Rogue 9
Well, if you read the fine print at the front of the book, it usually says that copying any portion without permission to distribute is a violation of copyright law, usually with a small list of exceptions, such as small excerpts for reviews and such. But its technically illegal to photocopy copyrighted works if the given circumstances are not met. (The provisions given are usually in there as written permission to avoid having every book reviewer in the country hassle the author for written permission to excerpt.)
The catch with that is that you usually either own the book in question or its part of a library's collection (since bookstores don't let you photocopy their stock, for obvious reasons). Either way its already paid for. As long as the copies never go to anyone else, you're okay with the law.
But a burned copy of a CD that you didn't buy is stolen material.
The catch with that is that you usually either own the book in question or its part of a library's collection (since bookstores don't let you photocopy their stock, for obvious reasons). Either way its already paid for. As long as the copies never go to anyone else, you're okay with the law.
But a burned copy of a CD that you didn't buy is stolen material.