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Charismatic Bible Studies - 1 Peter 1:1-5, Part 1

Hidden In Him

Staff member
Our Heavenly Inheritance, And What The Spirit Is Revealing Today, Part 1


Exactly what will the inherence awaiting us in Heaven be like? The apostle Peter began his first letter by mentioning it, for the hope of Heaven was vital to being able to persevere in the face of trials and sufferings and yet remain faithful to God:

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the sojourners of the dispersion of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bythnia, chosen amid the sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has given us birth again unto a living hope, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, unto an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and unfading, having been kept for you in Heaven, being safeguarded through faith in the power of God unto a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:1-5)

What exactly, then, was this unfading inheritance that was being kept for them in Heaven, which they were safeguarding through their faith in the power of God? Men like Ezekiel and the apostle John saw visions of Heaven, and gave us glimpses of what it will be like. Ezekiel saw not only the throne room of God but the Father Himself, and described them both as follows:

22 The likeness of the firmament above the heads of the living creatures was like the color of an awesome crystal, stretched out over their heads. 23 And under the firmament their wings spread out straight, one toward another. Each one had two which covered one side, and each one had two which covered the other side of the body. 24 When they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a tumult like the noise of an army. And when they stood still, they let down their wings... 26 On the likeness of the throne was a likeness with the appearance of a man high above it. 27 From the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the color of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it, and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around. 28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. (Ezekiel 1:22-28)

Stephen likewise saw the Lord Jesus Christ seated on God's right hand, confirming that all power and authority had now been given unto Him:

54 When [the Sanhedrin] heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. 55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into Heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, 56 and said, “Look! I see the Heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” (Acts 7:54-56)

The apostle John saw Heaven in Revelations, and mentioned seeing the river of Life, with the Tree of Life growing alongside it:

And he showed me the pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 3 And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. 4 They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. 5 There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever. (Revelation 22:1-5)

The apostle Paul was also taken up into Third Heaven, where he witnessed seeing even things he could not describe in human terms (2 Corinthians 12:1-6).

Though Paul gave no details in his letter to the Corinthians, it is likely the apostle Peter knew very well the details of Paul's account, as did many others in the New Testament church, for Peter's quote to start this letter suggests he was very familiar with the rewards awaiting the faithful in eternity.

So what did these heavenly accounts have in common? They were given through visions, and the word states that dreams and visions will be granted to the church in the end-times on an unparalleled level. Both Heaven and Hell accounts are being revealed with increasing frequency today, so that prophecy now appears to be coming to pass, and the reason is simple. Great persecution of Christians will be returning, even in the West, and the church will again need to know exactly what it is they are persevering for. And humanity needs to know that there is more to our existence than just this life. Satan has made humanity materialistic and faithless, so the Lord saved the most detailed accounts for our day. So just as Peter quoted Joel 2 on the day of Pentecost, the time for the relevance of visions and dreams is now fast approaching once again.

But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them... "This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel, 'And it shall come to pass in the last days' says God, 'that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. 29 And also upon My menservants and on My maidservants will I pour out of My Spirit in those days, and they shall prophesy. (Acts 2:14, 16-18).

The Architecture Of Heaven

With that said, the following two-part study will contain a few highlights of what the Spirit has been saying about our eternal abode. I used to collect and read numerous Heaven accounts, and below are a few excerpts from some of the more memorable ones. Of note are the numerous descriptions of the architecture in Heaven. Though many don't realize it, life in Heaven is much like earthly life, only it is perfection and any hint of corruption has been removed. But there are cities and buildings of all shapes and sizes, and they all serve different purposes in the daily affairs of men, just like here on earth:

Jesus and I passed towns, buildings and little offices. The buildings were for whatever "business" or interaction that takes place in Heaven. I saw people coming and going, and they were all smiling. Some sang songs I recognized from earth, while others sang heavenly songs I had never heard. Many carried little bundles, and some carried books. While I don't believe there is an exchange of money in Heaven, people were going in and out of those buildings to get things. I saw a woman walk into one place with a bundle of some type of goods and later walk out with a book. (Lairdon, We Saw Heaven, P.30)

But even the mansions Jesus said are being built for us don't just appear magically. They are being built by the saints of God for loved ones on their way to Heaven, in accordance with the foreknowledge of God of what each believer would enjoy most. As numerous accounts state, the creativity is breath-taking, and everything is handcrafted down to the finest details.

