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Can you honor god with first person shooters?

I've been thinking lately about this topic, and I see different opinions on this issue. So first, let me tell you what I think. For the most part, I think playing first person shooters with other people is like playing any other sport. When your incapacitated, you respawn into the gaming world like nothing happened. Thus, the violence doesn't seem all that real. Also, if you show positive conduct during playing sessions, you can have an impact on players. Most of the online world consists of foul mouthed people which is sadly turning into foul mouthed children. If we show positive sportsmanship online, we can impact the gaming world of first person shooters. Also, we can talk about Jesus in the rooms we play! So, what do you guys think?
I believe it depends on the nature of a specific game.

Obviously, a Grand Theft Auto types game where you go around and kill people and are a criminal...not good.

But otherwise, as long as it's not glorifying violence or gore, it's really just like paintball, especially in terms of PVP. And I do agree it's a chance to be sportsmanlike on the online play. A youtube search will net you lots of Xbox Live recordings (and others) of people just...being freaks. It's hilarious in a way...but moreso pathetic and depressing and scary.

So yeah.
oro, are you talking about that kid who freaked out when he lost a battle in warcraft? if so i've seen an individual in my bjj class that was tapped out a lot and freaked out like that, no to the extreme, and i have a temper that gets me when i play games.

i need to work on my temper when it comes to games.
I play an FPS called Counter-Strike: Source. There are a lot of groups that play it for competition, and some of the language can get really out of hand. By that I mean foul.

I play with a group called the East Coast Guardians. We do not play to compete. We just like to get together and play a game as a bunch of friends. The rules are strict, in that foul language, and other rude and deviant behavior is not allowed. A few of us who play there have kids, and we make sure that other kids can join the server and enjoy the game also.

We foster an atmosphere of friendship, respect for fellow players, and fair play. It is not a religious gaming server, but we keep it clean. When I get the opportunity, I will try and put a Biblical perspective on a topic in the gaming Forums. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
jasoncran said:
oro, are you talking about that kid who freaked out when he lost a battle in warcraft? if so i've seen an individual in my bjj class that was tapped out a lot and freaked out like that, no to the extreme, and i have a temper that gets me when i play games.

i need to work on my temper when it comes to games.

Among others, yes.
certain things like games and even bjj when i'm having a bad day cause me to lose it. that is where some dishonor god and need the grace to learn to overcome it.

nobody likes to lose, but losing it like those kids in youtube is worse to me.
FPSes are really just virtual games of paintball, but without the stinging, massive bruises all over your body afterwards. You're not actually killing anyone. As long as you are a good sport, are a positive influence on others in the games, turn the other cheek when someone insults you, etc. - i.e. living out your Christian beliefs in a gaming milieu - then yes, it can honor and glorify God.
That's how I feel. Now when I'm talking about Single Player games, I can understand it being different, as your are actually taking a persons like, but if I'm correct, the definition of killing is taking one man's life away. Well, if you know they are going to pop up in another place in the playing arena, it's hard to actually call that killing. It feels more like lazer tag than actual violence. If anyone feels different on the subject, I am more than open on your viewpoints. I just ask that you respect what I have to say, and I will respect what you have to say. I think we both have valid points on the issue.
too me its all "good vs. evil" in other words, GTA would not be pleasing to god, i personally think there is nothing wrong with playing things such as halo, COD, etc.
Yeah, I'm huge on Source...Team Fortress, especially 2 Fort Desert. I love the Spy class, sneakin' up on someone and, well... I know that there are at least 3 to 4 Christian servers that one can play on and when ya' do, ya' notice how awesome it is without the carnal attitudes, mic-spam and language. I haven't heard anyone discussing the Lord or theology on them yet but I've only been on them once or twice. Seems like there's never anyone on them when I connect. Sure would be nice to be able to connect on a Christian server with a lot of other Christian players all the time. I do always try to be courteous, helpful and respectful. If it causes more stress or frustration, one should stay away from it!
I think your just looking for an excuse to play video games...
I enjoy video games a-lot, but I know that they don't at all glorify Christ,
And that God would prefer me (or anyone) not to waste my time playing videos but rather to
something beneficial, productive or spiritual with my time.
Face it, God dislikes us wasting our time with video games...
Kevin Lowery said:
I think your just looking for an excuse to play video games...
I enjoy video games a-lot, but I know that they don't at all glorify Christ,
And that God would prefer me (or anyone) not to waste my time playing videos but rather to
something beneficial, productive or spiritual with my time.
Face it, God dislikes us wasting our time with video games...

