Biblical Predictions


Aug 14, 2024
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I do think that there are all kinds of Christians, from cultic to orthodox, from immature to mature, from one school of eschatology to another. But we should try to stick to biblical guidelines when trying to speculate about what we think will happen next in accordance with biblical prophecy.

Jesus warned us that we don't know the day of his Coming, which means that we should not spend time trying to figure out "times and seasons." Our focus is to be on the word of God to our heart today, as God guides us through life, trying to display Christ in our world. We do have a clearly laid-out mission, and we should be concerned with that, rather than trying to construct calendars of prophet events about to be unveiled.

But many of us, including myself, have a great interest in biblical prophecy, because it is also God's word. It gives us a sense of where the world is heading, and what we must face as we live out our Christian lives.

This interest in biblical prophecy may tempt us to want to brag about our knowledge of the future to those in the world who have no clue about purpose in history. But we should refrain, humbly, in the knowledge that the times and seasons are in God's hands. We may speculate, a bit, about the general direction we are heading, but unless we are bona fide prophets, we should not be engaged in specific date setting about coming biblical events.

For example, we know the Antichrist is Coming, and we know Israel is going to finally be delivered for all time politically (if you agree with my eschatology). But it would be wrong for me to try to conjure up a date for these events unless God specifically revealed these things to me.

And I doubt He would since He does not ordinally try to give Man inside information on what will happen next--He wants us to live not in anticipation of what will happen next, but rather, in Christian reaction to them, positive or negative.

God doesn't want us living Christian lives like playing the stock market or the lottery. We don't get "insider information" on such matters to make us dependent on crystal balls and automatic writing. Rather, He wants us to be wise, and to lean on Him moment by moment, only giving us these kinds of directions on occasion as He finds it desirable.

It is much more important for us to draw upon God for His good character, rather than look to Him as a prognosticator, or sooth-sayer. We are to abide in Him for our spirituality and for our love, although we would draw upon Him for our wisdom, as well.

So predictions made about coming biblical events are an exercise in futility for the most part. However, interpreting history today in the light of biblical prophecy is very much a valid subject, in my view. We should see clearly what God is doing in our world as He prepares for the coming of His Kingdom.
Jesus warned us that we don't know the day of his Coming, which means that we should not spend time trying to figure out "times and seasons." Our focus is to be on the word of God to our heart today, as God guides us through life, trying to display Christ in our world. We do have a clearly laid-out mission, and we should be concerned with that, rather than trying to construct calendars of prophet events about to be unveiled.
Hi RandyK

I would caution preaching that as some 'given fact'. It seems painfully obvious to me that part of the reason that his first coming was missed by his own people is that they didn't consider and work out the rather clear prophecy of Daniel 9. I mean, Daniel wrote that after the 69 sevens Messiah (the Anointed One) would be cut off. So, he must have been here to be cut off after the 69 sevens, but Israel never figured that out. However, some wise men who had studied Daniel's writings in Babylon, which is where he wrote his work, figured it out and made quite a journey to find him who would be Messiah.

Although, we do know that they were not supposed to find him. Otherwise, they wouldn't have completed God's plan of salvation here on the earth. But I contend that had they spent as much time studying the prophecies as they did the law, they might have known that the time was ripe for them to kill the Messiah. Instead, they did it out of ignorance.

I believe that God wants His children to study the whole of His testimony to us. Even the parts that reference future events to come. Even Jesus told us that when we saw the signs that he spoke of, that we were to know that he was right at the door. He also told his disciples that when they saw a certain set of signs that they were to flee away from Jerusalem. So, I'd be careful making some blanket statement that we shouldn't study and try to know the things that the prophecies of the Scriptures reveal to us. They are actually written in God's testimony. Do you think God was just putting in some fluff to fill the pages?

But, I also agree that our main focus to those that we meet and greet that are not of us, shouldn't be concerning discussion of God's prophecies, but the truth about the Savior. So, I think it depends on who it is that we're talking with as to what God might approve of us talking about.
Hi RandyK

I would caution preaching that as some 'given fact'. It seems painfully obvious to me that part of the reason that his first coming was missed by his own people is that they didn't consider and work out the rather clear prophecy of Daniel 9. I mean, Daniel wrote that after the 69 sevens Messiah (the Anointed One) would be cut off. So, he must have been here to be cut off after the 69 sevens, but Israel never figured that out. However, some wise men who had studied Daniel's writings in Babylon, which is where he wrote his work, figured it out and made quite a journey to find him who would be Messiah.

Although, we do know that they were not supposed to find him. Otherwise, they wouldn't have completed God's plan of salvation here on the earth. But I contend that had they spent as much time studying the prophecies as they did the law, they might have known that the time was ripe for them to kill the Messiah. Instead, they did it out of ignorance.

