Call No Man Father

Not faith alone
Ephesians 2:8-9
" God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God."

Romans 5:10
" Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ"

We are justified by God by grace alone; on the basis of Christ’s blood and righteousness alone; through the means, or instrument, of faith alone; for the ultimate glory of God alone; as taught with final and decisive authority in Scripture alone.

If you choose to REJECT the Word of God and accept the words of men, please feel free to do us. I am not your judge.

I am only a teacher.
NO, you did not and that is another lie. For someone who is sinless, you seem to not know what sin is.

Please read post #977.
You wrote this in post 935..."God does not see the sinner after we come to His Son. He sees the blood on our souls and that blood makes us accceptable to the Father."
I replied..."To infer that God won't acknowledge what a man does is saying that God lies to Himself."
You wrote this in post 935..."God does not see the sinner after we come to His Son. He sees the blood on our souls and that blood makes us accceptable to the Father."
I replied..."To infer that God won't acknowledge what a man does is saying that God lies to Himself."
Please read post #983.
I did, and it didn't answer my question.

Lets try it this way...
How can God be blind to sin ?
Please read post #983.

It seems that I was not clear enough for you. Brother, I do not care to continue this round and round circular conversation with you.

You are happy believe what you know even if what you know id Biblically incorrect, so that being said, there is nothing I can help you with on this topic.

Please read post #983.

It seems that I was not clear enough for you. Brother, I do not care to continue this round and round circular conversation with you.

You are happy believe what you know even if what you know id Biblically incorrect, so that being said, there is nothing I can help you with on this topic.

God is not blind.
There is nothing that can shield a man's sin from God.