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Benny Hinn Divorce, Net Worth, and Paula White


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Benny Hinn owns a $10 million mansion, expensive cars, and a private jet worth approximately $36 million. Because he doesn't disclose his finances, no one knows for sure what his net worth is, but he lives the lifestyle of a billionaire. He has been known to spend over $10,000 a night for luxury hotel rooms. The Jaffa, Israel born Palestinian American was married for 30 years to Suzanne and the couple has four children. Benny since emigrated to Toronto, Canada and later to Orlando, Florida. Now Suzanne was arrested for the shoplifting of two pair of pajamas in Johannesberg, South Africa in late 1998 or 1999, but the charges were later dropped. For more see</b>

Pictures don't lie....but pictures do lie. I read the page. If the page is true....then I think he needs our prayers.

The page seems something written out of envy over his flamboyance. Just saying.
However, luxury, if not too unnecessarily wasteful isn't bad.
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Benny Hinn is a false Christian teacher. He perverts the bible, and faith. His wealth only goes to show how many people are willing to except a lie and be deceived, rather than read the bible.

Benny Hinn is known for his mistaken prophecies relating to the end times, including the destruction of homosexuals in the USA, the death of Fidel Castro in the 1990s, and the end of the world in 1992 and 1999, but people still send him money. he claims to be Anointed the power purportedly given by God and transmitted through Him to carry out supernatural acts. Says he's healed many people of blindness, aids, deafness, name it.
The page seems something written out of envy over his flamboyance. Just saying.
However, luxury, if not too unnecessarily wasteful isn't bad.
I JUST got done posting in another thread about how sometimes the pointy finger of judgment is motivated by our own envies and jealousies of what others are getting away with while we forgo indulgences for the sake of righteousness, or we simply can't afford them, lol.

But anyway, this is what Jesus says about blind guides:

13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.†(Matthew 15:13 NIV1984)

Ultimately, a person who can see can not be mislead by a blind person. God has equipped his people to see. They can not be deceived forever by a blind guide. Nor will the true people of God follow a voice they don't recognize.

Pictures don't lie....but pictures do lie. I read the page. If the page is true....then I think he needs our prayers.

The page seems something written out of envy over his flamboyance. Just saying.
However, luxury, if not too unnecessarily wasteful isn't bad.

Classik.. I have heard the lies Hinn has told. Heard them from him via the TV. Heard how he uses God, Scripture, and fear, to raise money. The cheaten divorce thing is a side line to his abuse of the God and Scripture...
I wonder if Hinn would have the guts to tell his followers this, like Moses did:

"...the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning. 4 So all the skilled craftsmen who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left their work 5 and said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the LORD commanded to be done.”

6 Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more, 7 because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work." (Exodus 36:3-7 NIV1984)
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’” (Matthew 13: NIV1984)

Kinda wants to make you rethink ministry success as a sign of God's favor, doesn't it?
Benny Hinn is a false Christian teacher. He perverts the bible, and faith. His wealth only goes to show how many people are willing to except a lie and be deceived, rather than read the bible.

Benny Hinn is known for his mistaken prophecies relating to the end times, including the destruction of homosexuals in the USA, the death of Fidel Castro in the 1990s, and the end of the world in 1992 and 1999, but people still send him money. he claims to be Anointed the power purportedly given by God and transmitted through Him to carry out supernatural acts. Says he's healed many people of blindness, aids, deafness, name it.

Jethro, with perceptive posts like yours, you need a new screen name.

I propose "Mental Avenger"! (Kinda like a superhero) :thumbsup
Well, I don't have close aquaintance with Benny Hinn. I have only heard about him a couple of times.

Let's pray for him instead.
Well, I don't have close aquaintance with Benny Hinn. I have only heard about him a couple of times.

Let's pray for him instead.

Instead of what? why not know what he is about and still pray for him. Why not tell it like it is and pray for him.

Good farmers dont leave the fox in the hen house.
Here are my thoughts on Benny:

I really don't care that he has money, mansions, cars, etc. It's not a sin to have them, but any Christian (be it a preacher or a sheep) should be content without them. They should also be willing to part with them if need be for the glory of God, for his work and for the well being of the saints. As for his divorce, it is unfortunate, but I'm not holding that against him either.

I saw on Youtube a video of Benny taking Joel Osteen and Ophrah to school! Joel has responded to a question by Larry King ("is Jesus the only way?") by saying, "That's up to God..." He also blasted Ophrah for the same type of thinking. He was right on! You can probably still find it if you do a google search with the terms "Benny Hinn vs. Joel Osteen".

That being said, while I don't care that he HAS money, I do care how he got it. If he is preaching a false doctrine and making his money by exploiting the Word, then it is wrong (and I believe that to be the case). I've only listened to him a few times, but if he is a "prosperity preacher" then he's not preaching the truth. Yes, prosperity preachers do use Bible verses which are 100% true, but it isn't the whole truth. The truth is that God may bless you with money, health, or anything else, but that's just the blessing you get for faith. You don't do it FOR those reasons.

In other words, you don't give in expectance of a return larger that what you gave. You give because you love God, and if you don't get anything back, you don't gripe about it. But... God may bless you according to HIS riches (which are pretty vast).

As for the thing with Joel and Ophrah... Like the saying goes, a broken clock is right twice a day. With that being said, don't be surprised if Benny has one more truly inspired sermon left.
In other words, you don't give in expectance of a return larger that what you gave. You give because you love God, and if you don't get anything back, you don't gripe about it. But... God may bless you according to HIS riches (which are pretty vast).

I love this.
Well, I don't have close aquaintance with Benny Hinn. I have only heard about him a couple of times.

Let's pray for him instead.

Instead of what? why not know what he is about and still pray for him. Why not tell it like it is and pray for him.

Good farmers dont leave the fox in the hen house.

Thanks, reba.
It's just that I don't like saying things against the people of God even if they are not...

I understand what you are trying to say.

Good farmers dont leave the fox in the hen house.
Hens know how to fly away:lol
Pizzaguy, did you miss your pizza?:biggrinunno:shrug:confused
I seldom eat Pizza... those days are over. I am "Pizzaguy" because my son called me "PizzaDad" many years ago.

I believe B.H. to be a false preacher. Why God allows people like him to use the Bible and other people's faith to gain great riches, I do not know.

Jesus never gained great riches in this life, why should B.H.?
Hinn is a simple scam artist doing it in the name of God for many reasons, one taxes, can hide so much being a pastor.

Hinn uses the same tactics as a trained stage hypnotist does.

What the many hidden videos of his crusades of his people working and deciding who gets to come on stage, often real sick people with obvious illness that can be seen will beg his people working the crowed to go on stage and you they're totally ignored. They are trained to find those that will fit the agenda.

It's sad, I saw a few reports that said Hinn had more wealth than the entire crowed at his crusades by about 100 times, yet those in the crowd will still sign their SS checks to him.

Paula White is no better, divorced, still going at it.


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