We soon reached [the home], and I was truly charmed with it in every way. It was fashioned much like my brother Nell's home, and built of polished woods. It was only partly finished, and was most artistically done. Although uncompleted, I was struck with the fact that everything was perfect so far as finished. There was no debris anywhere; no chips, no shavings, no dust. The wood seemed to have been perfectly prepared elsewhere - where, I have no idea. The pieces were made to fit accurately, like the parts of a great puzzle. It required much skill and artistic taste to properly adjust each in its place... [and] the house was slowly growing into beauty and symmetry. (Springer, My Dream Of Heaven, P.42-43)

Of all the buildings I saw in Heaven, none of them had locks on any doors, and the doors were not closed. Whether they were mansions, smaller homes, or apartment buildings (yes, some people liked living in condominiums in Heaven), all were open. But out of respect, I don't believe anyone enters anyone else's home when the resident is not there. In Heaven, it seems the architecture includes large pillars. Every home had large porches with pillars and huge archways. Some of the houses were made out of what appeared to be a type of brick or stone material. Others were made out of a type of wood. Yet as I looked, there were no nails or even pegs. Not a piece was sawn, but everything was crafted and fit perfectly together. I saw a veranda on one home that looked like it was made of onyx. You could see through it; it was as clear as glass. Inlaid in the porch were precious stones and gold and silver, and there were great diamonds... I saw a home made of clear stone, embedded with roses that were alive and growing, and gave off the most beautiful aroma. When I put my ear up to anything solid in Heaven, I heard it humming the most beautiful songs. Some of the songs were ones we sing on earth, but others were not. Everything gave praise and glory to the Lord. (Sigmund, My Time In Heaven, P.38-40

(Continued next post).
From another account, the furnishings are unique to each individual's taste as well, but they are likewise perfection.

As we went up a path, I saw a gigantic house above the trees. I know it was a mansion, and that it didn't simply look that way because I was a little boy... Jesus and I waited for what seemed like a period of about three minutes, and then He knocked again, before anyone ever came to the door. A man opened the door... [and] then invited us inside; Jesus and I walked in and sat down in what I would call a living room or den area. The furniture there is different from that on earth in this respect: It is as if comfort "lives" in the furniture of Heaven. Earthly furniture becomes uncomfortable after you sit in it for awhile, and you find yourself squirming and shifting periodically. In Heaven, comfort finds you. I sat down on a black velvet couch, and comfort reached up and "cuddled" me. I was so comfortable that I never had to move once. After we finished talking, the man took us through the house. His mansion seemed just like houses on earth, but it was total perfection. The windows had curtains over them. The walls were decorated with paintings, which in this in this particular house reminded me of modern art on earth, except better. Also, there were photographs of the man's family members, and there were plants everywhere. In addition, the mansion was filled with beautiful furniture and luxuries. Some things I did not recognize. Each mansion was suited to the person who lived there, for every child of God has his or her own mansion in Heaven (John 14:2). This one had different rooms, such as dining room, living room, kitchen, den, and so forth. (I am sure there were bedrooms, but I did not go upstairs). (Lairdon, I Saw Heaven, P.28-30)

One woman related seeing a wife being taken by her husband through a mansion he had built for her in advance of her dying. This one stands out because of the creativity it described:

Before Rebecca could speak, Frank took her hands and welcomed her to her heavenly home... He led her into a large room made of polished, pale grey marble. The walls and floors, however, were covered with beautiful roses of every type and color. Attempting to gather some up so she would not crush them, Rebecca found them to be embedded into the marble. Frank explained to her that a group of boys and girls had come to the house one day asking if it really were for the Springers. Upon being told that it was, they replied that they had loved the couple in life and wanted to help make the house even more beautiful. The girls, who carried bouquets of roses, began to toss them over the floors and against the walls, where they remained attached, giving the appearance of fresh flowers. The boys produced tool cases, and through some celestial art embedded each flower in the marble. Rebecca asked Frank who these young people were, and he named them for her. She realized that her love for these children on earth had brought her additional happiness in Heaven. (Rebecca Springer's account, as told by Roberts Lairdon in We Saw Heaven, P.102-103)

