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Growth Character Discussion


I have believed in Jesus since I was a little boy, and I've been to several churches growing up. I was never really active in my faith until I was a teenager, and it was short-lived, as my character was weak and I craved validation and esteem, and I got into drugs and drinking. From there I convinced myself that I was an atheist for a good 5 years or so, until the Holy Spirit saw fit to draw me and revive me again, and here I stand in the richest and most active spiritual days of my life, for what it's worth.

That isn't to say that I am holy or righteous, I am not. I know how Paul felt when he cried "oh wretched man that I am", I know what it's like to curse this body of death, and know what I need to do and abstain from it, and know what I shouldn't do and run towards it. I am a fool, and my sin is ever before me. My character, gradually, partially, has been restored, as I've learned a great deal about forgiveness and humility, but in other regards I am a man of weak character. I get angry and my mouth gets foul. My tongue contains all the fires of hell. I have wandering eyes. I find myself praying for mercy often because of how weak-willed I am in these regards. It seems so hard to break these things.

My greatest desire spiritually is to minister for God. Many people have told me that I would do so, from the time I was a little boy, and I was preaching to my Mom in a diaper. We lived in a good neighborhood back then and I'd get dressed up, comb my hair over and walk to church by myself on Sundays. I used to sit and stare and cast my thoughts upon God while staring at Grandma's picture of Moses and the Ten Commandments. I'd ride my bike to the old caboose we had in the town I grew up in, back behind there was a little natural rock cave formation, I learned to love silence and solitude there. I was a strange kid to most people I'm sure, they even tested me for autism because of my distant nature and lack of interest in socialization, but I believe the Lord was at work preparing me to be ye set apart. My God, how I wish I would have kept true to the path I was on as a kid.

During the years of my exodus from faith, my dark night of the soul, I heaped horrible stains upon my character. I set many an evil thing before my eyes. Gore and snuff films. Pornography. I grew obsessed with the occult, and spiritual experiences from drugs. Evil music. Not just worldly music, seriously evil music. I have had to reap the seeds I've sewn to this day, old lyrics popping into my mind, or old images, or old imaginations. It's difficult to deal with. I hold the thoughts captive to Christ and reject them, but the will of the mind is a fickle thing, just as Jeremiah says the desires of the heart are.

It is such a slow and gradual change when in the Potter's hands. Sometimes I pray tearfully to be afflicted in such a way that my transformation would be rapid and sincere. I feel that, until my character is further developed, I can't proclaim the Gospel while I am yet so unrefined in certain areas of my life. I don't want to be an unprofitable or slothful servant, but I am trapped in the sort of thinking that I need to have arrived at a certain place in my character before I can go beyond doing simple good works and preach for the Lord. Perhaps that's the wrong way of thinking. Maybe I need to go forth and proclaim the Gospel and let people know undoubtedly that God uses crooked sticks to draw straight lines. After all, Noah entered into the new world drunk and naked, he fell short, but Noah wasn't chosen because of who he was, but because of who God is, God who doesn't call the equipped but equips the called.

I humbly request my brothers and sisters here to discuss the issue of character with me.
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I am here to discuss your character Brother Blake. When I read this post and some others that you have made, my mind is directed to these scriptures and much more. Why, you may ask. I believe the answer has already settled within you.

Was thee Apostle Peter refined? This same man who denied Christ, even though he experienced first hand the Master's work! This same man who thought the Gospel was to the Jew only, btw post Holy Spirit outpouring. Yet, God knew his heart, and saw a great servant of the Most High. Peter was shamed, corrected, and empowered to be used in the capacity he was.

Your past is there for your humility, what was done 10 seconds ago is done. It is a memory that is set in stone. Learn and grow in the might of the One who has brought you this far.
Blake, thanks for being so honest. I know your story because it is similar to my own.

Mentoring was a huge part of the culture in the days of the NT. The rabbinic model was to train young men (women trained young ladies) in character formation, education and right thinking. The Greeks sought out philosophers who they could study under and expand their knowledge.

Almost all churches today solely focus on education. Sermons and classes abound. Very few leaders actually mentor for character formation and right thinking. I would challenge you to find a mentor - one whom you admire in their walk with Christ. Even if they reply to you that they don't know how to mentor, ask them to spend some time with you each week. Go to Bible college if you wish, and find a professor/pastor who is willing to do this. I would find several men who can lead you in this way.

