duval said:
How much disbelief in the "Godhead" does it take to make one an atheist?
The answer to the OP (and the quoted post here) can only really be answered properly if a few things are first discussed and then concluded upon:
1) what is meant by atheism in this context; and
2) what is mean by Jew in this context
See that's my point - Atheism is a disbolief in God. No Godhead is mentioned. Now a Muslim believes in God, but not the 'Christian God' (or Godhead). So they don't believe in the Godhead / Trinity, but they do believe in
a God. This means that they are not an atheist. So when we're talking atheists, I automatically assume that an atheist disbolieves in the existance of a God / supernatural being(s).
Now comes the question which was inspired by a post by Jason - are we here referring to a Jew by descent, or a Jew as in a practising Jew? It kind of reminds me of the "big 'C'" and "little 'c'" Christian - the one that calls themselves a Christian becasue they grew up in a family with "Christian values" who went to church on Easter and Christimas and they just cruise along, as opposed to the actual Christian - the Christian of faith.
When the question was posed in the OP, I automatically though Jews of religious belief, rather than Jewish from descent.
If the question means Jewish from descent, then I would answer that - like anyone else in this position - they certainly can be an atheist. However, if the question means Jewish in religious terms, then I would suggest that a devout orthadox Jew who believes in the Old Testament cannot possibly be an atheist.
We can tie the arguement in the above paragraph to Christians. Drawing of the illustration of "big 'C'" and "little 'c'" Christians from earlier on in this post, we see that the little c Christian is one of descent (but not as gene-wise as the Jew) and does not really have faith, but rather more of a tolerance. Therefore the little C Christian can very much be an atheist. But contrast this to the big C Christian, who are men of faith. They cannot possibly be atheists.
So I make the same arguements between the different types of Jews and Christians, and how they relate to atheism.