I believe that God wants His children to study the whole of His testimony to us. Even the parts that reference future events to come. Even Jesus told us that when we saw the signs that he spoke of, that we were to know that he was right at the door. He also told his disciples that when they saw a certain set of signs that they were to flee away from Jerusalem. So, I'd be careful making some blanket statement that we shouldn't study and try to know the things that the prophecies of the Scriptures reveal to us. They are actually written in God's testimony. Do you think God was just putting in some fluff to fill the pages?

But, I also agree that our main focus to those that we meet and greet that are not of us, shouldn't be concerning discussion of God's prophecies, but the truth about the Savior. So, I think it depends on who it is that we're talking with as to what God might approve of us talking about.
Yes, you make a good point, and I was aware of it. However, as unabalanced as I may have appeared to be, I was just trying to deal with Jesus' basic sense that we should not try to know the times and the seasons. After all, that I just what Jesus' Disciples were told.

Acts 1.7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority."

So I stand by what I said, and never intended to say that prophets cannot be more specific, if God should wish someone to be directed as such. Dan 9 is a very good example, and I appreciate you drawing our focus upon that.

But we're talking about eschatology, which is significantly different. There is a relative time frame, I think, if we take the Millennial Day Theory seriously, which I do. However, it isn't "biblical" in any direct, theological sense.

I have no doubt that divine prophecy can become very specific at some point. We are given the time duration of the reign of Antichrist, and at some point I should think the Church will recognize they are in that time period? (I'm postribulational.)

Since we are "children of the Day," we should be recognize who are Antichrists and who are False Prophets in our day. We should be able to identify a lie or a deception.

And I do think there is a basic blueprint for the development of Christian history in the NT era. But how the various steps happen, in what order, and their length of time goes far beyond what we are given to know. We are given to know what we need to know, and our call is not typically to forecast the future in minute detail.

Dan 9 is an example, as you say, in how God may wish to give His People a more detailed expectation of the 1st Coming of Messiah. And I wouldn't disagree at all that this is an example of greater prophetic detail in some matters.

After all, all of the prophecies of Jesus' Coming were intended to help those open to revelation to see him properly and identify him as Messiah. But clearly, these prophecies did not satisfy those looking for signs who had little or no faith. They had no discernment of divine character.
In the past, there have been a number of failed predictions about the end of the world, or at least of some sort of dramatic world changing event. They have passed without anything happening. I too, was guilty of pointing out a date, one given to us by the prophet Haggai, however I now realize that although the date he specifies will come to pass, we don’t know what year it will come to pass.

The result of this kind of scaremongering is that most people now no longer take notice of anyone who may speak the truth of what the Lord has planned. It is the ‘cry wolf’ syndrome. Also a lot of Christians abhor the idea of ‘knowing the Day and the hour’, because when Jesus was on earth, He said that even He didn’t know.
But to say this about the next event prophesied, actually breaks scripture as many prophets say that we can know God’s plans.

Now, the world is lulled into a false sense of security, they hold to the belief that mankind can solve its own problems by science, diplomacy, etc.
But many prophecies say how the Lord will act unexpectedly – in an instant, etc.

1 Thess. 5:3 While they are saying: All is peaceful, all secure, then suddenly, [like a thief] destruction is upon them and there will be no escape.
Luke 21:35 That Day will come suddenly, like a trap on everyone the whole world over.
There is NO pretribulation rapture. REPEAT – There is NO pretrib [wrath] rapture.
1 Thess. 5:4 But you, My friends are not in the dark, that Day will not come upon you like a thief.
This is an indictment, because if we are the Lord’s friend, then why don’t we know what He will do and when He will act? Therefore it is a very serious matter for us to make every effort to study the Scriptures, carefully putting aside any teachings that do not take full account of ALL the prophecies.

From prophecies like Psalm 83, Micah 4:11-12, Jeremiah 12:14, we can discern that the scenario predicted so long ago, is a reality in our day. God judged the whole world in Noah’s day by a great flood, this time the prophets tell us He will use a fire judgement:

Deuteronomy 32:34-35 & 22 I have in reserve, sealed in My storehouse, waiting until the Day of punishment and vengeance, at the moment My enemies’ foot slips, [makes a mistake] for the Day of doom is fast approaching. For fire is set ablaze by My anger, it envelopes the earth and devours its produce.

Malachi 4:1 The Day comes, burning like a furnace, all the proud and evil people will be as stubble, that Day will set them ablaze leaving neither root nor branch.
Isaiah 30:26 ...the sun will shine with seven times its normal strength...

