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Climate Change


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International climate scientists are more certain than ever that humans are responsible for global warming, rising sea levels and extreme weather events, according to a leaked draft report by an influential panel of experts.

The early draft, which is still subject to change before a final version is released in late 2013, showed that a rise in global average temperatures since pre-industrial times was set to exceed 2 degrees Celsius by 2100, and may reach 4.8 Celsius.

"It is extremely likely that human activities have caused more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperatures since the 1950s," the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) draft report said.
There may be some truth to this, but it's not the whole story.

Scripture says that in the last days there will be extreme weather conditions and disasters.

Scripture also indicates the deceitfulness of the human heart and the frequent lack of frankness of those in authority. So if there is another agenda also (such as politicians wanting to keep putting up taxes, etc.), one can hardly expect all of them to be frank about their intention, but rather also they are likely to use words and claimed reasons for it, put in a way that will appeal to - or, indeed, scare - people.

So there may be some truth to what experts say. But it is likely not to be the whole truth. There may even be some element of falsehood also. The assumption also that world temperatures have been static for thousands of years, is not sound, either, so of course there will be evidence of some changes.

For example, a few years ago, the politicians kept talking about global warming. (Except that enough experts came up with data to show that, actually, this wasn't necessarily happening; rather, instead of warming, there was cooling, as well.) So the politicians had to come up with something else to use, to justify tax and spend. This was 'climate change'.
Anthropomorphic global warming is rather like a religion. Many people believe in it without understanding the evidence at all.

We are near the top of a 100,000 cycle but for some reason, the temperature has held back for the last 10,000 years. The fact that it may now simply be returning to its normal cycle can not be denied or ignored. The temperature and the CO2 has been higher than this without mankind even existing.

As for CO2 being the driver - what about the other 99% of greenhouse gases in the temperate zones?
The whole idea of climate change is man's arrogant attempt at explaining that we would be able to affect, in any significant way, something so powerful as the climate of this planet. The earth has been going through warming and cooling trends since it was created. This is just the nature of its position within the solar system and the fact that it is tilted on its axis, and that its path around the sun isn't exactly completely circular, it is actually an oval, which means there are times in its revolutions around the sun that we will be getting more heat than at other times. The planet was designed to balance itself out. Man has nothing to do with it.
Scripture says that in the last days there will be extreme weather conditions
and disasters.

Dan 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding

Dan 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding

In Matthew 24.7; Luke 21.11.

Current conditions don't completely fulfill these verses, however; the Lord has not yet returned for His church; but such conditions as exist are an example of what things are going to be like in a more severe way, after the church has gone.
For lnation shall rise against nation, and mkingdom against kingdom: and there shall be nfamines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
a dispensational stretch :)
For lnation shall rise against nation, and mkingdom against kingdom: and there shall be nfamines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
a dispensational stretch :)

What I meant by the term was that while some of these things may be happening, the church is still here.
I remember when Mt St. Helens erupted we were told that it did more to put out climate changing emissions since all of the last thousands years put together. Yet they are still saying it is mostly man's fault? Perhaps it is more politics than fact.
There's more money to be gained by saying it's man's fault for global warning. From grants for further studies to additional taxes, the promotion of man-made global warming is profitable.
CO2 may not be the contributing factor. CO2 might be a red herring - simply because CO2 can be taxed. Other realistic causes could be good old fashioned pollutions and industrial waste, logging and drilling. Man could still be contributing in a great way toward climate change, it just may be in ways other than CO2.
CO2 may not be the contributing factor. CO2 might be a red herring - simply because CO2 can be taxed. Other realistic causes could be good old fashioned pollutions and industrial waste, logging and drilling. Man could still be contributing in a great way toward climate change, it just may be in ways other than CO2.

I agree. Because water vapor is the biggest greenhouse gas by a factor of thousands, I fear that irrigation may well be part of the cause. It is well esablished that irrigation cools the immediate area by evaporation. That heat, which is taken away from the ground, is transferred to the atmosphere when the water vapor eventually condenses into droplets - cloud.