Children And Animals In Heaven

As suggested by the previous account, those who die as children go to Heaven as children, yet their education in Heaven appears to be superior to anything on earth. Their development proceeds beyond the capacity of even full grown adults here. yet they possess no pride or jealousy, only a desire to bless others.

I saw that as children grew older they began to attend school, just as they do on earth. But there the schools were amazing. I was not permitted to know what they were taught, but a child in Heaven is far above the highest level of intelligence here. Children would learn things that geniuses on earth could not possibly know or understand. (Sigmund, My Time In Heaven, P.35)

Marietta, the angel and the two children began to ascend to a beautiful city surrounded by flowers and stately buildings, shady trees and colorful melodious birds. The further they went, the more beautiful and melodious the buildings and the whole atmosphere became. The numerous avenues led to a central area where there was a building that appeared to be constructed of delicately carved marble. It supported a vast dome. This was the home of all the infants in Heaven. Along the avenues, there had been other buildings. These were the "nurseries" where infants were first brought and instructed in the truths of Heaven. This angelic servant proceeded to explain that when an infant died on earth, the guardian angel escorted it to Heaven and grouped it with others of similar artistic, scientific or social abilities, were that child could best develop... In the nurseries, these babies were loving tended and instructed by angels, who also played the most beautiful music imaginable for the tiny ones to whom they had been entrusted. (Lairdon, We Saw Heaven, P.84-85)

A little girl who looked about eight years old and had beautiful, blonde hair came up to me. She knew me, and I recognized her, too. I remembered that she had died of cancer. I think she was some kind of ambassador in Heaven, because all she did was go from group to group and sing glorious songs... Then she said, "Brother Richard, would you like to hear me sing?" She started singing in the most beautiful soprano voice you could imagine. This was the most beautiful song I had ever heard - and the girl's talent was especially remarkable because of her apparently young age. She was not the only child I saw. There were many others, each with abilities far greater than any adult's on earth... In one place I saw a young boy sitting before a piano that seemed to extend a hundred feet in every direction. It looked like a grand piano, yet in the middle of it stood an upright harp... he played the most beautiful music. It was a little like Bach, a little like Brahms, and a little like Beethoven. Yet I cannot tell you what the song was. When I left Heaven, I left the tune there. But there was music, and there were words to that song, ad people joined in. While this child was playing the piano, the angels were standing at attention. Some had their arms raised, worshipping God. The notes of the song that this little boy were playing reverberated through Heaven. Choirs were joining in. It was unbelievable. It was glorious. And the little child was leading all of it. (Sigmund, My Time In Heaven, P.30-31)

Along with the joy children have in being able to minister, they still play like children, enjoy games together, and know the joy of playing with animals like on earth, only more so because there they are said to have a greater ability to communicate:

Jesus and I continued walking. As we went over a few hills, I noticed more things. I saw all kinds of animals, every kind you could think of, from A to Z. Sometimes people have questioned this, but if you think about it, why should there not be animals in Heaven? The Bible talks about horses in Heaven, so why would God have only one kind of animal?... I saw a dog, a baby goat, and a lion of great strength. There were birds singing in the trees, all sizes of birds, and they seemed to be singing the same song. After they stopped singing, it almost seemed as if they were talking among themselves! There were other animals that I saw at a distance, but I could not identify them. (Lairdon, I Saw Heaven, P.31-32)

The boys saw trees bearing delicious fruit, beautiful expanses of fragrant flowers, exotically-colored birds with their glorious songs, and animals of all sorts, both familiar animals such as deer, lions, elephants and rabbits, and those they had never seen before. They even climbed upon lion's back, ran their fingers through his mane and put their hands in his mouth! There was no hostility or danger there. (Lairdon, We Saw Heaven, P.144)

