ChevyRodeo said:
We are all born into sin because we are all apart of adam and eve. Sin is on our very DNA so I have two questions
1. How was Jesus not born into sin if he was physically born from Mary, a sinner.
Good question. Maybe someone else knows a better scriptural passage, but the common answer is that the HS "overshadowed Mary."
35The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.
The sinless nature of Christ then came from his divine side and the HS overshadowed this part of his human nature.
Concerning the exact DNA of Jesus, or the exact physical location of sin in the DNA, thats an interesting thought. Unfortunately, first century writers did not communicate in 21st century scientific terms. Therefore we cannot know if sin is located in the very DNA, or if it is simply a metaphysical concept. There is simply no scientific way to do any research on your concept. If we had sinless genetic material to study and compare with sinful genetic material, that would be interesting. My guess (no more then a guess) is that sin nature is metaphysics and not actually a part of the DNA.
ChevyRodeo said:
2. Regarding
MARK 3:29, "Whoever blasphemes against The Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of everlasting sin."
LUKE 12:10, "..... But he that blasphemes against The Holy Spirit will not be forgiven"
MATTHEW 12: 31-32 "....but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven.
If someone does commit this unforgivable sin, do they pass that on to their children like Adam passed his sin on? Are the children born unforgivable?
If you look in that context you will see that the Pharisees attributed Jesus works to the works of the devil. Of course Jesus was doing his miracles by the power of the HS. So then, if you were in the first century observing Jesus miracles and attributed them to evil powers, yes, it is unlikely you would be saved.
I think what is happening in this passage is that Jesus recognizes a heart so hard, that he recognizes divine power in the hardening of their hearts. I think there is a point where a heart can become so hardened that divine truth simply cannot penetrate it and the person is given up unto judgment. I dont think this is anything man can discern, but it is something known only to deity. Jesus can say this, but no other man can say this.
Also, I would question if this passage relates to today. Who today can observe the miracles of Jesus and attribute them to Satan? Today unbelievers simply deny the deity or miracles of Jesus.
To answer your question, I dont see that this could be passed unto children, or even went beyond the first generation that witnessed the miracles of Jesus.