satanictemple said:
This quote along with the preceding
satanictemple said:
I believe Satan never "revealed" a written scripture precisely because he does not want to be an in-your-face kind of deity. Rather, He desires that His children come to know Him of their own volition.
doesn't quite make sense from the Biblical perspective of Satan. From the Biblical perspective of Satan he uses those of God's creation that will follow him as pawns and nothing more. He also constantly hurls accusations to God against those who are not his children. Now, I know that you've said you don't fully believe the Biblical account of Satan, but that is the Satan we know. And I would assume that you would join us in our position against such a figure. From your point of view I could not condemn your Satan because I do not know of him. The only Satan I know of is the one depicted in the Bible, and I completely disagree with that Satan. So before we continue our discussion further it might be best to "know our enemy." That goes for you as well as it does for me.
The Satan I know of is beautiful only in appearance, powerful, cunning without wisdom and ultimately proud, insubordinate, vengeful, self-interested, deceptive and quarrelsome.
If you preach a different Satan then I can only say that I have already accepted someone as God and Master. The God I know is beautiful in appearance and deed, proud, deliberate, honest, strict but forgiving, just, merciful, greater in power, self-sacrificing, loving, cunning and wise. Whatever he's asked of others he's followed through with, himself, even to the point of physical death, forsaking family and being betrayed by friends. Though he would be well within his rights to destroy all life that he has created on a whim, he chooses to nourish such a relationship with us so as to allow us to be his bride. All creatures need his consent to do the slightest things and all are answerable to him as their Master, including the angel that is Satan.
In my opinion this spiritual war is not as much a war as it is an example for all who disobey God, for God has at heart what is best for all his creation. If we depart from his will we have done so because we have chosen what is not in our best interest. Consider Adam and Eve. Certainly creation was good, but the moment they sinned they distanced themselves from God's protection by rejecting him. Subsequently they were left to fend for themselves against the elements of this universe, the Adversary (i.e. the literal translation of Satan) and even one-another. Consider this: you are floating out in space in a bubble of divine protection. Once you reject that bubble your well-formed, nourished body will implode, instantly freezing on one side while being broiled to a crisp by radiation on the other side as high speed particles embed themselves into your mangled corpse. There would be nothing intrinsically wrong with such a universe except for the falling away from God's protection.
As the Bible says, God wants those who will worship him in spirit and in truth. I believe he allows us to choose for ourselves whom we will worship and then allows us to experience the consequences or benefits of our actions in this life. Ultimately he will destroy all those who oppose him because such an act is self-destructive and encourages self-destructive tendencies in others, seeing how he is the one who protects and sustains all things.