Soul man
- Jan 26, 2017
- 479
- 361
All of Paul’s epistles are an uncompromising protest against any intrusion of the law or any phase of the law into the teaching of the Christ-life. It should be seen from Paul’s life that the simple knowing that Christ was in him by the birthing was not the whole of the truth.
The rest of the truth was locked in the fact that in Christ the believer has a oneness with Christ eternally formed and constantly growing as he learns Christ. The Apostle Paul lived a “Christ-life.” The Christ in him and he were as one, with Christ swallowing him up and being able to come through him clearly as Paul.
Paul definitely emphasizes the fact that this growth of union into Christ cannot be attained to or even understood as long as the mind is given to the idea that something the believer does makes him what God intended he be.
This comes not by the believer’s doing but by the believer’s knowing that the Christ in him is the “do-er” and is the keeper of the law, as well as the activator of the divine nature within the believer- container. It is only in this life that Christ and the believer become free to be God’s purpose in action in the world.
This oneness Paul had with Christ brought forth many glorious understandings which had been hidden previously by the law, and they cannot be made known until Christ becomes the life of the believer. For instance, in Colossians 3:11, Paul says in Christ “there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."
By his coming to the knowledge of union, he shows that there is no longer any historical or previous doctrinal truth, like circumcision, that matters any longer because the Christ within has become all and is in all who are born again.
The rest of the truth was locked in the fact that in Christ the believer has a oneness with Christ eternally formed and constantly growing as he learns Christ. The Apostle Paul lived a “Christ-life.” The Christ in him and he were as one, with Christ swallowing him up and being able to come through him clearly as Paul.
Paul definitely emphasizes the fact that this growth of union into Christ cannot be attained to or even understood as long as the mind is given to the idea that something the believer does makes him what God intended he be.
This comes not by the believer’s doing but by the believer’s knowing that the Christ in him is the “do-er” and is the keeper of the law, as well as the activator of the divine nature within the believer- container. It is only in this life that Christ and the believer become free to be God’s purpose in action in the world.
This oneness Paul had with Christ brought forth many glorious understandings which had been hidden previously by the law, and they cannot be made known until Christ becomes the life of the believer. For instance, in Colossians 3:11, Paul says in Christ “there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."
By his coming to the knowledge of union, he shows that there is no longer any historical or previous doctrinal truth, like circumcision, that matters any longer because the Christ within has become all and is in all who are born again.