I guess it depends on what the vote is for. At the church I attend the members will vote for a new pastor (when the old one has moved on to a different church). I agree with that, but for other things such as how money is to be spent then I think it is best left to the church leaders because they are more aware of where it needs to be spent, most of the time anyway.
For things like the color of the Harvest Festival napkins, Democratic. For everything else, non-Democratic. I used to think it good to run a church like a Democracy, but now I think it better for it to be run in more of an employer/ employee kind of relationship. Like a home and marriage is to be run.
Church leaders need to be in total submission of what is Gods will for every aspect of His Church as they need to go before the Father in prayer for the decisions they make for the Spiritual betterment of the whole congregation. There are certain aspects that include congregation participation and then other aspects that only need to be taken care of by the leaders.
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