Had a private conversation about this just a little while ago with one of our women. Seems they (at least some) haven't been made to feel as welcome here as they would have liked to have felt. (To put it in the nicest way possible.) However in the defense of non-women members, some women who have come here (not the one I talked too) have been less than friendly to the rest of our members as well. It's one of those vicious circle things I think.
On the other hand, there
could be more women here than you realize. Not all screen names give away gender, not all members state their gender, and a lot of members forget to look or don't know where to look to see what gender a person may have claimed. I've seen several times when one member refers to another member as "he" or "him" and got corrected!
But it's true. Compared to active, church going Christians in general I think we probably have a much lower percentage of women. In fact, I was listening to a pastor talk about this a while back and he had some study that had been done (I don't remember the reference to it) that showed that among active church going Christians the ratio of women to men was actually a bit higher; women outnumbered men!
Maybe some of our women members could give us some insight here as to why they think their Christian women friends don't join (or have joined then left).