2024 Supporter
- Sep 18, 2012
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Let's take covetousness for example, hate....just to name a couple of obvious ones that can solely be done in the mind heart or whatever............... inside.
I never knew that. Interesting
I guess I always thought of the heart of a person as their soul, not their physical heart but, I also though that soul was pretty much their brain or it's contents and I think a lot may disagree there. And I'm not suggesting I have it right, but interesting subject.
Oh yeah Brother, there's loads of videos about it on youtube. Science has been pursuing where does consciousness originate in the brain...and they cant find it. Because it's not there, lol.
But that have found out that we radiate electro-magnetic energy and have been doing testing picking up the waves. They have found out that the brain does indeed transmit, and so does the heart. The thing that surprising thing they found out is that the heart is like, 4 times as powerful than the brain is.
I've suspected for quite awhile now that, man, being created a spiritual being, used to *think* in the heart, and after the fall began thinking with his brain. That we lost that spiritual way of thinking with the fall. Actually, I'm beginning to think lately that perhaps either we didn't lose that ability, but have over time been deceived into the ignorance of knowing how to do it, but we always could. Either that or we did lose it for awhile and the ability was restored when Jesus gave up the ghost and the veil was rent in two, thereby letting us know that we all have access again.