I saw children who were old enough to walk and play and run, and they played just as they would on earth... I didn't see anyone play baseball, but I did see children climb tall trees and jump out of them, floating down like little cotton balls. It was great excitement for them. No harm could come to them - they were in no possible danger. I saw children playing along the shores of the seas and the lakes. They played in the water, on the water, and under the water; they swam through the water or just sat at the bottom of the lake... In one place, I saw children having footraces. They ran faster than a horse on earth can run. It was amazing. In another place, I saw them riding horses. The horses loved it, and they loved the children. The horses had the power of thought, and the power of speech. It was a wonderful experience. (Sigmund, My Time In Heaven, P.34-35)

In Part 2, we will cover more of the beauties of Heaven's landscaping, and the joyous activities that even adults engage in.

Questions And Applications

1. What things came to your mind in reading this study? Do you believe we will truly have mansions in Heaven, or is it just what you regard to be a more materialistic interpretation of things "too good to be true"?

2. Are you the type who likes spending time with children and animals? If so, what would you enjoy most about being in their company?

3. If you could spend time with anyone in eternity, who would it be? Friends, family, animals, angels, children, prophets, the Lord Himself (as much as possible) or maybe other Bible characters you know from history?

4. Scripture says He gives us the desires of our hearts, so what would your ultimate dream home be like in Heaven? Post pictures of the kind of mansion, rooms, furnishings etc. you'd like to have in your home in eternity.

Original Source:
Questions And Applications

1. What things came to your mind in reading this study? Do you believe we will truly have mansions in Heaven, or is it just what you regard to be a more materialistic interpretation of things "too good to be true"?
I see them as possibly symbolic, because creatures fashioned in the present life appear to include the possibility of violence. All animals have escape mechanisms, and skills and abilities allowing them to either escape violence or commit violence/eat/defend.

That being said, everything God created was originally good, and likely initially served as a warning of Man's eventual choice for good or evil in the garden. I think many years of purely animals, both escaping and killing, existed to show Satan's mental world, with Man's choice to follow.
2. Are you the type who likes spending time with children and animals? If so, what would you enjoy most about being in their company?
I of course find babies cute, but wish for a world of only adults. I wish the work of development to be over in the Kingdom of God because in my experience, growing and developing is work! And it shows that humanity has not yet achieved its goals, which I hope will result with the Kingdom of God.

Besides, we're told that we'll be like angels, not marrying, and apparently no longer having children. We were told to fill the earth. Once that has happened, what need is there for reproduction? If babies just finish off the course they began on earth, then that in itself seems sad, which I should hope is not there at that time!

Of course, it doesn't have to be a bad thing to have children, since there will be no opposition to normal progression, and they'll have all the time in the world to grow.

I love animals and am hoping for a large assortment of creatures in the Kingdom of God. I love nature, the earth, the sky, and all of the great diversity we presently see.

Animals, in particular, are a joy to me. I even enjoy looking into a Garden Pond and looking at Water Boatmen! ;)

One of the great joys I have in my life is anything related to the water--ponds, lakes, rivers, bays, oceans, or even little Garden Ponds. I find it hard to live anywhere not close to a body of water of these kinds!

I also like views, but I do have a fear of heights. So if I have a view from on high, it may only be half way up! ;)
3. If you could spend time with anyone in eternity, who would it be? Friends, family, animals, angels, children, prophets, the Lord Himself (as much as possible) or maybe other Bible characters you know from history?
I'd like to see all those I've liked in my present lifetime. But then I would wish to spread out and entertain many others who I may come to know better.
4. Scripture says He gives us the desires of our hearts, so what would your ultimate dream home be like in Heaven? Post pictures of the kind of mansion, rooms, furnishings etc. you'd like to have in your home in eternity.
My ideal home would try to be practical and yet unique. The art would reflect a form of usefulness that is entertaining to those who live there. It would have room for others to be there, when they wished to visit.

