John said:
But Sugar, flour, and eggs will stay Sugar, flour, and eggs forever unless some intelligence steps in to make the cake and cookies. :eyebrow
Well then you are arguing intelligent design, and not against evolution itself.
But lets pretend the eggs, flour and sugar don't spoil, and you set them out in the same spot for millions of years. One day by sheer chance, and earthquake breaks the eggs, and shakes up all the ingredients.
Many years later, after wind storms, a few more earth quakes, the ingredients, minus some percentage that was lost in the chaos, are mixed really well.
Eventually a tree topples over near the ingredients, and many years later lightning strikes the tree and sets it on fire. The mixed ingredients are really near the flames, and surrounded by rocks. These rocks heat up to such a high temp, that it cooks the ingredients into one ugly imperfect cake.
Ta da. Natural forces and random chance created a dessert out of the ingredients over millions of years. There could of course be a designer who set up all of the natural forces, and put all the ingredients together while not interfering with the evolution of the cake. That would still leave natural forces making the cake, just a designer for the natural forces who knew that it would set all of these events in motion and produce the dessert.
You could break the millions of years up and each segment you would have something quite different from the dessert we get on the final day. At no point will the dessert have any chance of reforming the original ingredients, or turn into ice cream that was formed thousands of miles north from natural chance luck + some similar ingredients and a few different ones.
You will likely even have some other desserts that sprout off from some of the spillage while making the cake. Maybe some pure sugar gets blown into an indentation on the rock. It rains one day, followed by a scotching hot day. This cooks it into rock candy.
Some egg spills onto another area and makes a fried egg on the hot stone the same day.
The fried egg and the rock candy would share a common ancestor with the cake, but no share a common ancestor between each other. Ones egg + nature, the other is water + sugar + nature