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Compromise/Modification of Likes/Dislikes


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Hey Everybody:

Do you think it is a Good Idea for the Current Church (believers on earth) to modify, change, and compromise some of their likes and dislikes to be more harmonious with the entire Body of Christ (all other believers)?

I think that in order for us believers to not offend members of the Church, there must be a: "one size fits all", "family friendliness", "acceptable to all", and "good for everyone" values and principle to be followed.

For we are One Body in Christ and meant to be compatible with each other and every single member.

For in Heaven there will be no division and conflict and separation but oneness and unity and harmony.

Why not Start NOW then Wait til heaven to pursue Unity, Togetherness, and Love.

For Every Single life matters because God created everyone.

We have no way of proving who is Saved and Not. For we only have Conviction and Evidence.

The Deep Sinner can Repent. We should treat everybody as people that matter because the ones we think will be cut off from God may actually repent and receive salvation.

Blessings and have a good night - Iggy
think that in order for us believers to not offend members of the Church, there must be a: "one size fits all", "family friendliness", "acceptable to all", and "good for everyone" values and principle to be followed.

For we are One Body in Christ and meant to be compatible with each other and every single member.

We are individuals with often very different views, look at how many brands of Christian Church there are.
I see no need to modify ones beliefs just because some people don't agree with them.
That said I am referring to the multitude of secondary issues that are often blown up in major mountains.
Things like Sunday worship, baptism, how to celebrate communion, or is it the Lords Supper, should we sing with a music group or only use holy instruments etc etc.

Where we do need to keep control over our views is if we join a church that teaches say a version of the second coming that one doesn't believe. Then for the sake of unity one keeps quite.
We are as Paul put it to remember the weaker vessels and not ruin their faith.
Hey All,
But one size doesn't fit all SuporterOfCristo. If you are protestant, you are the result of change. The Catholic Church was the church for the first 1400 years.
Then two important events occured that changed everything. Gutenberg invented the printing press, and people (the masses, not just the elite) learned how to read.
This led to Martin Luther's "95Theses" that contained two main truths.
1. The Bible, not the church, is our religious authority. (It should govern our actions instead of the church.)
2. People aquire salvation only by faith, and not by works.

That is what started the whole protestant movement. I don't think we are going back to one church. Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
At Who Me: I think it may be important to modify or likes and dislikes because altogether every christian belongs to the same family and same body. I believe unity is a good thing and should be pursued. Having different likes/dislikes may offend others in certain areas. We may not achieve one church before the second coming. But I think having commonalities with one another and accepting each other is a good thing. Like knowing that in spite of having differences we belong to the same God and are saved by the same Jesus.
I believe unity is a good thing and should be pursued.

I agree that unity in Christ is a vital part of Christianity.

But that does not mean I have to accept that infant baptism is right or that another sports team is the best or that chilli is repulsive.

As a Christian I am united with every believer in Jesus.
I don't have to accept everyone's views on church government or there views on politics, sport, music and food etc etc

There is unity and there is conformity don't mix them up.
Jesus knows who are his.
Hey All,
Some would even say infant baptism is ineffective on the child because the infant has not made a conscious personal decision, to Who Me's point. But people are allowed leeway when the Bible is silent on a subject. To be a believer, some core beliefs must be maintained. Jesus is God in human flesh, lived, died, and resurrected for the forgiveness of our sins is number one. The apostle's doctrine is another good place to start. Sola Scriptura for protestants is another. But even there, it isn't for Catholics as they believe the Pope can speak for God. Only God can fix this. Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
Hey Everybody:

Do you think it is a Good Idea for the Current Church (believers on earth) to modify, change, and compromise some of their likes and dislikes to be more harmonious with the entire Body of Christ (all other believers)?
Hello SupporterOfCristo, many of us tend to "major in the minors" (so to speak) at times by focusing most of our attention on a certain aspect (or aspects) of the faith that, in the end, do not have true, eternal consequences. These are matters that we can try to find common ground on and, if nothing else, at least agree to disagree about.

However, there are also primary matters of the faith/truth/morals/etc., that we must not compromise on (or even agree to disagree about) for the (eternal) sake of others, as well, for the honor and glory of God. The church (in the here and now) is referred to as the "church militant" because we are in a never-ending battle (until the end of the age) against sin and for the truth (and much of that battle happens within the church itself).

