It Has Begun

Brookstone cherry, and now the almond joys are done.
Running low on chocolate.
Guess I am making more than last year.
11pounds was enough...not this year though.

But...I just knocked out another 200 PC's.

Next year I'm going to have to get 2 5kg bricks of chocolate.
Got another brick of chocolate on the way...
In the meantime...
Today as soon as I got in the door from work I knocked out 4 batches of toll House cookies for a total of 80 baked off...more to go soon as dinner is over I'll try to get at least two more batches out.
Then tomorrow I'll start on the chocolate, white chocolate chip and mint chip and cherry.
Wednesday night is TSO.
Thursday hammer and tongs...shortbread varieties, oatmeal, and gingerbread.
Umm,.. hey I just made a song dedication for you over at my Christmas party thread. :)
Only another 6 batches of cookies baked tonight...I was wanting 8...just didn't happen.

Chocolate cherry white chocolate chip, white chocolate chip, and mint chip.

We live in hope we will get it all done.
Hey aren't you going to the TSO concert tonight? If so I hope you have a GREAT time!! :biggrin

Had a great really have to see them in person to understand the music.

Watching my wife (who had never been to a rock concert) afterwards was priceless.

But last Saturday went off without a hitch.
12 different candies; 8 different cookies.
They loved them all....all of them are unique to me and my creation. You can't buy these anywhere. (Many of them would like to)

People honed in on something they would try...and then couldn't get enough. One guy tasted one of everything. LOL

But it was a great success. My wife was shocked by how much candy they ate. I wasn't...not my first rodeo.

This weekend coming up we have a gingerbread neighborhood to decorate and I'm gonna get some chickens from the boneless chicken ranch to roast up for dinner.
The kids are used to ain't Christmas until "Uncle John" comes over with the gingerbread houses.

The little boys and girls love this stuff...hey!
Candy and frosting are big doings when you are that age.
The area formerly occupied by candy and cookies is now covered in gingerbread house parts. 4 batches of gingerbread dough.

Tonight I'll glue them all together using royal icing.
Then... looking for dinner for Saturday night.

Good times!
Up to this point...
35# of All purpose flour
10# of various sugars
10# of oranges (i use the peels too)
5# of dried cherries
2# of flaked coconut
2# of almonds
4# of pecans
1 gallon of heavy cream
1 turkey
3 loaves of bread
14# of fine chocolate (not including chips for cookies)
15# of butter
4 chickens
All gone....given away...

Soon I'll be on the home stretch...just some caramel, white chocolate, dark chocolate and a few other things like raspberry star bread and oatmeal raisin cookies to go.

I still feel like dirt from the flu...but there's only a couple of things left to do.

And a New Year's party to attend.
Up to this point...
35# of All purpose flour
10# of various sugars
10# of oranges (i use the peels too)
5# of dried cherries
2# of flaked coconut
2# of almonds
4# of pecans
1 gallon of heavy cream
1 turkey
3 loaves of bread
14# of fine chocolate (not including chips for cookies)
15# of butter
4 chickens
All gone....given away...

Soon I'll be on the home stretch...just some caramel, white chocolate, dark chocolate and a few other things like raspberry star bread and oatmeal raisin cookies to go.

I still feel like dirt from the flu...but there's only a couple of things left to do.

And a New Year's party to attend.

I really hope that you feel better in time for Christmas and that my sense of humor at least cheered you up a bit. :) It's sort of funny that instead of scolding me for it you laughed right along with that other member of the donkey joke I made. :lol Turns out that donkeys and mules aren't the same thing and I didn't even find that out until today as a donkey's a donkey and a mule is a cross between and a horse and a donkey. I've been using the two words interchangeably for years, go figure! :shrug
I really hope that you feel better in time for Christmas and that my sense of humor at least cheered you up a bit. :) It's sort of funny that instead of scolding me for it you laughed right along with that other member of the donkey joke I made. :lol Turns out that donkeys and mules aren't the same thing and I didn't even find that out until today as a donkey's a donkey and a mule is a cross between and a horse and a donkey. I've been using the two words interchangeably for years, go figure! :shrug
Generally speaking,
A mule is a lot larger than a donkey. And generally has more of a docile temperament than a horse...
Horses are mean. Donkeys and mules are just stubborn about moving.
Generally speaking,
A mule is a lot larger than a donkey. And generally has more of a docile temperament than a horse...
Horses are mean. Donkeys and mules are just stubborn about moving.

Hey! Horses aren't mean! :hips
Hey! Horses aren't mean! :hips
As a teenager I had a lot of experience with a lot of horses... cutting, barrel racing, roping and pack. Lots of Appaloosas but just mostly lots. Idaho held a lot of cowgirls and cowboys who worked farms, fields and livestock. I didn't get near quarter horses but I heard that they were usually the meanest. (High strung)

Horses are mean.
As a teenager I had a lot of experience with a lot of horses... cutting, barrel racing, roping and pack. Lots of Appaloosas but just mostly lots. Idaho held a lot of cowgirls and cowboys who worked farms, fields and livestock. I didn't get near quarter horses but I heard that they were usually the meanest. (High strung)

Horses are mean.

Okay,.. maybe some horses are mean but I never met a mean horse and I've never fallen off one either. There are mean dogs, cats, and even people, but that doesn't mean that they're all mean.
Well all of the Christmas decorations have been up for like a week now and today I got all of my presents wrapped. (the kitty decided that she wanted to help too lol!) I only open a couple of presents on Christmas because I'm having my big celebration a few days later when my brother and niece come over to stay at our house for the week. So I'm waiting to open the rest of my gifts with the family. :) Christmas Eve is when I'll bake the Christmas cookies. :biggrin2
The kids are working on cookies...
We killed the Pepperidge farm (hickory farms for east coast) gift box. Now time to make cookies for Santa.
It's almost over.... ?
I'm still sick. My ears are popping from congestion. I'm exhausted beyond belief. I need a vacation from my vacation.

Oh well...there's always next year. ?
Hehe, I don't mean to rub it in, but my Christmas has barely even begun. :wink
Hehe, I don't mean to rub it in, but my Christmas has barely even begun. :wink
I just got a couple more gifts to give out.
No more treats though unfortunately.

It will end this weekend at some point... likely when my son comes over.

But...I'm tired and trying to get over this flu so I can start on my New Year's resolutions.... after that party.
I just got a couple more gifts to give out.
No more treats though unfortunately.

It will end this weekend at some point... likely when my son comes over.

But...I'm tired and trying to get over this flu so I can start on my New Year's resolutions.... after that party.

Yeah good idea start thinking of some because I'm going to be asking everybody on here after Christmas. :)