I dunno, in COD MW2 my friends and I have ministered to people while playing. In fact we actually got people to come to our youth services over Xbox live... Of course we could have done so face to face, but it's a lot less awkward for the pagans to talk about God on xbl than face to face.

Of course, you cannot honor God with violent games, but there is a lot more to a FPS than violence, in fact if I didn't have online games, I wouldn't even play video games at all. Its about conduct and communication and I think if we approach a video game as Christians (and not like the foul mouthed 5 year olds) than we really can impact people, because people do respond positively to positive people.

That and my COD clan tag is Gsus...
I think it depends on what you are doing and why you are doing it.

I mean sometimes I try to honor God by being a really good team mate for my team, and just doing what ever I can to help them succeed and win. For example, sometimes I just run around watching my teammates and trying to heal them and if they die I revive them. Or sometimes I just sit at my base while everyone else leaves to go fight, while I'm there I guard it and take out enemy vehicals and stuff so they don't attack my team.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an expert on this subject, but what I do have is experience. I started playing FPS shortly after the first Teamfortress came out. (I was the original Kilo in that game). Loved it because I had the time to play to be at least good at it. I can honestly say that I conducted myself as a Christian should in that game, eventhough I never witnessed to anyone.

These days FPS have upgrades that you get for playing for so long and/or the points you accumalate. Also, these days I only have the time to be a casual player; in other words, I don't have the time to play to be anything more than an amatuer in those games. Those combinations upset me greatly because I couldn't be at least good in the games. Eventhough I did not express my frustration in the game, what I was doing behind the keyboard did not give God any glory. Therefore, after much frustration, I don't play FPS online anymore. That is what I chose.

Even now, I view FPS as a sport. Just as there are Christians conducting themselves in a Godly manner that play soccer, football, ect there are FPS that Christians can conduct themselves in a Godly manner. Also, on the flip side, there are FPS that would call into question anyone's Christianity just for playing it - the Grand Theft Auto series for one example. As is some sports like entertainment wrestling (WWE, WWF to name a couple).

God does want us to have fun, but not at the expense of our testimony or our relationship with Him. Basically, it comes down to your motivation.

If you have a strong Christian group that plays, I would like to encourage your group to actually compete.
I encourage you to put this thread on Christian Game Developers forum too at:

But what comes to actual topic, this is a thing i have been thinking sometimes too, and here are some more or less random thoughts.

First of all the negative view to FPS.

In bible it says somewhere about: "Guard what your eyes see". (couldnt find that verse, since "eye" and "see" even together gave too many hits to look them all through when im not sure those words were even used on that place.

Anyway. Earthly basis to this thing we can look at one way to see how brains work.

We can say that there flows stream of energy on our brains that keeps going around and around in our conscious mind until it settles down to our memory.

Some keep repeating Mantras. Idea is to empty your mind from everything else but that mantra. Idea is that when you keep filling that flowing energy with only that mantra, then as the old stuff settles down to memory and subconscious, your conscious mind weill be full of that mantra only. So basically you emptied your mind from everything else but that mantra.

So when ever we watch a movie, it starts whirling around in our mind until it settles down to memory. And same with FPS. You can have concrete example of this by playing some FPS for three days in a row right from waking up till you go to sleep. When you close your eyes, you will still keep seeing that FPS, since its so heavily occupied your mind.

Secondly, Subconsciousness doesnt understand any difference between true happening or imaginations. If you imagine killing someone, your subconsciousness thinks that is what really happened.

And filling your subconsciousness with stuff like that, is not good. SInce subconsciousness is part of your decision making process.

Therefore taking both this brain working, as well as bible places referring to keep our eyes away from bad stuff, i would argue that in perfect Godly world, FPS-games wouldnt exist.