Many an evening I have sat on my hill with a bottle of 2 Buck Chuck looking out over the California deserts watching clouds form downwind of irrigated farmland as the evening temperature drops. That cloud then acts as a blanket, keeping the desert warm at night. In the morning sun, the cloud evaporates and the desert heating begins all over again but from a higher starting point than nature intended. If it weren't for that 'wrong' cloud cover, the desert heat would, to a small extent, radiate away at night. Thus irrigation warms the planet? :chin
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Anthropomorphic global warming is rather like a religion. Many people believe in it without understanding the evidence at all.

We are near the top of a 100,000 cycle but for some reason, the temperature has held back for the last 10,000 years. The fact that it may now simply be returning to its normal cycle can not be denied or ignored. The temperature and the CO2 has been higher than this without mankind even existing.

As for CO2 being the driver - what about the other 99% of greenhouse gases in the temperate zones?

Mr. Aardverk, I like your post.
It's great that you can tell us what happened 100,000 years ago and 10,000 years ago.
Because you have the faith to believe what these scientists are telling you.
In ten years from now when they change their "truth" to something else, you will continue to believe them because you have the faith to believe them.
Since you have faith, you prove that you could believe in God and the Bible if you choose to.
Don't you think the unchangable truth of God is of more value than the constant changing "truth" of these scientists?
Mr. Aardverk, I like your post.
It's great that you can tell us what happened 100,000 years ago and 10,000 years ago.
Because you have the faith to believe what these scientists are telling you.
In ten years from now when they change their "truth" to something else, you will continue to believe them because you have the faith to believe them.
Since you have faith, you prove that you could believe in God and the Bible if you choose to.
Don't you think the unchangable truth of God is of more value than the constant changing "truth" of these scientists?

I'm not sure from your comment if you are aware that there are several deep ice cores, the best known being in lake Vostok. Each year can be seen separately like tree rings. The ice in each year can be analysed to check for CO2, MH4, dust etc and the temperature assessed by Oxygen isotopes. There is obviously some room for error. Along with that there is ocean sediment with Benthic Forans which can also be analysed and 'miraculously' give extremely similar results.

Science is indeed sprinkled with wrong assumptions, much the same as many religions are. The difference is that men of science are trying to learn more all the time.
Deep ice cores, tree rings, oxygen isotopes, benthic forans.
My oh my, I am impressed.
Tell me, will I be getting any rain today?
I agree. Because water vapor is the biggest greenhouse gas by a factor of thousands, I fear that irrigation may well be part of the cause. It is well esablished that irrigation cools the immediate area by evaporation. That heat, which is taken away from the ground, is transferred to the atmosphere when the water vapor eventually condenses into droplets - cloud.

Many an evening I have sat on my hill with a bottle of 2 Buck Chuck looking out over the California deserts watching clouds form downwind of irrigated farmland as the evening temperature drops. That cloud then acts as a blanket, keeping the desert warm at night. In the morning sun, the cloud evaporates and the desert heating begins all over again but from a higher starting point than nature intended. If it weren't for that 'wrong' cloud cover, the desert heat would, to a small extent, radiate away at night. Thus irrigation warms the planet? :chin

Sounds beautiful where you are.

I did a little science experiment to test the heat conductivity in different types of liquids in order to mimic pollution/conductivity. To see if the oceans and rivers, by association, could absorb core heat faster if there were pollutants in the water. It turned out that pollutants had greater heat conductivity than fresh water or sea water. I personally wondered if that could also be contributing to faster evaporation patterns, more warmth, more rain, etc etc. My hypothesis will never get anywhere, because the world's scientists only analyze what they are funded to analyze. That's another reason why science is sometimes not too objective.
Deep ice cores, tree rings, oxygen isotopes, benthic forans.
My oh my, I am impressed.
Tell me, will I be getting any rain today?
No, you should have some very pleasant weather for a few days at least.

Or was that sarcasm? The lowest form of wit?
...............My hypothesis will never get anywhere, because the world's scientists only analyze what they are funded to analyze. That's another reason why science is sometimes not too objective.

You are absolutely right. Money corrupts!
2.5: Respect each others' opinions. Address issues, not persons or personalities. Give other members the respect you would want them to give yourself. Forums Staff


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