I heard a preacher quoting Acts 16:31 that if you are saved then your family will get saved and he went on to add "I don't how your family will be saved but it's written and so it will happen"
Acts 16:31
King James Version (KJV)
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
So this statement puzzled me and I came across few scriptures of what Jesus said about the family
Matthew 22
King James Version (KJV)
23The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
27 And last of all the woman died also.
28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
The above scripture states that there is no family in heaven and also can be believed that there is no corporate salvation but salvation is on individual belief
My question is how to take Acts 16:31? Can we assume that when a person is saved, the grace is poured upon the whole family of the person and they get saved after they believe and get baptized?
Or is there another meaning of the scripture?
Hope your thoughts will be benefited to all. Please do share your views
Acts 16:31
King James Version (KJV)
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
So this statement puzzled me and I came across few scriptures of what Jesus said about the family
Matthew 22
King James Version (KJV)
23The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
27 And last of all the woman died also.
28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
The above scripture states that there is no family in heaven and also can be believed that there is no corporate salvation but salvation is on individual belief
My question is how to take Acts 16:31? Can we assume that when a person is saved, the grace is poured upon the whole family of the person and they get saved after they believe and get baptized?
Or is there another meaning of the scripture?
Hope your thoughts will be benefited to all. Please do share your views