This is such an intersting discussion. I find myself agreeing on some points with everyone, and disagreeing in the same manner.
I do believe that God is sovereign on all matters, and that Jesus has been given some, by the Father, to be His. These have ears to hear, and eyes to see, and so their "seeing will" is at liberty and able, to follow Him on the narrow foot path that requires them to deny themselves (not feed the flesh, but walk worthy in obedience and good works), take up their cross (I think this is the process of transformation, or sanctification through trials and tribulation here from the world...including church organizations...and also encouragement and teaching of the God through the Word, and the Holy Spirit), and follow Him (Walk in the fruits of the Spirit, and not in canarlity or legalism, but genuine love developed through faith and trust in God's Will).
These are those who will believe. and practice, true daily repentence, and be washed in the blood of the Lamb by grace through their faith which involves the daily practice of Holy living according to the commands of God. This is grace, and if it is genuine it will always lead to the maturity of the believer, and this is not something you loose...nothing can separate this person who is called, chosen, full of faith, teachable, given the Holy Spirit, discipled by God, obeying God's commands, having a heart with good soil, and walking in the Spirit doing good deeds that are according to God's will and in line with the kingdom of God...this person will do the things God requires, the daily repentance, and renewing of the mind, and walk worthy in His strength apart from legalsim and self-righteousness. They will be kept until that day, and the pitfalls that may deceive some, or cause them to fall away, will not penetrate these faithful ones. God knows them, and has known them, and it is not for us to know...except that we see their fruits. So, if someone is in one of these stages, we will not know as God does, nor should is up to us to share truth and love, walk in obedience, and trust God to handle the rest.
Our tribulation, and the Kingdom of God, are all in the here and now in us for the purpose of this work in the believer to be a light, and to illuminate the path for their brother and sisters. This comes through relationships, and the expression of the fruits, but not through vain disputes. Christ came to bring this to us as a free gift to be shared truthfull and lovingly, and not superficially. This is true evangelism, and it is relational between the Father and His Son, and after Christ's sacrifice, His elect, and between these brothers and sisters here as they share the truth and love of the Gospel to one another...this is all a work of the Holy Spirit.
Good discussion, and the Lord bless all of you.