The purpose of the home would be to contemplate, conceive of ways to enjoy, rest, entertain, eat, fellowship, and love. I'm not sure what love and intimacy is in heaven?

Outside it would be a bit like a castle, with great art built into it with lots of bells and whistles. It's artistic design would be to send symbolic messages, convey strength, durability, and eternity ;) It may even look like it could levitate and migrate to other lands! ;)
Original Source:
As a child my Mother read the Bible to my brother and me. The most vivid memory of this was when she read from the book of Revelation, describing the New Jerusalem in all of its apparent symbolism--yes, even at a very young age I was intrigued by the symbolism, particularly the sea of glass and the river of life. And I've been intrigued by biblical prophecy ever since.

Later in childhood I grew disgusted with my older brother playing with a boy I viewed as pagan, and I declared loudly, "Jesus and God are coming, and there's going to be a whole new world!" Maybe I was jealous? ;)

Anyway, thanks for an interesting view into things future. I'm looking forward to the next presentation. I hope I don't come across flattering myself too much? ;)
I see them as possibly symbolic

Ok. Now question #1 was specifically about mansions rather than animals. Some people think mansions in Heaven is just a materialistic idea, and I kinda thought that as well when I first got saved. But that was cuz I knew nothing about how the earth was actually created after the pattern of Heaven, so that what we have here is in many respects simply a duplication, only it has now been completely corrupted.
All animals have escape mechanisms, and skills and abilities allowing them to either escape violence or commit violence/eat/defend.

That being said, everything God created was originally good, and likely initially served as a warning of Man's eventual choice for good or evil in the garden. I think many years of purely animals, both escaping and killing, existed to show Satan's mental world, with Man's choice to follow.

As an answer to question #2, it is clear that the animal world has been corrupted, and even scripture acknowledges this. But in the beginning I believe they were created pure, since nothing can be corrupted unless it first was.

The passage that supports this is in Romans, where it says:

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.
I of course find babies cute, but wish for a world of only adults. I wish the work of development to be over in the Kingdom of God because in my experience, growing and developing is work!

Well yes, it is work. But it can be a glorious work when you are watching the Lord doing it. :) See, I never had kids, because I never found the right partner in this life, and that's kinda sad, because I think having children would be a wonderful experience if they were raised in a very loving and nurturing home. When they are raised in the Love of God, I suppose it's still work, but in Heaven the "work" they do there is all pleasurable rather than laborious, and I think I would truly LOVE being able to watch a child develop far beyond what they develop to here, in joy, and in love and with happiness and fulfillment. :thumb
Of course, it doesn't have to be a bad thing to have children, since there will be no opposition to normal progression, and they'll have all the time in the world to grow.

Yes! I was going to say that too. :)
I love animals and am hoping for a large assortment of creatures in the Kingdom of God. I love nature, the earth, the sky, and all of the great diversity we presently see.

Animals, in particular, are a joy to me.

Me as well! We have that in common. I often dream of having a whole host of animals on my land, which I hope stretches for many miles. Dogs, cats, I love otters and squirrels, and I especially love big cats. I'd want several on my property, and I'd want them to be able to walk into my house at any time of the day.


I even enjoy looking into a Garden Pond and looking at Water Boatmen! ;)

One of the great joys I have in my life is anything related to the water--ponds, lakes, rivers, bays, oceans, or even little Garden Ponds. I find it hard to live anywhere not close to a body of water of these kinds!

We have this in common as well. :)

Some accounts say there are large bodies of water, something similar to the Sea of Galilee, and also that people can have more than one home if they wish, like if they wish to vacation somewhere else. I would want a place near the sea for sure. I can sit for hours and just watch rushing waves coming in. It's like I feel like I'm home.


Or more peaceful spots where the water is a very pretty blue or blue green:


I'd like to see all those I've liked in my present lifetime. But then I would wish to spread out and entertain many others who I may come to know better.

Yes. I was never a socialite in this life. I tend to be distant, but it's only because I rarely feel like the things I want to discuss - especially my love for the things of God - is really shared by my company most of the time. In Heaven I would be different. I want to make up for all the time I lost getting to spend time with people, because I think I'd finally be in a place where people could relate better to the things I value most.
I'm not sure what love and intimacy is in heaven?

