Calvin taught that Jesus had to suffer in hell to pay for our sins, that's another Gospel
Calvin wrote in the Institutes for Christian Religion Book II Chapter 16
"which he endured before God, to teach us that not only was the body of Christ given up as the price of redemption, but that there was a greater and more excellent price – that he bore in his soul the tortures of condemned and ruined man. So after suffering in the body on the cross, Christ’s soul suffered tortures of the condemned in hell."
That's Another Gospel, calvin was a heretic, there is a spirit of error throughout all of calvinist theology.
The Blood makes Atonement for the Soul Leviticus 17:11,
Believers were redeemed by His Blood Acts 20:28
The Body of Yeshua died, It was Finished, The Sin debt was paid.
There is no way to get around the fact Calvin's gospel was not the Gospel once delivered unto the saints. not even close
You shouldn't misrepresent what others believe, especially just so you can call them a heretic. You have done so by ignoring context, which seems to be common for those who strongly disagree with Calvin. From Institutes for Christian Religion Book II Chapter 16,
section 5:
'In short, from the moment when he assumed the form of a servant, he began, in order to redeem us, to pay the price of deliverance. Scripture, however, the more certainly to define the mode of salvation, ascribes it peculiarly and specially to the death of Christ. He himself declares that he gave his life a ransom for many (Mat_20:28). Paul teaches that he died for our sins (Rom_4:25). John Baptist exclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (Joh_1:29). Paul in another passage declares, “that we are justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood” (Rom_3:25). Again, being justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him” (Rom_5:9).'
From section 6:
'The very form of the death embodies a striking truth. The cross was cursed not only in the opinion of men, but by the enactment of the Divine Law. Hence Christ, while suspended on it, subjects himself to the curse. And thus it behoved to be done, in order that the whole curse, which on account of our iniquities awaited us, or rather lay upon us, might be taken from us by being transferred to him. This was also shadowed in the Law, since ashamot, the word by which sin itself is properly designated, was applied to the sacrifices and expiations offered for sin. . . . But that which was represented figuratively in the Mosaic sacrifices is exhibited in Christ the archetype. . . .
For the Son of God, though spotlessly pure, took upon him the disgrace and ignominy of our iniquities, and in return clothed us with his purity. To the same thing he seems to refer, when he says, that he “condemned sin in the flesh” (Rom_8:3), the Father having destroyed the power of sin when it was transferred to the flesh of Christ. This term, therefore, indicates that Christ, in his death, was offered to the Father as a propitiatory victim; that, expiation being made by his sacrifice, we might cease to tremble at the divine wrath. It is now clear what the prophet means when he says, that “the Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all” (Isa_53:6); namely, that as he was to wash away the pollution of sins, they were transferred to him by imputation. . . . And hence mention is always made of blood whenever scripture explains the mode of redemption: although the shedding of Christ’s blood was available not only for propitiation, but also acted as a laver to purge our defilements.'
If that doesn't speak of the gospel, I don't know what does. Notice that it's in full agreement with your statements:
The Blood makes Atonement for the Soul Leviticus 17:11,
Believers were redeemed by His Blood Acts 20:28
The Body of Yeshua died, It was Finished, The Sin debt was paid.
If Calvin is a heretic on this issue, then so are you.