
Pray for comfort and support for the grieving families of all those who were killed in the latest attack.
Pray for protection for Christians across Pakistan at this uncertain time.
Pray that no further attacks will occur and that Christians will again be able to meet for worship freely and without fear.
We are delighted to announce the election of Dr Josiah Fearon as Anglican Archbishop of the newly formed province of Kaduna, Nigeria. This province includes eight of the twelve Nigerian states which have adopted full Shari' ah in recent years. The new archbishop is an old friend of Barnabas Fund, and a member of our Board. In the coming years he will play a key role supporting the Church in North Nigeria as it faces one of the most challenging times in its history.
Pray for Archbishop Josiah and his family. Ask that the Lord will give him wisdom, guidance, strength, courage and vision.
According to traditional Islamic law Muslims who convert from Islam to another faith (apostates) should be put to death, their marriages annulled, and their children and property taken away. In some countries such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Iran the death sentence for apostasy is actually part of the law today and several converts have been executed.
In some Muslim-majority countries like Egypt, where technically there is no law preventing Muslims converting to another faith, many converts have still faced imprisonment, death threats, beatings and torture at the hands of the police. Some have been mysteriously killed.
this is why islam teaches that any other religion is evil
http://www.barnabasfund.org/Apostasy/Co ... _Death.htm
“I would rather have the whole world against me but know that the Almighty God is with me, be called an apostate but know that I have the approval of the God of gloryâ€Â
Mehdi Dibaj, Iran, from his defence at his trial for apostasy,
Dec 1993
“Every Muslim guilty of the crime of apostasy, whether by word or action, will be invited to repent over a period of three days. If he does not repent within this time limit, he is to be condemned to death as an apostate and his property will be confiscated by the Treasury.â€Â
Article 306, Criminal Code of Mauritania
The Shari’ah has formed the basis of Iranian law since the country’s 1979 revolution. Article 167 of the Constitution states that any part of Shari’ah (including death for apostasy) can be legally applied. In December 1990 Hossein Soodmand, a Christian convert from Islam, was hanged for apostasy. In Sudan the Shari’ah was similarly adopted in 1983 and apostasy is also prohibited by law. Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, an Islamic scholar, was executed in Sudan in January 1985 as an apostate after calling for the reform of Islamic law. In Saudi Arabia there is no written penal code and the Shari’ah itself is considered to be the sole law of the land. In September 1992 Sadiq ‘Abdul-Karim Malallah, a Shia Muslim, was publicly beheaded after being convicted of apostasy and blasphemy.
On 9 July 1998 the statues of ten 20th century Christian martyrs were unveiled at London’s Westminster Abbey in a ceremony attended by the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Standing shoulder to shoulder with famous Christian figures such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King Junior was a statue of Esther John, a humble Pakistani woman.
Esther was born Qamar Zia, a Muslim. Later in life Esther reached a personal decision to leave Islam and convert to Christianity. Her decision greatly angered her family. After several years Esther fled her home and went into hiding to avoid being forced to marry a Muslim man by her parents. In February 1960 she was battered to death whilst she slept in a missionaries’ home near Chichawatni, her skull crushed. Esther was almost certainly murdered by one of her own brothers seeking to expunge the shame she had brought upon her family by converting to Christianity.
Most people reading these web pages would probably accept that individuals should be free to choose and to change their faith in accordance with their personal beliefs. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that everyone has the right “to change his religion or beliefâ€Â. However, traditional Islamic teaching says that converts from Islam should be put to death.
Today, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Muslims like Esther John who choose to convert to another faith are being persecuted in the Islamic world. In some countries they face imprisonment, beatings, torture and death. Even where their life is not under threat from the state their marriages may be annulled, their children taken away from them and they could lose their property and their inheritance, all in accordance with Islamic law.
These web pages have been written to draw attention to the great dangers facing converts from Islam. They are not intended as an attack on Islam or a criticism of Muslims, but a defence of religious liberty, human rights and the freedom to change religion. It is our hope that these pages will inform, move and inspire you to stand together with thousands of people around the world who are facing the threat of death for no other reason than what they believe.
“But such as open their breastto unbelief on them is Wrathfrom Allah and theirs will bea dreadful penalty.â€Â
Surah 16: 106, Qur’an
“Whoever renounces hisreligion, kill him.â€Â
Muhammad in the hadith, Sahih al Bukhari’scollection
this woman died becouse of her faith in Jesus.
http://www.barnabasfund.org/Apostasy/Is ... aching.htm
...death for apostasy and other punishments are a very well attested part of orthodox Islamic Shari'ah...
There are four principal schools of Shari’ah within Sunni Islam and a fifth tradition in Shia Islam. There is some disagreement as to detailed application of apostasy law between Islamic scholars from the different traditions: Should female apostates be executed as well, or only imprisoned for life? Are the children of converts also to be considered apostates? What exactly should a man say or do to indicate that he is an apostate? However, all schools of the Shari’ah agree that adult male apostates who refuse to return to Islam should be executed and that their Muslim wife and children and all their property should be taken away from them.
