Elaborate on the highlighted area if you would please?
Where can I start? There's so much. Starting with the holidays: Christmas, Easter Advent, Lent, not from the bible. Also, the weekly Sabbath has been changed to Sunday.
They have Christ in the grave only from Friday night until pre-dawn Sunday morning in which even a child knows to ask why that's not 3 days and 3 nights.
Regarding man, they teach an immortal soul, rather than the soul that sins will die.
Most churches teach very little about eschatology, but rather the whole theology is about getting saved, dying, and then going to heaven while the earth remains unchanged. Indeed, they say they believe in the resurrection later but how can one "go to heaven" now when they weren't even resurrected yet? Likewise, the judgement is taught like it's a personal thing at the time of death. They talk about "souls in hell" when indeed nobody's been judged yet for the lake of fire. There are several judgements in the time of the end, but the crux of what I am saying is that the teaching is that people are judged when they die and each to their own abode at that time.
They don't know Judah from Israel. God's two nations of people are still separated until the time of the end specified in Ezekiel 37. Most prophecy to Israel is not to the Jew, thus when it's applied to the Jew, confusion results.
I can go on and on, but those are some of the things that come to mind.