This informs us of what it is that the Lord will use on the terrible Day of His vengeance and wrath. It will be a Coronal Mass Ejection of an unprecedented magnitude. One that will cause all the graphically prophesied effects, but will maintain His hiddenness so most will refuse to acknowledge God and will establish a One World Government. But for those who do trust in the Lord and keep His commandments, there are the wonderful promises of gathering and living in the holy Land until the eventual Return of Jesus to reign for 1000 years.

As for when this shocking CME will strike, we know the ‘season’, that is in our time and it will happen ‘when My enemies make a mistake’. His enemies: those who attempt to nuke the holy Land. So at the moment of attack, it will happen.
Jesus warned us that we don't know the day of his Coming, which means that we should not spend time trying to figure out "times and seasons." Our focus is to be on the word of God to our heart today, as God guides us through life, trying to display Christ in our world. We do have a clearly laid-out mission, and we should be concerned with that, rather than trying to construct calendars of prophet events about to be unveiled.
Discerning the times and seasons is not date setting, we of all people are endowed with the wisdom to recognize and interpret the signs of the times ans seasons through biblical lens. If you just completely ignore what's going on and just hide in your own little bubble, then Christianity is no different than "opioid for the masses" when you use it as nothing more than a coping mechanism.
Hi RandyK
However, as unabalanced as I may have appeared to be, I was just trying to deal with Jesus' basic sense that we should not try to know the times and the seasons.
Well, just to be clear concerning the record. Jesus said that no one knows the hour or day. He never cautioned us that no one will know the times or season of his return. In fact, I believe that he spoke of our knowing the signs of the times or season of his return.

Know this, he said, when you see all these things happening know that I am standing at the door. That's what he said.
Hi RandyK

Well, just to be clear concerning the record. Jesus said that no one knows the hour or day. He never cautioned us that no one will know the times or season of his return. In fact, I believe that he spoke of our knowing the signs of the times or season of his return.

Know this, he said, when you see all these things happening know that I am standing at the door. That's what he said.
That directly contradicts what Jesus said. When he warned his Disciples that they should not focus on trying to know the "times and seasons" he was speaking of the endtimes. When those "times" appear we will recognize them because we will have been adequately prepared in advance.

When Jesus comes the 2nd time it will be too late to prepare for him. But because we know him from his 1st Coming we will be adequately prepared for things we do know are coming, even though we are not given specific dates as to when they will occur. I suspect we are given to know more detail when the events themselves begin to take place?

We know Antichrist is coming, but we are not given to know specifically the date of his coming. We only know that the spirit of Antichrist pervades the NT era, and is something we must be prepared to face since godliness must resist this spirit. We don't have to be concerned about when the Antichrist is coming, because each era has its own Antichrists.

So we are not warned by means of time charts. Prophecies generally have a more immediate application, though some, such as those applying to Jesus' 1st Coming, were given far in advance of that event.

Some "distant" prophecies certainly were given in anticipation of Jesus' 1st Coming, with respect to Dan 9. But those kinds of prophecies do not apply to Jesus' 2nd Coming because Jesus specifically denied that.

As I said, prophecies applying to Jesus' 1st Coming were to make believers aware of him when he came, and certainly benefited from descriptions of godly behavior that were to be recognized in him. But prophecies of Jesus' 2nd Coming are deliberately cloaked so that there is no need to recognize him when he comes--it will be too late. We already know what godly behavior is from his 1st Coming, and have as our duty the need to prepare for his 2nd Coming by living like him.

I do think we are given enough prophecy to know when future events are beginning to take place. But looking for them too far in advance may be a distraction. We are blessed to read the book of Revelation. But we need to stay balanced when we do so, in my judgment.
Discerning the times and seasons is not date setting, we of all people are endowed with the wisdom to recognize and interpret the signs of the times ans seasons through biblical lens. If you just completely ignore what's going on and just hide in your own little bubble, then Christianity is no different than "opioid for the masses" when you use it as nothing more than a coping mechanism.
Yes, but of course that's not what I was saying. I'm opposed to "date setting" as I tried to describe it. I'm not opposed to "discerning the times and seasons." I'm a Futurist (though not a Dispensationalist). I do expect to recognize the Antichrist when he arrives. In the meantime I also expect God to interpret for us what is presently happening in the world.

Amos said that God does nothing without informing His servants, the prophets. That way, God's People will always have their eyes opened and prepare to resist temptations and to stand in their witness against all evil and against all things that separate people from our holy God.
Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Mat 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

1Th 5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
1Th 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
1Th 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
1Th 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
1Th 5:5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
1Th 5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

Jesus did give us a very clear signs to watch for of His second coming in scripture, but our biggest concern is that of being prepared to be caught up to Jesus when He returns. Some of us like to deep study the prophetic events that lead up to the return of Christ while others just wait for that day to come as they witness Christ to others. Our most important concern is to be taking this word of God out to those who need to hear about God's salvation through Christ Jesus.