me, yet again. I'll do my best to -not- turn this place into a play-by-play of my daily life, I promise. Its just...
I -am- blessed and I -am- increasingly appreciative. Even though I was...well, wretched, in a big, big way...before Jesus saved (is saving, I pray will save...) me, my parents are now (gasp...) warming up to me, kind to me, genuinely concerned about and gentle towards me, etc. I think w/ my dad the big deal is...a) he needs me to grow up and be more autonomous and b) he needs me to just move forward, which lines up with Scripture's message of putting aside what is behind, taking up one's plow, etc. And...
my mama.
at times, I think she may have been the -1- human being who held out real hope. There wasn't any, really, not by worldly means, but...The Lord made (I pray is making...will make...) a way, and I'm thankful. There was a lot of genuine hurt there in both sides, because I had an incredibly rough teenage period, then I went crazy insane at college, and...and...
yeah. There ya go. So, now I'm healthy, surprisingly intelligent, increasingly whole and even--surprise, surprise--"normal," in ways that matter...I mean, since I don't want to go to a group home or vegetate on mega-dose tranquilizers 24/7.
I don't think a j-o-b is in the works, I really don't. Its a lot of things. I'll soon be 34. I've been unemployed for a long stretch. Disability is a more or less sure fire way to at least ease the burden on my parents...a j-o-b, in my situation, would nix disability and, if the job fell thru, either they'd pick up the slack, or...((shudder)). Its --America--, 21st century edition.
writing? very few people (as a % of those who write...or so I've read, anyway) make mega-$$$ writing, but if I could make something...well, then...something is better than nothing. Indeed. Books on severe mental illness and such wax and wane in popularity, so there's market issues to consider, blah blah blah...
but if i can figure out a way to mesh writing with both making madness -personal- (we are, in fact, real people) and also write in such a way as to put madness and such in the larger social context (no man is an island, etc.), then that'd be a major coup for this dude.
ok. yes...$50...good times.
seriously, I'm quite, quite, quite thankful. When I showered and got over to Aldi, the tab came to just slightly under...$50. For me, that=a good bit of quality food, plus a couple indulgent items. God is good!
alrighty, then...I'll wrap this up about...--now--.