Christmas Cheer

Today I got finished cooking for a couple of days...had to take the day off to finish.

I got 8 different types of cookies and 6 different types of candy...

All scratch...and absolutely great.
And I'm exhausted and excited about sharing them tomorrow at the party. The turtles turned out did the chocolate-cherry cookies.
My wife liked the shortbread with apricot centers more than the ones with blackberry.

Next week....three parties with cookies and one with gingerbread houses (my favorite)

I think that I'm needing some egg nog...a really stiff one.
The cookie list for this year will be
Toll House
Various shortbreads (checkerboards and sandwich)
Chocolate white chocolate chips
Chocolate mint chips
Chocolate cherry (white chocolate chips) or orange.
Peanut butter

Christie's ain't got a chance next to me.

You must have a large household or else expecting much company to eat all of the above. Looks like a fun time if you enjoy being in the kitchen. Love it!
You must have a large household or else expecting much company to eat all of the above. Looks like a fun time if you enjoy being in the kitchen. Love it!
Actually I just have an apartment. I rarely have company over...but I do visit others...a lot.

I got the major Christmas party tonight. For them 8 kinds of cookies and 6 kinds of candy.
Home baked goodness can't be beat... especially at a time of year that is all about hearth and home.
Well the big party tonight for my Sunday School class went off well.
Everyone went home with cookies and candy. They each "discovered" some favorites among the variety and went home with them. Some left with several bags of cookies and candies.
Always interesting to see what flavor profiles people have.

Some were shy but the long standing members told them not to be that I do this every year...they are welcome to take all they want.

And they did...they got most of the cookies. This year the favorites broke out slightly different than previous years...but I had the numbers pretty close to right. Shoulda had a few more turtles...but dang those took time to make. But they were number one this year and disappeared first. Soooo...
Maybe a few more next year.

But... again it was a great party tonight. Now it's time for bed. I'm exhausted and I got church in the morning.
I was just wondering for all those who include the tradition of Santa Claus what do you think about parents who actually follow through with the threat of coal for Christmas? (I personally think that it's mean unless it's a prank or candy coal,.. or if they truly have been naughty children have "Santa" send them a letter giving them a chance to make up for their naughty behavior. :neutral)

Well the big party tonight for my Sunday School class went off well.
Everyone went home with cookies and candy. They each "discovered" some favorites among the variety and went home with them. Some left with several bags of cookies and candies.
Always interesting to see what flavor profiles people have.

Some were shy but the long standing members told them not to be that I do this every year...they are welcome to take all they want.

And they did...they got most of the cookies. This year the favorites broke out slightly different than previous years...but I had the numbers pretty close to right. Shoulda had a few more turtles...but dang those took time to make. But they were number one this year and disappeared first. Soooo...
Maybe a few more next year.

But... again it was a great party tonight. Now it's time for bed. I'm exhausted and I got church in the morning.
I like the sound of all these cookies and candies. What are turtles? Do you mean you did them in the shape of a turtle? :smile
I like the sound of all these cookies and candies. What are turtles? Do you mean you did them in the shape of a turtle? :)
Caramel covered pecans covered in chocolate.
So for here in Tennessee the last party is tonight.

8 different kinds of cookies
6 different types of chocolate truffles and candies

Two different dinners (tonight is potato soup with rye)

And a complete gingerbread neighborhood of tract homes. The children are super excited about the gingerbread houses tonight.

Tomorrow it starts all over again but this time in Georgia. Three or four parties there and lots of cooking and hearth stuff. Breads, cookies, truffles, and dinner stuff.

I got laid off from my job Friday...
(Kinda quit too)
They were begging for me to be available after New year's... LOL.

We shall see when I get back. I still need a few days to buy a truck and get my kitchen back in order when I get home.


I need a vacation from the holidays.
But what a BLAST!
The kids and parents had a great time tonight with all the candy and frosting.
Difficult to tell who had more fun kids or parents...

But that's why we do this.

The fun isn't so much on Christmas Day...but in all the things that we do as families to prepare for Christmas...that's the real fun of Christmas which creates smiles and memories that will last a lifetime. Stuff under the tree? You're doing really well if you can remember what you got for Christmas by Valentine's fact you would be one of a very select few... maybe one out of a thousand.

But the thing you really remember are all the preparations for the holiday... decorating the tree, putting up lights and wreaths, baking treats in the times.

Since my child is grown I borrow friends children. I know it's strange but Christmas grants me license to commit senseless acts of kindness.