I'm not either, but that's a question I'd surely like to get answers to at some point, Lol.
Outside it would be a bit like a castle, with great art built into it with lots of bells and whistles. It's artistic design would be to send symbolic messages, convey strength, durability, and eternity ;)

I like stuff that is extremely tasteful but communicates authority. Not sure if I can find anything...

Haven't found anything for outside just yet, but for inside this is the kind of thing. Luxurious, classy, & refined:


I'd want lots of windows too. I'd want a library that looked something like this:

As a child my Mother read the Bible to my brother and me. The most vivid memory of this was when she read from the book of Revelation, describing the New Jerusalem in all of its apparent symbolism--yes, even at a very young age I was intrigued by the symbolism, particularly the sea of glass and the river of life.

That's cool. :)
Anyway, thanks for an interesting view into things future. I'm looking forward to the next presentation. I hope I don't come across flattering myself too much? ;)

Not at all. That's actually part of the purpose I had in writing up the questions for these first two studies. It's a way of getting people to see how big they can dream, and just how much they can believe God for. I know He loves me. I know I'm not perfect, but I've given my life to Him, and I believe what He really looks forward to is being able to bless those who trusted Him in this life with more than they could hope for in the next. But sometimes we struggle to believe that, so it becomes almost like a test in the measure of our faith.

Thanks for the responses. :)
I wouldn't make visions doctrine.

My desire to explore history is a strong thing even if it's horrible. I highly doubt I can explore grave yards, old battle sights, navy bases in heaven.

I have read the story of that house with it's neighbor house and found the family burial plot tied with it.
I wouldn't make visions doctrine.
My desire to explore history is a strong thing even if it's horrible.

I highly doubt I can explore grave yards ,old battle sights ,navy bases in heaven

I have read the story of that house with it's neighbor house and found the family burial plot tied with it.

Jason, read Post #7, LoL. It's about envisioning our eternal reward in Heaven. :lol

I know some can have fears about making visions doctrine, but they need to keep in mind that the New Testament saints walked in numerous visions, several of which I listed in the first post. Some take the position that God no longer gives visions today, but that flies in the face of Joel 2:28-31 which says He will. So I have to believe visions and dreams of God are still for today just as they were in New Testament times.
Ok. Now question #1 was specifically about mansions rather than animals.
Actually I was answering this: "What things came to your mind in reading this study?" My initial thought was that these visions utilize pictures from our present life to convey, in an imperfect way, things in the future.
Some people think mansions in Heaven is just a materialistic idea, and I kinda thought that as well when I first got saved. But that was cuz I knew nothing about how the earth was actually created after the pattern of Heaven, so that what we have here is in many respects simply a duplication, only it has now been completely corrupted.
I agree with you. I think the New Earth will be the same earth we have now--only with God controlling things and preventing random accidents, caused by a chain of events all beginning with the knowledge of evil, or sin.

I do believe we will have literal houses and buildings. But I don't have a clue what they will actually look like? I think the needs will obviously change from the needs we have now that will be eliminated when sin is removed. For example, we won't need solar power generation. :)
As an answer to question #2, it is clear that the animal world has been corrupted, and even scripture acknowledges this. But in the beginning I believe they were created pure, since nothing can be corrupted unless it first was.
I'm not sure animals were "pure" from the beginning in the sense they weren't violent, killed other animals, and ate them? They actually seem to have been created that way, perhaps due to the fact Satan fell *before* they were created. Some of them were created with fangs, right?

I think God made a kind of diarama on earth, depicting what the effects of sin look like on an otherwise perfect world. Since animals don't "murder," the animals remain "pure," killing without conscience and only to eat and to survive. They aren't evil but rather, portray evil.