Under no circumstances would I venture out "professionally" until you you get the blessing from your mentors. Being a pastor is rewarding and grueling at the same time. Most pastors are lonely, insecure and have ego issues in the midst of their desire to effect change by the power of Christ. If you admittedly have weak character, then strengthen it by seeking a men's group (that has spiritual fervor - not a club), and build your character before taking on such a heavy role.

Blessings and peace, Blake.
Your post here is a confirmation, younglite, so I'm taking it as Spirit-breathed. Yes, I am a man of weak character, who is anointed, but not yet appointed. The Good Lord isn't going to send me where my character can't hold me. It's a tough process, coming face to face with your sinfulness and weaknesses and seeing yourself for who you are, and then undergoing the process of pruning and chastisement.

God has led me from Egypt, and there's a land flowing with milk and honey in sight, but not without traversing the desert first... and so here I am... miserable, wretched, blind, poor, and naked, but His.
Hi Blake,
I understand, I think, where yu are coming from. You are looking at your life and seeing everything that failed to hit the standard you have set for yourself, a standard that I would suggest is not required in God's economy.
Let me ask you a question which I hope will lead you to re-evaluate whether you have an appointment or not: How exactly do you think you will develop character if you keep avoiding the calling to which God is already calling you?

Let me add that in my opinion - if God has annointed you, then He has a job for you too, your task is simply to discover what your calling is and to co-operate with God to carry it out.

If you wait until you are perfect before you start working for Him you will be dead and buried first.
I am willing to discuss this further, Blake - as much as you are willing. Since your story is similar to my own, I pray we can learn from each other. Maybe you will show me things I missed along the way. So feel free to ask questions or point out things I am not understanding.

My initial question to you is do you currently have a community of believers that you are connected with in a life-giving way? Do you have men speaking into your life now? Do you have a pastor you have access to and can approach?

Peace, brother.
Pete, I hear you about waiting until you are perfect. But the Bible is clear about laying hands (ordaining) a man too soon before he is ready. It says to test leaders before sending them out. I don't know Blake well enough to say, which is why I was asking him to consider mentoring. But encouraging a brother to "go for it" without considering his readiness is dangerous to the kingdom.

To be clear, I am not saying Blake can't be fruitful under an established ministry. He is free to serve as God leads. I just don't know enough about his readiness to recommend him to lead an entire community.

Hi Blake,
I understand, I think, where yu are coming from. You are looking at your life and seeing everything that failed to hit the standard you have set for yourself, a standard that I would suggest is not required in God's economy.
Let me ask you a question which I hope will lead you to re-evaluate whether you have an appointment or not: How exactly do you think you will develop character if you keep avoiding the calling to which God is already calling you?

Let me add that in my opinion - if God has annointed you, then He has a job for you too, your task is simply to discover what your calling is and to co-operate with God to carry it out.

If you wait until you are perfect before you start working for Him you will be dead and buried first.
I hear you loud and clear brother, and I know that perfection isn't the necessity for being used. Peter gave the inaugural sermon in Acts despite denying Jesus three times. Noah entered into the post-deluge world drunken and naked and in shame. Moses was a murderer, a stutterer... God has a habit of using nobodies and making them into somebodies. I am convinced that there are no perfect men of God, but I do call my own character into question, because I fail at being faithful in some simple things. I don't let that stop me from going out into the world and telling folks about Jesus, or from loving on people, or trying to make disciples, I have had success in these things (because God is good, not because I am good), but I wonder -- will God take me where my character can't keep me? I know I am anointed and gifted, but, so was David, and it took him 40 years to step into his call.

God will finish the work He began in my life. He is the author and finisher of my faith. I just feel so inadequate as it currently stands, and I'm torn on how much of this character development process belongs to me, and how much of it belongs to God. Sorry if that seems like a ramble.

I am willing to discuss this further, Blake - as much as you are willing. Since your story is similar to my own, I pray we can learn from each other. Maybe you will show me things I missed along the way. So feel free to ask questions or point out things I am not understanding.

My initial question to you is do you currently have a community of believers that you are connected with in a life-giving way? Do you have men speaking into your life now? Do you have a pastor you have access to and can approach?

