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[_ Old Earth _] Charles Darwin: Great man of G-d.

  • Thread starter The Bible Thumper
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With reference to the topic:

I doubt that Darwin recanted on his deathbed. However, should he have recanted, it does not affect the theory of evolution in any way (as it is an Argument from Authority and furthermore overlooks the innumerable pieces of evidence that have been discovered in the last 100 years). Which begs the question why many Christians are (seemingly) obsessed with the supposed recantation of Darwin.

Dante-Alighieri said:
With reference to the topic:...

it does not affect the theory of evolution in any way (as it is an Argument from Authority and furthermore overlooks the innumerable pieces of evidence that have been discovered in the last 100 years)...

What does that have to do with the topic?

Personally, I doubt that there was ever a death bed conversion on the part of Darwin. There is little to support it, and if his own daughter denies it...well, there you go.

And calling Darwin a man of God is, in my oppinion, like calling David Koresh the Messiah... it is misleading.
caromurp said:
Everything about evolution is inherently contradictory to the Bible. :study God created the world and all that is within it in 6 days. If you want to believe in evolution, don't throw it under the umbrella of Christianity...there is no excuse for that.
Dude. Just because the Bible says creation events took place in six days does not mean all was created in six literal days. I mean the Bible also says G-d created Job in Job's mother's womb, but we don't take things so literally; it was the sperm and the egg that brought about Job's birth.
Dante-Alighieri said:
Naw, i just don't want that trash in my house.

Would you then equally throw out all scientific achievements and practical benefits that have come about as a result of the theory of evolution?
Such as medicinal drugs and pesticides for instance?

There's like a huuuuge difference between sound scientific inquiry and the hubris and egregiousness of Dawkins. You are insulting the scientific community by drawing the verisimilitude.
caromurp said:
And calling Darwin a man of God is, in my oppinion, like calling David Koresh the Messiah... it is misleading.

Any person (Darwin included) who claims Jesus Christ as their personal saviour is a man of G-d, caromurp.
The Bible Thumper said:
caromurp said:
Everything about evolution is inherently contradictory to the Bible. :study God created the world and all that is within it in 6 days. If you want to believe in evolution, don't throw it under the umbrella of Christianity...there is no excuse for that.
Dude. Just because the Bible says creation events took place in six days does not mean all was created in six literal days. I mean the Bible also says G-d created Job in Job's mother's womb, but we don't take things so literally; it was the sperm and the egg that brought about Job's birth.
:confused So are we not created beings?
caromurp said:
The Bible Thumper said:
caromurp said:
Everything about evolution is inherently contradictory to the Bible. :study God created the world and all that is within it in 6 days. If you want to believe in evolution, don't throw it under the umbrella of Christianity...there is no excuse for that.
Dude. Just because the Bible says creation events took place in six days does not mean all was created in six literal days. I mean the Bible also says G-d created Job in Job's mother's womb, but we don't take things so literally; it was the sperm and the egg that brought about Job's birth.
:confused So are we not created beings?

Doesn't look like it.

Dante-Alighieri said:
With reference to the topic:

I doubt that Darwin recanted on his deathbed. However, should he have recanted, it does not affect the theory of evolution in any way (as it is an Argument from Authority and furthermore overlooks the innumerable pieces of evidence that have been discovered in the last 100 years). Which begs the question why many Christians are (seemingly) obsessed with the supposed recantation of Darwin.


Most of us Christians are obsessed with Darwin's recanting because it's important for us to bring about a change with the current state of affairs within some members of the Church.
For example, guys like Kent Hovind make a very substantial living trying to sell a children's story interpretation of creation to a scientifically uninitiated Body of Christ that has bad implications for Christianity as a whole; now we as believing Christians and of scientific temperament have to take on the grueling task of trying to undo the damage Hovind's brainwashing has done. And it's not an easy thing to do, either, because the YEC ("Young Earth Creationist", or followers of Hovind) feel as if it's blasphemy to believe in anything other than a ridiculous bed-time story of Creation.
People on the forum, for example, are calling my Christianity and my faith into question just because I believe in evolution. This questioning of my faith by them illustrates quite disturbingly the extent of Kent Hovind's damage to the Church. And it was all in the greedy interest of money.

The sooner we bring Christians back to science and unravel the damage the Scopes Monkey Trial (early 20th Century) and Hovind has done, the sooner the agnostic and unbelievers will start to reconsider their unbelief. We can't keep looking like ridiculous, scientifically inept fools in front of them. We are embarrassing ourselves!
Dante-Alighieri said:
If everything about evolution is inherently contradictory to your belief in a literal Genesis, then I think it's your interpretation that needs to be reviewed.

The Bible claims that truth is revealed in creation, and when all evidence (and I'm not exaggerating here) in the world and even in the universe points to a very old Earth and to the fact of evolution, then you're left with a dilemma of God either being a deceiver, or literally interpreting Genesis is not the way to interpret it.

However, I think it is a slap in the face to the hermaneutic process of reading scripture to come to the conclusion that Genesis was intended to be a literal depiction of the beginning of the world. The context and hermaneutic aspect both scream that it is not a passage to be taken literally.

During the time of Moses, the biggest (theological) issue was not HOW the World came to be, but rather, what was the nature of the deity(s) that created the world. Polytheism (as well as animism) were the big thing during the time of Moses, so keeping that historical and cultural context in mind, I find it hard to see how anyone could read Genesis literally.

What the author was trying to convey was that the universe did have a beginning, and that there was ONE god who created all. The depiction of God created not only the heavens and the Earth, but also all the animals, all plants, and everything in the universe serves to snuff out any beliefs in animism which were prevalent at the time.

No one during that time cared how long the Earth had been around, no one cared how the Earth had came to be (everyone already presumed that some sort of deity had created it), what concerned them was which deity and what the nature of this deity was. To ignore the allegorical message of Genesis in favor of a literal interpretation is to commit hermaneutical suicide.

Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian. Great post--sadly you're not a Christian.
:pray :pray :pray
Dante-Alighieri said:
Naw, i just don't want that trash in my house.

Would you then equally throw out all scientific achievements and practical benefits that have come about as a result of the theory of evolution?
Such as medicinal drugs and pesticides for instance?

...But then you go and spoil it all with this ad-hominem post.
Just because he doesn't want "that trash in my house", doesn't mean he's all against medicine or pesticides, you know...
The Bible Thumper said:
Most of us Christians are obsessed with Darwin's recanting because it's important for us to bring about a change with the current state of affairs within some members of the Church.....
This is a thoughtful post from beginning to end and I find myself very much in agreement with it.