This is speculation, of course. I don't know when Satan actually fell? Adam and Eve may have lived in a garden oasis, within the larger world of wild animals? When they left the garden, they not only lost access to the Tree of Life, but they became acquainted with "Satan's world" of random independent living, which ends with a curse.
The passage that supports this is in Romans, where it says:

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.
Does this say that our sin is what caused the animals to suffer? I'm not sure? But it sure does indicate that things will change once we enter upon the New Earth! Satan is removed by fire for sure!
Well yes, it is work. But it can be a glorious work when you are watching the Lord doing it. :) See, I never had kids, because I never found the right partner in this life, and that's kinda sad, because I think having children would be a wonderful experience if they were raised in a very loving and nurturing home. When they are raised in the Love of God, I suppose it's still work, but in Heaven the "work" they do there is all pleasurable rather than laborious, and I think I would truly LOVE being able to watch a child develop far beyond what they develop to here, in joy, and in love and with happiness and fulfillment. :thumb
I wasn't going to marry either, though I regreted this choice until later in life. By the time I married I only had one child, and she looks like her Mother! ;) I have stepkids, which are not always easy to raise!

Not to worry. Daniel was most believed of the Lord, and he was given special powers and was, as well, noted as specially loved of the Lord. And he received the most incredible and unique insights into the endtime as anyone in history! Maybe God will bless you in some special way, or already has?
Me as well! We have that in common. I often dream of having a whole host of animals on my land, which I hope stretches for many miles. Dogs, cats, I love otters and squirrels, and I especially love big cats. I'd want several on my property, and I'd want them to be able to walk into my house at any time of the day.
When you say you love BIG cats, you mean BIG cats! ;) I love small cats in the home, and only big cats in the zoo! ;)

When I lived on a lake I had otters on my dock. At my present house I fed the squirrels until they started multiplying too rapidly and ate all of the bird seed.

I love dogs, but need to be able to travel, and can't leave one alone at home. :sad Looking forward to "Heaven," where "all things are possible!" :)
I'm not sure animals were "pure" from the beginning in the sense they weren't violent, killed other animals, and ate them? They actually seem to have been created that way, perhaps due to the fact Satan fell *before* they were created. Some of them were created with fangs, right?

Created with fangs yes, but if you look into Jewish tradition on this (which was clearly picked up on and adopted by the early church btw), the earth actually became corrupted at the time of Genesis 6:1-4, when fallen angels corrupted it through their influence and the giants that were born to them consumed the harvests until there was nothing left, and they then began turning on the living and initiated the practice of carnavorism.

After that, the entire animal kingdom began following suit until the earth was filled with nothing but evil continually and the Lord had to destroy it and start over. But that's a little far afield of our topic, so I was just mentioning that the original Judeo-Christian tradition is that the animal kingdom didn't fall into violence and predatorial behavior until Genesis 6.
Jason, read Post #7, LoL. It's about envisioning our eternal reward in Heaven. :lol

I know some can have fears about making visions doctrine, but they need to keep in mind that the New Testament saints walked in numerous visions, several of which I listed in the first post. Some take the position that God no longer gives visions today, but that flies in the face of Joel 2:28-31 which says He will. So I have to believe visions and dreams of God are still for today just as they were in New Testament times.

Not fears. I have had visions of what my wife has done while I was in Afghanistan. That wasn't fun dealing with that.

I can see spirits and sense them but my point is you are using modern ideas of large homes. It's not sin but honestly since I walked homes over 26 rooms for work I have no inclination or desire to be near the ocean.

I don't mind hiking.

That house. I walked from a1a to where the main house is to get a read outside that wall. Not the biggest house in my county. I have walked further. My inclination to have things isn't considered normal. Yes I have a house but my eccentric nature is well known.

I photo homes often.
Not to worry. Daniel was most believed of the Lord, and he was given special powers and was, as well, noted as specially loved of the Lord. And he received the most incredible and unique insights into the endtime as anyone in history! Maybe God will bless you in some special way, or already has?

I like this. :) :thumb
When you say you love BIG cats, you mean BIG cats! ;) I love small cats in the home, and only big cats in the zoo! ;)

I can't afford big cats, so I only have small ones too. But if you have the money, some people are doing it. I used to watch videos of a young Russian couple that owned tigers. There's a Brazilian family with videos, but they're a little nuts cuz those tigers are bigger than anyone in the home and they walk around all over the house with them, Lol.