What we need to make sure of (in our standing for the truth) is that it is the truth, alone, that others find offensive, never us .. e.g. Matthew 7:12; 1 Corinthians 13:1, 4-8; 1 Peter 3:15 cf Ephesians 4:15; Galatians 6:9-10; Philippians 2:3-4, but stand we must, yes?

I think that in order for us believers to not offend members of the Church, there must be a: "one size fits all", "family friendliness", "acceptable to all", and "good for everyone" values and principle to be followed.
There is already quite a bit of that (godly values and principles that all, or at least most, agree upon), but (again) we cannot compromise in the essentials (the truth) for the sake of a kind of temporary harmony with each other in this world.

For we are One Body in Christ and meant to be compatible with each other and every single member.
For in Heaven there will be no division and conflict and separation but oneness and unity and harmony.
And it is to that end (at least in part) that He is sanctifying us. What you are proposing is an earthly/utopian ideal that will only be fully realized in the Church Triumphant in the next age, not in the Church Militant of this age.

Of course, it never hurts to work towards such an end (meaning in the here and now), but not if truth is what ends up being placed on the chopping block to do so.

Why not Start NOW then Wait til heaven to pursue Unity, Togetherness, and Love.
As the Lord told us through the pen of the Apostle Paul,

1 Corinthians 13
6 Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.
Our unity, togetherness and love for one another can only be found there (in Christ and in His truth), never in compromise (of such essentials).

For Every Single life matters because God created everyone.
We have no way of proving who is Saved and Not. For we only have Conviction and Evidence.
The Deep Sinner can Repent. We should treat everybody as people that matter because the ones we think will be cut off from God may actually repent and receive salvation.
I agree with all of that, and more, but if others ~truly~ matter to us, then the truth must never be compromised for the sake of harmony and togetherness in this world, as this world is but a breath, yes!

That said, the Lord tells us how we are to treat others, all others, e.g. "However you want others to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:12). Just think how much more unity and togetherness there would be among us if everyone in the church simply obeyed that command (and others like it) 🙂

God bless you!!


Matthew 7
12 However you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
1 Corinthians 13
1 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
4 Love is patient, love is kind........
6 Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth............
Ephesians 4
15 Speak the truth, in love..........
29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.
James 1
19 Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger;
20 for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.
1 Peter 3
15 Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.
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Hey Everybody:

Do you think it is a Good Idea for the Current Church (believers on earth) to modify, change, and compromise some of their likes and dislikes to be more harmonious with the entire Body of Christ (all other believers)?

I think that in order for us believers to not offend members of the Church, there must be a: "one size fits all", "family friendliness", "acceptable to all", and "good for everyone" values and principle to be followed.

For we are One Body in Christ and meant to be compatible with each other and every single member.

For in Heaven there will be no division and conflict and separation but oneness and unity and harmony.

The unifying "glue" of the Christian faith is Christ, not style of worship, or form of church governance, not cultural heritage, or prophetic perspective. As you pointed out, we are all one in Christ. His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, draws all those in whom he dwells, who are truly God's own, to one another. But the community of truly Spirit-indwelt people has always had false converts in it ("tares among the wheat"), and "wolves in sheeps' clothing," and openly nominal "believers." These all "leaven" the Family of God, dulling it spiritually, and corrupting it, producing much dissension and division. Is it possible to rid the Church entirely of these sources of "leaven"? Not this side of Christ's Return.

We have no way of proving who is Saved and Not. For we only have Conviction and Evidence.

Well, Paul didn't seem to think as you do.

2 Corinthians 13:5-6
5 Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?
6 But I trust that you will realize that we ourselves do not fail the test.

How would any of what Paul wrote here be possible if there is no way of knowing who is and isn't saved? Not only did Paul think a believer could examine himself and know with certainty that he "passed the test," but he could do the same with Paul and know whether or not Paul "passed the test." And so, we have in God's word many criteria spelled out to us by which to discern the genuineness of our salvation (and that of others). The Church in the modern West, though, has been powerfully loathe to make any strong and careful clarifications along these lines, as a result opening wide the Body of Christ, the Church, to those who do not love Christ, which necessarily requires being very soft on sin. This softness, in turn, "leavens" the Church, fostering tribalization within it, rather than Christ-centered unity.


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