Israel, the Jews and the Church
Hi friends,
What does the Word of God reveal to us about Israel, the Jews and the Church of Jesus Christ?
First of all, Israel is the name, God gave to the progenitor of the twelve tribes, Jacob [Gen.32:28]. Although his son, Joseph fathered two of them, Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob claimed them as his own. Gen.48:5.
One of the twelve tribes known as Judah, from whose lineage Jesus is traced, is also considered the tribe from which the Jews originated. However, such a concept is in error as Judah had thirteen other brothers who must be just as Jewish as he. Therefore, we will recognize in this discussion, Israel to be Jewish as a whole.
The second point is, since Jesus recognized and directed His ministry, to all twelve tribes of Israel in His first advent, it is understood there were no 'ten lost tribes of Israel' at that time. Mt.15:24 and all the refugees from the ten tribes of Israel, 2 Chr.11:16, who moved to Judah [A remnant].
Third, and as seen above, Jesus ministry was to Israel, not to the Gentiles, Mt.15:24. However, it is equally clear, His ministry was fully dual purposed, as those whom He selected as disciples and everyone who heard His ministry and believed in Him became the foundation and beginning of His Church. Alll of whom were Iraelites [Jewish].
Fourth, Jesus revealed to us in Jn.10:14-16 the following: "I am the good Shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me - just as the Father knows me and I know the Father - and I lay down my life for my sheep. I have other sheep [His Church, consisting of all who believe in Him] that are not of this sheep pen [Israel, the Jews, who are the major focus of His ministry. Mt.10:5 and 15:24]. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and [He prophecies] there will be one flock and one Shepherd." [Parenthetics mine].
What did Jesus mean by that? He is ministering to His FIRST ELECT, Israel [Isa.42:1; 45:4; 65:9, 22; and Mt.24:22, 24], and referring to His SECOND ELECT, His Church, consisting of all who believe in Him, of all nations, peoples and languages [Rom.8:32-33; Col.3:12; 1 Thes.1:3-4; 1 Pet.1:2, 2:6 and 2 Pet.1:9-1 .
Fifth, as it can be seen, Jesus has the two sheep folds He referred to in Jn.10:16. He prophecied they were going to be ONE FOLD. Unfortunately, that prophecy was to take a very long time before it could be fulfilled. The reason for that, was that Israel [The Jews] rejected Jesus as their own Messiah and had Him put to death, nearly 2,000 years ago. But all those who believed in Him - founded His Church and the division of unbelieving Israel and the Church began immediately at that time.
Sixth, so now there is a big division between Israel [Elect #1] and all those who believe in Jesus Christ, His Church [Elect#2]. So when and how are they going to become one sheep fold with only one Shepherd, and but one ELECT?
Jesus said, "But many that are first [Israel] shall be last, and the last [The Church] shall be first." Mt.19:30. As briefly as possible, God reveals through the prophet Daniel, in 9:24-27, His decree upon the final history of Israel as a nation, in which the final seven years, or the 70th and last 'week' of the prophecy, records the entry of the antichrist on the scene, who triggers the tribulation that Israel is destined to go through. Also called 'Jacob's Trouble,' in Jer.30:7.
Meanwhile, Jesus revealed to us where all who belong to Him [The Church] are going in His prophecy of Jn.14:1-4 and 28. "Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there may you be also. And where I go, you know, and the way you know." Jn.14:1-4.
"You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me you would be glad THAT I AM GOING TO THE FATHER [In heaven]. For the Father is greater than I." Jn.14:28.
In 1 Thes.4:14-18, the apostle Paul confirms and reinforces Jesus promise that He is returning for all who believe in Him, and is going to take us all with Him to be with the Father in heaven. He said, "According to the Lord's own word..." [Vs 15 NIV], "...we will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air." [Vs 17 NIV].
Then the apostle Paul reveals precisely when Jesus will be returning for all of us who belong to Him, His Church. He said, the departure must come first, i.e., we must be caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds of the air - and taken out of the way - before the antichrist is revealed and the seven years of tribulation begin. 2 Thes.2:3-8, which is the exact same timing as in Daniel's prophecy in 9:27, and what Jesus referred to in Mt.24:15.
Seventh, we have seen that unbelieving Israel must go through the tribulation, while all of us who belong to Jesus, His Church, are caught up in the clouds to meet Him in the air, before the antichrist is revealed and the seven year tribulation begins. None of which has yet happened yet.
As Paul wrote in 1 Thes.1:10, and Jesus in Rev.3:10, all of us who belong to Jesus are assured of not going through the tribulation. And as Jesus revealed in Rev.4:1-2, the apostle John is called up into heaven by the voice that sounds like a trumpet - to symbolically represent the Church being called into heaven before the tribulation begins, and that it will be in heaven - until it is nearly over. The Bride [The Church] and the Lamb [Jesus] are prepared for the wedding in heaven, in
Eighth, is the time Jesus returns in His Second Coming to the earth, with all of us who believe in Him [The saints/Church, His 2nd Elect], riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean - in His armies from heaven. Rev.19:14, Zech.14:4-5 and Jude 14-15.
Jesus 1st Elect, Israel, finally recognize their Messiah and will then become believers in who and what He said He is. Zec.12:10. A great deal of mourning goes on as Jesus stated there would be in Mt.24:30. Zech.12:11-13.
Jesus comes to save Israel [His 1st Elect] from being destroyed, and ends the battle of Armageddon, defeating the antichrist, the false prophet and their armies out of the ten nation confederation. The antichrist and false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire. Rev.19:20.
Ninth, and before Jesus can bring undivided peace and serenity to the remnant of the earth population, Satan is caught, thrown into the Abyss and sealed in for 1,000 years. Rev.20:1-3.
The first resurrection takes place of all those who will be saved during the tribulation. They have all paid with their lives in order to make their decision for Jesus Christ and to live with Him forever. Rev.20:4-6. [Please note: The Church is not among this group at all].
Tenth, and the very time that Jesus prophecy in Jn.10:16 will finally be fulfilled. The 1st Elect, Israel finally recognized their own Messiah and are believers in Him. And as the apostle Paul wrote in Rom.11:26, "And so all Israel will be saved." This is the remnant of all Israel who will be saved.
All the martyrs who come out of the tribulation, who are to be saved, join with Israel - and both of them join with Jesus 2nd Elect, the Church - AND THE TWO SHEEP FOLDS BECOME ONE, WITH ONE SHEPHERD, AND ALSO BUT ONE ELECT.
"They shall be called priests of God and of Christ and rule with Him for 1,000 years." Rev.20:6.
In His love.