I'm likin' you more and more, Vic. Funny how logic seems to do that.
As for Soma, I read through a page and a half of that site, and I don't see how anything on that page refutes what Lewis was trying to do. Since when does pondering on the words of God mean you're a work of the devil? Psalms 5:21 - "For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings." So, is it wrong that God's pondering the ways of man and all things, and it's also wrong for man to ponder on the things of God? I thought a constant study of his words was kind of what He wanted. No?
It also said that Lewis became a Christian to ease relations with his friends. Or was it that God softened the hearts of his friends to Lewis? I've seen people become Christians, then get persecuted for doing so. It's bad that Lewis made friends through Christianity? If every new Christian that made friends after becoming one was helped to feel more at ease with Christianity, then I'm sure there would be a lot more Christians. I've seen people out here on my campus walking around with giant signs saying "Confess your sins or go to hell." Then these people would tell even Christians that they were going to hell for what they believed. After telling these people that you believed in Christ, they still said you were lost and were going to burn in hell for your sins. If you can't even count on other Christians for support, who can you count on? Ooh, I know: God. But you have to understand how God wants things done, so you have to study and ponder on what it is you need to do. Hmm, I think I covered this one in the last paragraph, maybe?
Anyway, there's only so much false writing I can stomach. I love C.S. Lewis' works. I'm reading as much of him as I can without getting behind on school work and other reading. I've read "The Great Divorce" three times and it just keeps getting better. It's great stuff. It's too bad Satan's workin' double time to try and make a Christian genius a work of his own.