But this would be me right here. I wanna wrestle with them. :)

my point is you are using modern ideas of large homes. It's not sin but honestly since I walked homes over 26 rooms for work I have no inclination or desire to be near the ocean.

Oh no. I understand. I was thinking that when I was looking for a picture of what I would want on the outside, and I logged in "mansions with columns" and everything was just too darn BIG, LoL. But I do think the mansions in Heaven will be the ultimate in taste and architecture, even if not quite as opulent as some of things people live in today that could house a small army. That's overdoing it just to make a social statement in some cases.
Oh no. I understand. I was thinking that when I was looking for a picture of what I would want on the outside, and I logged in "mansions with columns" and everything was just too darn BIG, LoL. But I do think the mansions in Heaven will be the ultimate in taste and architecture, even if not quite as opulent as some of things people live in today that could house a small army. That's overdoing it just to make a social statement in some cases.
I could post the early mansion here .

First mansion here that said .as you can see my passion lol.

I have anti social tendencies.ptsd does that .it will be strange for me not have that and yet I won't .
First mansion here that said .as you can see my passion lol.

Looks almost like early Colonial. :)
I have anti social tendencies.ptsd does that .it will be strange for me not have that

Yeah, I was referring to the same thing. I'm mildly antisocial as well, but it's just cuz I feel like an odd man out most of the time. My life in Christ is too different from most people, and even when I try to start conversations about stuff it just gets blown right past like I never said anything. So I smile, make a little small talk here and there, and move on, Lol. No harm, no foul, but my citizenship isn't down here, and it's not that often that I can connect with someone in mixed company.
Looks almost like early Colonial. :)

Yeah, I was referring to the same thing. I'm mildly antisocial as well, but it's just cuz I feel like an odd man out most of the time. My life in Christ is too different from most people, and even when I try to start conversations about stuff it just gets blown right past like I never said anything. So I smile, make a little small talk here and there, and move on, Lol. No harm, no foul, but my citizenship isn't down here, and it's not that often that I can connect with someone in mixed company.

It would be Monterey style, subset of that is French Monterey still a mix of Spanish revival with a French colonial house. The columns give it away.

Oh I have photos of several of them. All of them about the same size as close it age. My favorite one is in a video.

Several on DeLeon. The grey house is colonial revival and one of several.
That red house, the clem house that is colonial revival. Those get real pretty during Christmas.
2. Are you the type who likes spending time with children and animals? If so, what would you enjoy most about being in their company?
Here in this world I like to spend time with children because you get the truth at least as they know it , they don't have the adult filter and you get their unvarnished thoughts about anything , and at times it can be more than you want to know about their family , lol .
I have back problems and my posture is very bad and once a little girl saw me in a store and asked ," Do you hurt ?" .With a smile I replied no not much at all God takes care of me . The little girl had such a heart full of concern when she asked me the question I could see it in her eyes . It did touch my heart .
3. If you could spend time with anyone in eternity, who would it be? Friends, family, animals, angels, children, prophets, the Lord Himself (as much as possible) or maybe other Bible characters you know from history?
I would like to speak with Noah and Daniel and so many more .
4. Scripture says He gives us the desires of our hearts, so what would your ultimate dream home be like in Heaven? Post pictures of the kind of mansion, rooms, furnishings etc. you'd like to have in your home in eternity.
dream home.jpeg
Here in this world I like to spend time with children because you get the truth at least as they know it , they don't have the adult filter and you get their unvarnished thoughts about anything , and at times it can be more than you want to know about their family , lol .
I have back problems and my posture is very bad and once a little girl saw me in a store and asked ," Do you hurt ?" .With a smile I replied no not much at all God takes care of me . The little girl had such a heart full of concern when she asked me the question I could see it in her eyes . It did touch my heart .

I would like to speak with Noah and Daniel and so many more .

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If we are going to go there

I would prefer a spanish revival house .