We are not living in a perfect world. We are either are not perfect. While i am pretty sure that we basically should aim at getting away from FPS-games (and many other stuff too, like movies), i would also take much more relaxed approach to this all.

Actaully the whole question of What is right, what is wrong is somewhat deceitful. For in some sense it doesnt even matter what is right and wrong, what is imortant is not if we do right or wrong, but that we get closer to Jesus.

Concentrate rather getting closer to Jesus than doing right. Being closer to Jesus will automatically also make you do right. Since if all you do is aim to be with Jesus all the time, then i think you propably rather pick your bible or start praying that start playing FPS just for fun.

But as i mentioned, we are not perfect, and each has his own battles. Some play FPS, some watch movies, and i do them both (for my shame).

So if you now are spending your time watching movies or playing or whatever, while at same time trying to get closer to Jesus to get rid of them, you can also concentrate on thinking How you could use them to glorify the Kingdom.

For many will never get to the point that they would for example abandon FPSes or stop watching movies, but God knows that. Not everyone will become the holiest thing or even close to it, and God knows it.

Its not like if you are on a normal job, that that is necessarily Gods greatest plan to you, but despite that, God does many great things through people in their jobs.

Take for example Smith Wigglesworth. I Doubt it was Gods best plan in his life that he would be doing Plummering, but he did anyway. And he converted whole loads of hes clients while fixing those pipes.

We re not perfect, and God has to deal with that, so he uses our less holy things for hes plans too.

So therefore when you play those FPSes, think how you could glorify kingdom.

I hace actually been thinking this thing a lot that could it be used as effective method for preaching. For example in my own experience sometimes people might start talking of some religious topic on games chat, and thats one place where you can give some thoughts.

I remember one time one young guy was telling that he was only shortly there since he needed to go to church with his parents soon (it was sunday). So everyone else started talking in way of "What a waste time", "Sorry for you man", "Ha! man youre being fooled", etc.

And that 11 - 12 year old what ever didnt actually say it in way that he had been disappointed, but those comments, they made him think he wanted to belong to the rest of the guys and felt that church thing was not cool thing and had maybe lost even his date in the end result, but luckily he was in same Army Group (same as clan) in that game as me, and i was there. So i started defending him very strongly about going to church saying its a good thing, and couple of times after that i taught him some simple theology like if theres nothing, then theres not even the rule that something could come from nothing, and now, 5 years later, hes still believer. Maybe not one of those who arer going to reap much, if at all, but anyway at least on his way to heaven basically, or at least so it seems, and even if he wouldnt be, hes anyway having the basic faith which makes it easier for someone else to continue the job or take him to some youth group or something.

I have couple of other times tried to have some theology conversation when opponent have came and so on, but so far it would seem they have been pretty much in vain.

So far it would seem that most important have been keeping loud voice that also the cool guys follow Jesus.

What i mean by this is that theres lots of 10+ players playing this game im playing too, then there are these bit older guys like me, and all those kids look at us experienced players like cool guys and especially when they see that were already adults and having maybe even family and all. So when some usually teenagers start arguing against Godly things, its imporatnt that we older cool guys show our support so they feel its a cool thing to Believe in Jesus and theres nothing wrong with it and defend them.

I have been wishing to do some serious teaching and converting while playing, but so far i havent been succesful on that, and i have also been wondering even being the defender of the faith is important too, that is it really worth it anyway? That would i maybe achieve more if i did something else instead?

But this topic is basically interesting and I personally am interested especially the practical experiences and strategies on how to actually achieve something Godly out of these. And not only FPS but other type of games too, for i think theres huge chance for spreading the word there in the Multiplayer games that no one have discovered yet.
Maybe like... If it was first person sling shot shooter or something.

Honestly, though. I think it has more to do with the context of the shooting. Is it a game like America's Army which is based on (somewhat) realistic army ops?

Is it like Metal Gear Solid which is a story driven game (even though the idea is to be covert and fight as little as possible)

I don't think Americas Army or Metal Gear Solid "honors" God, but I don't think they are particularly dishonoring either.