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- #21
Nothing can be farther from the truth. The Bible is very clear on the fact that He is the One responsible for the entreance of Sin. Your long-winded loquaciousness notwithstanding.Nothing is more plainly taught in Scripture than that God was in no wise responsible for the entrance of sin;
Can you honestly tell me that you could, with a clear concscience, teach that for just the tiniest moment while God had His back turned, His creation was attacked by some force of evil originating outside of Himself, and that since that time God has been trying to play catch-up so He doesn't end up a total loser at His own game?
You can say "No" all day long, but the fact of the matter is that this is exactly what you are saying.
You can present all kinds of scripture that seems to document your faulty misunderstanding, and you would still be wrong. Just as wrong as wrong can be. Wrong all day long.
No. Absolutely not. There is not anything that exists right now, or ever did exist at any time in the past, that He did not create. So says John 1:3, nearly the whole first chapter of Colossians, and several quite significant scriptures in Isaiah. Should we get out our pen knives and cut those scriptures from the Bible so the idea of the origin and existence of evil doesn't disturb you any longer?Sin is an intruder, for whose presence no reason can be given.
Not really. In essence this was true, but the stark reality is that we would never be able to grow into the full stature of who He is if we had stayed in the condition described to us in the Garden of Eden prior to the fall. We would never be able to be His equals. We would forever be hapless children that never had a chance to grow up.Before the entrance of evil there was peace and joy throughout the universe
What freedom? The freedom to remain as innocent children that could never grow up? That is just another bondage with a shiny veneer on it. The simple inescapable fact of the matter is that if God had not planned for Adam to sin, it would not have happened. If the fall had not been written into the software that God coded Himself, there would be no possible way for it to have ever occurred. That is unless you want to believe in a wimpy, absent minded God with A.D.D. that somehow let an enemy slip in and carry away His creation in chains, Who didn't have the foresight to see it coming, Who was caught with His pants down when it happened.But there was one that chose to pervert this freedom
It goes back to the original statement that I made when I first came on this board, 280 some odd posts ago. Most people that teach the things that you do have never thought about what you are saying. If you had ever clearly thought about what you are saying, you would be ashamed of yourself for saying what you do.
I could go on all night like this, but in the interest of keeping this readably short, I will stop here.
I bid you peace.