Islamic religious law (Shari’ah) states that Muslim men who convert to another faith (apostates) and refuse to return to Islam should be put to death. It also specifies various other penalties including the annulment of their marriage, the loss of their children and all their property, and the suspension of all financial and legal contracts and inheritance rights, all to be returned if they revert to Islam.
The Shari’ah is derived from four main sources: firstly the Qur’an (the holy book of Islam), secondly the hadith (a vast collection of sayings attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad). If both of these are silent on a particular subject orthodox teaching is reached by a consensus of the views of Islamic religious leaders (ijma) or by analogous reasoning (qiyas).
There are several references to conversion from Islam in the Qur’an. They indicate that converts will be punished by Allah in the afterlife but are not clear as to whether they should also be punished in this life.
There are moslims that will KILL christians for there faith God help you if that happens to you one day.
who rape there wifes of the paster and the pastor is brutelised.
the name of Christ is offensive to moslims.
Denigh your faith in Jesus and we will reliese you.
The fact that some seem to defend islam.
thetruereligion.org - The Bible Led Me to Islam
there were many verses in the Bible that made me question the religion I was following (Christianity). There was one particular verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which ...
Moslims persicuting christians the name of Christ is blasphomas to a moslim.
Update On The Suffering Church
Hundreds of students in Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, held a rally on 26th November 2002 to protest against what they called "Christianisation" (i.e. Christian evangelism amongst the majority Muslim population). West Sumatra is a stronghold of Indonesian Islam and some Islamic groups in Padang have been calling for the introduction of Islamic law (Shari'ah).
For many decades of the twentieth century, Indonesia was a shining example of religious freedom in a Muslim-majority context. Both Christian mission work and Islamic mission work could take place freely.
The student protestors last November raised again the accusations made against Christian leaders in West Sumatra back in 1998.
Christians believe this case was concocted by Islamic extremists to intimidate them. It centred on a Muslim girl who visited a Christian pastor, saying she had become a Christian and asking for protection from her family who would have given her the traditional local punishment of chaining her legs, arms and neck to a post. The Christians took her in and looked after her, only to be arrested and imprisoned on charges of abduction and rape.
Pray for Christians in West Sumatra at this dangerous and volatile time. Pray that they will be protected from attack and intimidation. Pray for wisdom and guidance for church leaders.
An explosion severely damaged the Macedonian Consulate in Karachi on 5th December 2002. Inside the building the bodies of two men and a woman were found, not killed by the explosion but with their hands and feet bound and their throats slit. A warning message to "infidels" (i.e. non-Muslims) was scrawled on the wall, along with a reference to Al-Qaeda. One of the dead men was Hamid, a Pakistani Christian who worked as the security guard.
The attack may have been in retaliation for the killing of seven Pakistanis in Macedonia on 2nd March 2002. The seven were in a van that refused to stop at a police roadblock, causing Macedonian police to open fire. The van was found to be carrying seven assault rifles, grenades and ammunition.
Given that Macedonia is regarded as a Christian country, this is the eighth attack on buildings in Pakistan where Christians gather, since 11th September 2001. Previous attacks have included churches, a Christian hospital, a Christian school and a Christian charity.
Christians across Pakistan have been forced to dramatically increase their security (if they are able to afford to do so). Secure walls have been built, metal bars placed on windows and church members drilled in emergency procedures in case of an attack. One church has installed a metal detector. Many Christians are meeting for worship each Sunday with police guards standing watch outside their churches.
Pray for comfort and support for the grieving families of all those who were killed in the latest attack.
Pray for protection for Christians across Pakistan at this uncertain time.
Pray that no further attacks will occur and that Christians will again be able to meet for worship freely and without fear.
We are delighted to announce the election of Dr Josiah Fearon as Anglican Archbishop of the newly formed province of Kaduna, Nigeria. This province includes eight of the twelve Nigerian states which have adopted full Shari' ah in recent years. The new archbishop is an old friend of Barnabas Fund, and a member of our Board. In the coming years he will play a key role supporting the Church in North Nigeria as it faces one of the most challenging times in its history.
Pray for Archbishop Josiah and his family. Ask that the Lord will give him wisdom, guidance, strength, courage and vision.
According to traditional Islamic law Muslims who convert from Islam to another faith (apostates) should be put to death, their marriages annulled, and their children and property taken away. In some countries such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Iran the death sentence for apostasy is actually part of the law today and several converts have been executed.
In some Muslim-majority countries like Egypt, where technically there is no law preventing Muslims converting to another faith, many converts have still faced imprisonment, death threats, beatings and torture at the hands of the police. Some have been mysteriously killed.