Peace, brother.
I'd love to discuss this with anyone, much more someone who has been there and done that. It's unfortunate that I do attend church with a very wonderful body of believers, but it's as you said, I can hear good lessons and excellent preaching that keep me grounded and centered and pressing on, but there's a lack of direction. There is no one currently pouring into me in such a way, and it hurts me because I love my church and I know the pastors there are truly Godly, but there is no discipleship other than sermons and exhortation from the pulpit. I think one problem is that it's a relatively large church. My pastor is an approachable man, but I don't really approach him, because I feel like he is stretched thin while trying to mentor so many people. It's probably wrong of me to think I can't approach him and I'm sure he would make time for me if I requested it, but I don't. I don't even know what I'd ask him if I DID have time with him. I'm directionless, and it's frustrating. I have many confidants and exhorters in my spiritual life, but no spiritual fathers or mothers. I'm a Timothy without a Paul.
Sounds like you're part of a good church, Blake. Sorry to hear there's not much in the way of mentoring. Sadly, this is the case with most churches and pastors. But you did say it was a big church. Most larger churches have a men's ministry. Does yours? Is it active?
Pete, I hear you about waiting until you are perfect. But the Bible is clear about laying hands (ordaining) a man too soon before he is ready. It says to test leaders before sending them out. I don't know Blake well enough to say, which is why I was asking him to consider mentoring. But encouraging a brother to "go for it" without considering his readiness is dangerous to the kingdom.

To be clear, I am not saying Blake can't be fruitful under an established ministry. He is free to serve as God leads. I just don't know enough about his readiness to recommend him to lead an entire community.

I was not encouraging him to head out and try to be a leader, just encouraging him to follow his calling, that does not mean he should expect to be leading others, but waiting until he is perfect will never get him started
Prayer and doing what God has taught us to do I think are good for building strength in the attributes your looking for. Your church sounds good on teaching, and you sound devote. Does the church have an outreach ministry you can get involved with? Or a partnership with another organization that helps a need in your community?
When you see a job that needs to be done and there is no one else to knowledgeably do it except you... That's when you are called. Not before or after.

Getting ready for a call is what we do in the meantime.

Many people have felt called and forced themselves into ministry work and as a result people have suffered for it. Others never stood up to take jobs that they felt insufficient for...and so the people again suffered as a result.

Finding your place in ministry work is difficult for most. It's a rather common thing to see a man with his Bible trying to tell others that they need to follow him in order to find God...and that's simply not the case. Be patient and wait for your time.
I have believed in Jesus since I was a little boy, and I've been to several churches growing up. I was never really active in my faith until I was a teenager, and it was short-lived, as my character was weak and I craved validation and esteem, and I got into drugs and drinking. From there I convinced myself that I was an atheist for a good 5 years or so, until the Holy Spirit saw fit to draw me and revive me again, and here I stand in the richest and most active spiritual days of my life, for what it's worth.

You know Blake. I was into the same things. In fact, I will have a Metallica song in my head at times, or even a Slayer song. I don't even care much for Christian Music unless it's filled with faith, but it does not replace the crunch of guitars Metallica has.
So, I don't listen to music. I don't want "On a highway to hell" playing in the back of my mind.

Will God take you where your Character can't keep you?
There is no scripture for that, it's a man's saying. Paul said I keep my body under, least I myself be cast out. That is a pretty good indication that our flesh will never end up perfectly sanctified while hanging out down on earth. People watch everything we do, even the number of trips we make to a food buffet table. They watch our portions, how we eat, what we say. Someone might not listen to you because you come off to them as a glutton having seen you go back 3 times to fill your plate, and you won't even know it unless it's brought to your attention by God.

So, as God makes us better not requiring all things at one time (Else we would never make it) we obey and change the things as He adds them in our heart to do, not looking at the list of condemnation coming from the enemy. That is how it works.

One guy told me I should not drink a Beer. God never told me that, and who are you? Lord, if you put it in my conscience, my heart, I'll change it. Things that I thought were OK way back, God has asked me to change them as time goes on. Lot's of things I never even considered.

Rom_14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

You need to stop looking back, (Php 3:13) and start learning more and more.(2 Tim 2:15) Your use will be dependant on who you can help.
Here is my personal opinion.
God holds sovereignty over human's life. From creation till now, God has been surrounding mankind and he never left us even one, which includes each person's birth, growth, death and reincarnation. No matter what experienced in the past, everything of us is under the dominion of the Creator. Should not the people accept and obey it? God is love, even if what we have experienced is sorrow and pain in our eyes, how can we deny that this is not God's love? For example, some people leading a extravagant life go to the hell after their death; and some ones leading a poor life go to the heaven. Instead of living in sin committed in the past, you might as well think about how to make atonement for yousellf. In order to seek God's forgiveness.Like Nineveh, was a evil city, but God forgave them when they repented. God will forgive us as long as we truly repent before God.