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Growth Christian Liberty Poem


Christian Liberty

(Galatians 5)

Of this I have total assurance:

That from sin I have been set free,

And as a result, I am called by Christ

To stand fast in the liberty

By which He has made me free.

(v. 1)

This liberty is not to be used

For leisurely habits of sin;

This liberty is a vocation

That comes from the Spirit within,

To service and discipline.

(v. 13)

"Stand fast" is a call to action

To leave lusts of the flesh unfulfilled

And to serve one another in love

As the Spirit of God has willed

For in love all the law is fulfilled.

(v. 14)

When I do what the Spirit wills me

And I go where the Spirit leads,

I am not subject to the works of the law

But I do what my Father pleads,

And my faith is made perfect with deeds.

(v. 18, James 2:22)