Some of us are SO blessed by being able to give to others~ even if it is only something small. . .
I agree with you Jason, that we ought not "borrow" to buy gifts. Poor stewardship is not a good witness of our Lord.
However~ I use a portion of my school loans each year for Christmas presents... This is the only way I may purchase these extra items... My BEST reason to explain this behavior is to say I simply am filled with joy~ just thinking about giving... :D I pay all the interest on my loans, and will be paying off the loans while I am employed after I graduate. :nod
Just today, I bought an inexpensive drum and musical instrument set for a grandson who is almost two... He BANGS on everything~ and I will likely be sorry when the noise assails me and I trip over a few of the pieces. I live upstairs. :toofunny
So~ I buy a few special things for my grand children, and this year I get to put together a gift for the kids of prison inmates. The idea makes me GRIN like a fool, what can I say? And I guess it will cost me later, but I believe it will always be worth whatever fee. Those I may give to today ~ are affected by the love that is made tangible in my little presents given to them... :yes
Of course~ gifts may be given at ANY time of year... However~ Christmas is special I think, because I happen to remember being poor and not getting any presents... :verysad
Gifts are a beautiful way to reveal the Love of God ~ don't ya think? He is after~all the Greatest Giver of us all! :
I put the tree and the christmas lights up, although this year I didnt because I have a puppy. I see no wrong in doing it nor does my conscience convict me. If your conscience convicts you then you should not do it, but for me I love having the tree up once a year with white lights on it while I read my bible. It really feels cozy and peaceful.
I am so glad to see that this forum is not filled with a bunch of legalists. I agree, Christmas is between you and the Lord. And it is also a matter of what it means to YOU and your FAMILY, not what department stores make out of it. My first Christmas after being saved was one of the best experiences of my life. My heart just overflowed with joy for the love of my Lord and it is still a very special time for me.
If someone doesn't want to celebrate it because of its pagan origins, I am not going to judge them. Again, it is between them and the Lord. I just don't think they should judge us either.
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